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ゲーム専門学校 大阪|ECCコンピュータ専門学校_IT,WEBデザイン,プログラミング -


ゲーム専門学校 大阪|ECCコンピュータ専門学校_IT,WEBデザイン,プログラミング -


すべて ゲーム IT お知らせ


Contact ECCコンピュータ専門学校

住所 :

Nakazakinishi, Kita Ward, 〒530-0015 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト :
街 : Osaka

Nakazakinishi, Kita Ward, 〒530-0015 Osaka,Japan
G K on Google

大阪駅から歩いて10分くらい。 先生はかなり親切で、授業以外の時間も気軽に質問に答えてくれました。 ゲームクリエイターまでこつこつなれる感じ。
About 10 minutes walk from Osaka station. The teacher was very kind and he was willing to answer questions outside of class. It feels like you can be a game creator.
アメスピ on Google

この学校だけはやめとけ! 金をドブに捨てる事になるぞ? 高校生、この学校を検討してる人 やめとけ。資格なんて勉強したら誰でも取れる 講師のレベルも低いしオワコン この学校に入学せず大学に進学して欲しい。 人生棒に振るぞ
Stop only this school! You're going to throw your money into the drain, right? High school students, those who are considering this school Stop it. Anyone can get a qualification after studying The level of the instructor is also low and Owakon I want you to go on to university without enrolling in this school. I'll shake my life stick
きなこえぺよう on Google

金取るだけの学校 1年12ヶ月ありますが実際8ヶ月分しか授業が無くこの学校の売りの少人数制ってのは嘘で30人近くでやってます 今コロナなので分散登校とか言うてますがそれでも半分の15人以上居ます それで数百万円盗ってきます 本当に考えた方がいいです 先生もオドオドしてるやつやロクな奴いません 少人数制なら聞きやすいかもですけど正直無理ですし先生呼んで周りの人の説明の時間削ること考えると呼びにくい環境です いちばん酷いのは分からないところがあり朝方から学校来て職員室に居る先生方に分からないところがあるから教えてくださいと伝えたら 誰かこの授業分かりますか?って話になり担当の人が今休みやわって言われました それってその先生1人が休みなら聞けないの?って思いました 大したレベルの問題ではなかったので自分でネットで調べれましたがよく考えたらここ学校だよね?学ぶ場所で放棄はちょっと酷くないって思いました 迷ってる方やめた方がいいです500万近く無駄にします パソコン教室に通う程度の感覚かもしれませんもしかしたらそれ以下です
School that only takes money There are 1 year and 12 months, but in reality there are only 8 months of lessons, and it is a lie to have a small number of people selling at this school, and we are doing it with nearly 30 people. It's Corona right now, so it's called distributed school attendance, but there are still more than half of them, 15 people. That's why I steal millions of yen. You really should think about it. It may be easy to hear if it is a small group system, but honestly it is impossible, and it is an environment that is difficult to call when you think about calling a teacher and cutting the time for explanations of the people around you The worst thing is that there is something I don't understand, and the teachers who came to school from the morning and are in the staff room have something I don't understand, so please tell me. Does anyone know this class? I was told that the person in charge was taking a break now Can't you hear that if one of the teachers is on holiday? I tought It wasn't a big problem, so I could look it up on the internet myself, but if you think about it, it's here at school, right? I thought abandonment was not awful in the place to learn Those who are wondering should stop wasting nearly 5 million It may be like going to a computer class, maybe less than that
とるま。 on Google

Some people say that the actual class is only 8 months, but I wonder if they didn't attend the summer and winter classes, but rather they were so busy with class and production that they wanted more rest. The people who say that there were no or 30 people are people who haven't seen the explanation properly and haven't heard, but there are some things that are difficult in class, but if you go to hear, they kindly taught me even after school I think it's the passive people who say what I don't understand here, it's important that the students at this school aren't swept away by those who aren't motivated and those who aren't.
Jié M. on Google

コロナで入国出来ない! 3月から今までずっと待っていて、海外でオンライン授業しか出来ない。 この間は時間とお金の無駄と思う。 それに最近はまた全外国人の入国を拒否することになっちゃって、すごくがっかりしてる。 学校のせいじゃないの知ってるけど、 学校は申し訳無いとか、謝りの言葉は全然言ってくれなかった。 なんか生徒たちの気持ち全然気にしない、お金しか見えない学校だなと感じてる。
I can't enter the country with Corona! I've been waiting since March and can only do online classes abroad. I think this is a waste of time and money. And recently, I've been denied entry to all foreigners again, which is very disappointing. I know it's not the school's fault, The school didn't say apologize or apologize at all. I don't care about the feelings of the students at all, I feel that it is a school where I can only see money.
くく on Google

CG専攻です。 そもそも絵が描ける、CGができる、人でないと業界就職は厳しいです。 高校生のうちにたくさんデッサンをしてください。 それができたうえでの学校です。専門学校在学中に皆に追いつけるほど甘くはありません。 設備や講師の方などはお金を払っている分良いです。 緊急事態宣言の時にオンライン授業になりますが質は低いです。
I major in CG. In the first place, it is difficult to get a job in the industry unless you are a person who can draw pictures and can do CG. Please do a lot of drawing while you are in high school. It is a school after it is completed. It's not sweet enough to catch up with everyone while attending a vocational school. Equipment and instructors are good because they are paying. It will be an online class at the time of the state of emergency, but the quality is low.
シュー on Google

(ITカレッジの話です。ゲームは分かりません) 結果としては誰もが知る某大手企業に内定できました。 しかし、圧倒的に大学のほうが資金面・サポート面・環境面・学歴面などあらゆる面で有利です。 大学に行ける資金と知力があれば大学に行ったほうがいいです。特に工業大学はおすすめです。 ただ、専門学校だけで見るとここはそこまで悪くないように思います。 具体例を挙げると、やる気ある人とない人の差が激しい。 特に、やる気ある人が大学より少なく感じます。 また、やる気があってもサポート面・資金面が弱いので、「これやりたい!」と言っても、学校側は「お金出せません」で終わる。 結局学校の協力無しで自腹を切り、作り上げた学生の努力をあたかも学校側は漁夫の利を得たかのようにHPで宣材として利用する。 一部は学校の協力もありますが、全体的にあまり協力を得られたように感じません。いくつかHPから消してほしい記事もあります。 最終的には個人の努力です。頑張ってください。
(It's about IT college. I don't understand the game) As a result, I was able to make an offer to a major company that everyone knows. However, universities are overwhelmingly more advantageous in terms of funding, support, environment, and educational background. If you have the money and intelligence to go to college, you should go to college. Especially the Polytechnic Institute is recommended. However, looking at the vocational school alone, I don't think it's that bad here. To give a specific example, there is a big difference between those who are motivated and those who are not. In particular, I feel that there are fewer motivated people than in college. Also, even if you are motivated, the support and financial aspects are weak, so even if you say "I want to do this!", The school side ends up with "I can't pay". In the end, the school cuts its own stomach without the cooperation of the school, and the school side uses the efforts of the students that it has created as a publicity material on the HP as if it had benefited the fisherman. There is some cooperation from the school, but overall I don't feel that I have received much cooperation. There are some articles that I would like you to delete from HP. Ultimately it is an individual effort. Please do your best.
D C on Google

Crummy school. Not worth the money for students in any language.

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