Osaka College of Health Welfare - Osaka

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka College of Health Welfare

住所 :

1 Chome-2-47 Miyahara, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
Postal code : 532-0003
Webサイト :

1 Chome-2-47 Miyahara, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0003, Japan
みみみままま on Google

There are many teachers who have worked in the field, so I think it's good to hear real stories!
用クチコミ on Google

期日明日とかギリギリになって 重要な書類を送ってくる学校。 前持ってなんか連絡が無いので 生徒の予定もガタガタ。 コロナ疑惑だろうが5回休んだら留年 生徒の体も心もスケジュールも 融通が効かない
The deadline is tomorrow A school that sends you important documents. I haven't heard from you before The student's schedule is also rattled. Probably corona, but if you take five breaks The body, mind and schedule of the students Inflexible
さんねこりりんこ on Google

I have heard from children that they will consult with me personally, and will not deny the students in terms of learning, but will praise them properly and guide them to the right person. It seems that he is on the side of the students even in the practical training. It's a good school.
ヨシザウルスムンチャクッパス on Google

今年入試を受けた社会人。 入試では受験生がニコニコしているのに、先生は全く愛想なし。 威厳を保っているつもりか知らないが、その対応に、入学しても先が思いやられる。 他のクチコミにもあるように、それが事実。 なので、入学辞退させていただいた。 セミナーや説明会は事務局の方や外部の方がメインになり、色々と教えて下さるのは良い点であり、駅近もありがたい。 オーキャンは、先生と在学生の距離が遠いように感じた。同じ系列の大阪医療に比べて、至る所ではるかに対応が違うし、先生と生徒の距離が近い。 看護師不足の現状と看護師のたまごを育てる上で、この対応は将来的に育たないように感じる。 特に、明確に目標を持つ社会人は尚更このように感じる人もいるはず。
A member of society who took the entrance examination this year. Although the entrance exam is smiling, the teacher has no affection. I don't know if I'm going to keep the dignity, but I can think of the future even if I enter the school. That is true as there are other reviews. So I declined my admission. The seminars and briefing sessions are mainly held by the secretariat and outside people, and it is a good point to be taught in various ways. Ocan felt that the distance between the teacher and the student was far away. Compared to the same series of Osaka Medical, the response is much different everywhere, and the distance between teachers and students is close. I feel that this correspondence will not grow in the future in raising the nurse's eggs and the nurse's shortage. In particular, there are some people who have a clear goal and feel this way.
Iro Ki on Google

The contents are difficult to understand, and when you check it, it is treated from the top. There seems to be some good teachers, but all the staff are basically terrible. I'm paying a high tuition fee! !! !!
さくらパンダ on Google

事務員さんは教養がありしっかりとサポートくださいますが、教員が電話に出ると『あのさぁー』と 初対面で偉そうに上から目線。大概失礼です。 授業中に平気で人権侵害を口にする。パソコン操作ができないとどの教師も小馬鹿にしてくるのでパソコンに自信のない方は決してオススメできません。 入学するまでは事務所の方が丁寧ですが、入学した途端に中国の教師が多く 学習以前に聞き取れないです。こちらの話を聞く前に話を被せた挙句 日本語を理解してくださらないのでトラブルばかりで話も前に進まない。先々、思いやられました。 生徒数が足らないのか入学期日が3末まであったので 焦ってこちらを選択してしまい大失敗でした。 この学校には高いお金を払ったけれど ただの箱でしかないので 更に予備校に行くしかないですね。
The clerk is well-educated and will support you well, but when the teacher answers the phone, he says "Ahhhhh". Looking from above with a big look at the first meeting. Mostly rude. He is willing to talk about human rights violations during class. If you can't operate your computer, every teacher will make a fool of you, so I can't recommend it to anyone who isn't confident in their computer. The office is more polite until enrollment, but as soon as I enroll, there are many Chinese teachers who cannot hear it before studying. After listening to this story I don't understand Japanese, so I'm having trouble and I can't move forward. I was sympathetic to you the other day. Maybe there aren't enough students because the admission date was until the end of 3 I hurriedly chose this and it was a big mistake. I paid a lot of money for this school Because it's just a box I have no choice but to go to a prep school.
たき on Google

卒業生です しっかりと資格も取れましたので、批判的なコメントが一部ありますが、一度見に行って確認してください
I'm a graduate I've got a good qualification, so there are some critical comments, but please go and check it once.
バーバママ on Google

他の方も投稿しているとおり、上から目線の教師や基本的には質問しても嘘情報や放置が目立ちます。間違えても絶対に謝りません。オススメできません。放置された末に今年留年なので退学して他の学校を一から入り直そうと考えています。 何も身につきません。
As other people have posted, even if you ask a teacher from the top or basically ask a question, false information and neglect are conspicuous. I will never apologize if I make a mistake. I can't recommend it. After being abandoned, I will repeat this year, so I am thinking of dropping out and re-entering another school from scratch. I don't learn anything.

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