こばやし耳鼻咽喉科 流山おおたかの森

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact こばやし耳鼻咽喉科 流山おおたかの森

住所 :

Otakanomoriminami, Nagareyama, 〒270-0139 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87998
Webサイト : https://www.kobayashijibika-otakanomori.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–12PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 9AM–12PM
Friday 9AM–12PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Otakanomoriminami, Nagareyama, 〒270-0139 Chiba,Japan
ひろさと on Google

幼少期からアレルギー性鼻炎持ちですが、耳鼻科は総じて待ち時間が長いため、生活に支障が出るくらい具合が悪くなった時のみ通院するようになりました。 こちらの病院は次回の予約が取れない分、初診でもインターネットから当日予約が取れ、順番もインターネットでわかるので、助かります。 逆に待合室は木の椅子で、長時間座ってるのはキツいと思いました。 診療もテキパキとしていて、悪い印象はありませんでした。 あ、薬の説明は少なかったかもしれません。点鼻薬が出るの、処方箋見るまで知りませんでした。 8/20追記 インターネット予約は当日のみだったため初診でも再診の方と同じタイミングで診てもらえるのがメリットでしたが、土曜日はインターネット予約開始時間前に定員に達してしまうことがありました。インターネット予約の意味ないですね。
I have had allergic rhinitis since I was a child, but since otolaryngology generally has a long waiting time, I only go to the hospital when I feel sick enough to interfere with my life. Since I can't make a reservation for the next time at this hospital, I can make a reservation on the same day from the internet even at the first visit, and the order can be found on the internet, which is helpful. On the contrary, the waiting room is a wooden chair, and I thought it was hard to sit for a long time. The medical treatment was very refreshing and I didn't have a bad impression. Oh, the explanation of the medicine may have been few. I didn't know until I saw the prescription that nasal drops would come out. 8/20 postscript Since the internet reservation was made only on the day, it was an advantage that the first visit could be done at the same timing as the return visit, but on Saturday the capacity was reached before the internet reservation start time. There is no point in making an internet reservation.
hirotsune sasaki on Google

担当医によって対応が大分異なる。 平日の女性医師はとても良いが、土日の男性医師(2人?)のうち片方は、忙しいのもあるだろうが、苛々が出ていて質問も分かりづらく言葉遣いも悪い。 どちらの医師も処置内容自体に不満はなく、患者の回転は比較的早い。 多少とげがある言葉でも気にしないなら、土日も含め良い病院なのでは。
Correspondence varies greatly depending on the doctor in charge. The female doctors on weekdays are very good, but one of the male doctors on Saturdays and Sundays (two?) May be busy, but they are frustrated, the questions are difficult to understand, and the wording is bad. Both doctors are not dissatisfied with the treatment itself, and the patient turns relatively quickly. If you don't mind the words with some thorns, it's a good hospital including weekends.
久美子 on Google

子どもから風邪をうつされたのをきかっかけに何度か通いましたが、処方された薬では治らず、結局は副鼻腔炎(蓄膿症)と診断されましたがその後も夜中や日中の突発的な激しい咳込みが治らず。 慢性的な睡眠不足に陥り、他院にかかってみると、『副鼻腔炎はレントゲンを撮らないとわからないが、撮りましたか?』と聞かれ、撮ってないと答えるとすぐに撮ってくれました。 すると副鼻腔炎は否定され、呼吸器内科を紹介されて検査の結果気管支喘息と判明しました。 咳込みが治るまでなんと約3か月!! いいかげんな診察のせいでなかなか治らず苦しい思いをさせられました。 子どもの送迎で運転しなければならなかったので事故を起こすんじゃないかと無駄に怖い思いもしました。 時間とお金を返して欲しいです。 こちらの2人の先生に診てもらいましたがプロとしての力量を疑います。 軽い風邪程度なら吸入はあるしネット予約で待ち時間を短縮できるのでいいんじゃないでしょうか。 受付と看護師さんは優しかったです。
I went to the hospital several times after having a cold from my child, but the prescribed medicine did not cure me, and I was eventually diagnosed with sinusitis (pyorrhea), but even after that, during the night and during the day. Sudden severe coughing did not go away. When I fell into chronic sleep deprivation and went to another hospital, I said, "I don't know if I have to take an X-ray for sinusitis. Did you take it? I was asked, and as soon as I answered that I hadn't taken it, he took it. Then, sinusitis was denied, and he was referred to the Department of Respiratory Medicine, and as a result of the examination, it was found to be bronchial asthma. It takes about 3 months to get rid of the cough! !! Due to the poor medical examination, it was hard to heal and made me feel painful. I was afraid that I might have an accident because I had to drive by picking up my child. I want you to return your time and money. I consulted these two teachers, but I doubt their professional ability. If you have a mild cold, you can inhale and make an online reservation to shorten the waiting time. The receptionist and the nurse were kind.
m t on Google

ここに低評価付ける人がよく分かりませんが… 迅速、丁寧で相談も乗ってくれて ありがたいお医者さんです 2回とも女性の方でした 唯一嫌だったのは、 エレベーターに後から乗り込んで来た家族連れが、 お礼も無くそのまま先に降りて、しれっと2人分の受付をすませ、子供が検温機で遊んでイライラさせられた事位ですが(良い加減にしろよ…?) これは来てる人の民度の問題なので…
I'm not sure who gives a low rating here ... Prompt, polite and helpful Thank you doctor I was a woman both times The only thing I didn't like was A family member who got into the elevator later I got off first without any thanks, and I was able to accept the reception for two people, and the child was frustrated by playing with the thermometer. This is a matter of the people who are coming ...
ななな“プリンアラモード” on Google

耳鼻科は混んでいるイメージだったので覚悟して行きましたが、アイチケットで予約した時にはもう3人待ちくらいでした。(むしろ私が遅れてしまいました) 受付の方もとても愛想が良かったです。 悪い口コミは男性医師の方のようですね。 私は女性医師で、とても笑顔で診察してくださったので安心できました。看護師の皆様もとても気持ちの良い対応をしてくださいました。
I was prepared for the otolaryngology because it seemed to be crowded, but when I made a reservation with iTicket, I was already waiting for three people. (Rather, I was late) The receptionist was also very friendly. Bad reviews seem to be from male doctors. I was a female doctor, and I was relieved because she looked at me with a big smile. The nurses also responded very comfortably.
Yota T. on Google

There are high and low evaluations, but I think it is probably due to the difference between the teachers. This is examined by a male doctor and a female doctor, and the male doctor will look at each one with a very polite explanation, but even if you make an online reservation, the waiting time is very long. The female doctor will take a quick look, so you may feel that the explanation is insufficient. However, the waiting time is very short. I try to get a male doctor to take a closer look, and a female doctor to get a good look at my nose and earwax.
N Ryuko on Google

I am indebted to both hay fever and dizziness, and I am also indebted to my children, but the teachers are very good and helpful! I didn't want to make a word of mouth because I don't like it when it gets crowded, but I'm not convinced that the teacher who is indebted to me has a low rating, so I will make a word of mouth. Except for the top season of hay fever, the hospital is very calm, you can shop at Yaoko while you wait, it's always clean, and it's very nice.
y s on Google

子どもの鼻詰まりが一年通して続いており、通年性のアレルギーを疑っていました。 他にもいくつか耳鼻科に行きましたが、待合室が狭い割に待ち時間が1、2時間とか、薬がなかなか合わなかったり子どもの嫌がり方を見て治療や検査をしてくれないところもあったりで困っていました。 こちらには金曜日午前に2週連続で通わせてもらいました。 比較的空いていて待合室は広いし、ちょっとしたキッズスペースがあり子連れには嬉しい。 初診の時に鼻水を取って好酸球の検査をしてくれ、一週間後にアレルギー性の鼻炎と判明しました。 カメラで中耳炎ないかの確認、細い管での鼻水の吸引、甘い香りの薬の吸入をやってもらえました。 出してもらった薬は、味にクセがなく一回が少量の粉薬と、取り扱いやすい点鼻薬で薬が嫌いな子どもでも処方しやすく助かっています。 スタッフの方、お医者さん、看護師さんも丁寧で優しい方ばかりです。 車ならすぐ行ける距離で駐車場もビルのすぐ側で停めやすいし、同じビルの一階に薬局があるのですぐ薬がもらえるのも便利です。 これからもお世話になりますm(_ _)m
The child's nasal congestion continued throughout the year, and he was suspected of having a perennial allergy. I went to some other otolaryngologists, but the waiting room was small, but the waiting time was one or two hours. I was in trouble because of that. I went to this place on Friday morning for two consecutive weeks. It's relatively vacant, the waiting room is large, and there is a little kids' space, which is nice for families with children. At the first visit, he took a runny nose and tested for eosinophils, and a week later he was found to have allergic rhinitis. I was asked to check for otitis media with a camera, inhale a runny nose with a thin tube, and inhale a sweet scented medicine. The medicines I received are a small amount of powdered medicine that has no peculiar taste and is easy to handle, and it is easy to prescribe even for children who dislike medicines. The staff, doctors and nurses are all polite and kind. It is easy to park in the parking lot right next to the building within easy reach by car, and it is also convenient to get medicine immediately because there is a pharmacy on the first floor of the same building. Thank you for your continued support m (_ _) m

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