資格の大原 梅田校(社会人講座)

3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 資格の大原 梅田校(社会人講座)

住所 :

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://www.o-hara.jp/school/umeda/ume_access
街 : Osaka

Taiyujicho, Kita Ward, 〒530-0051 Osaka,Japan
はげかけたーる on Google

The instructor is good. I think the reception desk is at the level of material.
東義人 on Google

他校に行ったついでに立ち寄りました。 ライバルのTの受付と比べるとあまりにも酷い、ちょっと受けたことがない酷さ。 責任者を代えるか全員入れ替えるべきでは?
I stopped by while I went to another school. It's too terrible compared to the reception of rival T, and it's a terrible thing I've never received. Should the person in charge be replaced or everyone should be replaced?
NOEL SETO on Google

綺麗ではあるが、100kg超級のスタッフの対応何とかなりませんかね。 〜追記2019/02/16〜 上の巨漢スタッフ以外は優しい人ばかりでエレベーターも降りるの優先してくださったり、教育が行き届いていて素晴らしい。 ロビーも落ち着きのあるクラシックが流れ、受付スタッフも他校舎に比べ丁寧 間違いなく大原大阪地域ではナンバーワン 難波がひどいため地理的に難波の方が近いがわざわざ梅田に通う価値は十分にある。 ただし、受講者の質はどこも変わらない。梅田は若い人が少なく、社会人の方が多い。 スーツを着ている会社員や中年男性が多い。 そのため、傲慢な威張ったおっさんらは多い。 会計士コースがないため、会計士受験生がいないのが不幸中の幸いであり、同時に梅田校を選択する決め手となる。
Although it is beautiful, does not it manage correspondence of staff of over 100kg level? ~ Additional note 2019/02/16 ~ It is wonderful that education is perfect and giving priority to getting down the elevator with only gentle people except for the above big giant staff. The lobby also has a restful classic, and the reception staff also carefully compared with other school buildings No doubt in Ohara Osaka area number one Because Namba is terrible, Namba is geographically close to Namba, but it is worth purportingly worth visiting Umeda. However, the quality of students does not change anywhere. There are few young people in Umeda, and there are more people in society. Many office workers and middle - aged men wearing suit. Therefore, there are many arrogant and intelligent officials. Because there is no accountant course, it is unfortunate that it is unfortunate that there is no accountant examination student, and at the same time it becomes a deciding factor for choosing Umeda school.
芹口宗一郎 on Google

口座の申し込みで2回金額の間違い、接客態度も酷い。 さらに飽きれたのは土曜日に資料を受け取りにいったら2時56分には受け付けが閉まっていた。 ミスに出てきたのは謝罪で無く言い訳、、 サービスカウンターを利用すると気分が悪くなります。 いくらなんでも酷すぎませんか?
I made a mistake in the amount of money twice when I applied for an account, and the customer service attitude was terrible. What made me even more tired was that when I went to pick up the materials on Saturday, the reception was closed at 2:56. It wasn't an apology but an excuse for making a mistake ... Using the service counter makes me sick. Isn't anything too terrible?
なかむきゃり on Google

基本的には学ぶところなので、目的を持った人しか館内にはいません。なので、静かです。 私もある資格を取るために通っていますが、館内はきれいですし、講師の先生もわかりやすい講義をしてくれるので、通うのは楽しいですよ。
It's basically a place to learn, so only people with a purpose are in the hall. So it's quiet. I also go to get a certain qualification, but the hall is clean and the instructor gives easy-to-understand lectures, so it's fun to go.
Koŭ-iĉi F. (F. K.) on Google

お世話になっています。 自習室はダメだと思いましたが、教材が良いと思いました。 私も他の予備校にも通ったことがありますが、上場企業ではないメリットもあると思いました。
Thank you for helping. I thought the self-study room was useless, but I thought the teaching materials were good. I have also attended other prep schools, but I thought that there was an advantage that I was not a listed company.
Sanetomo Shiba on Google

簿記コースに通いました。指導に熱心な先生の方々が居て良かったです。 ただし事務員はも少し真面目に対応したほうがいいと思います。 近くの飲食店でここに通っている受講生から聞いた噂によると、自習室では大きい音が出るくらい電卓を強く叩いて周りに迷惑をかける非常識な人がいるそうですが… そういうことは一切なく、むしろ大変静かで居心地よく行くたびに勉強に集中できるため進捗はグンと上がります。 他人の悪口を平気に言い出すような下品な振舞いなんて日本の中で大阪人だけかもしれませんね。
I attended a bookkeeping course. I'm glad that there were teachers who were enthusiastic about teaching. However, I think the clerk should also take a little serious approach. According to rumors I heard from students attending here at a nearby restaurant, there are insane people in the study room who hit the calculator hard enough to make a loud noise and cause trouble to others ... There is no such thing, but rather it is very quiet and you can concentrate on your studies every time you go, so your progress will go up. Osaka people may be the only ones in Japan who have vulgar behavior that makes them speak ill of others.
na Ha on Google

As others have mentioned, I was surprised that almost all the clerical workers were too bad. Aside from not being able to answer procedures and simple questions, I make mistakes in sending basic work documents many times, do not receive them, receive different ones, and forget to send important documents unless I contact you. I've never seen people who can't work so much, I don't know what they are for. At other major companies, the clerical staff is very polite and can answer lecture explanations and inquiries, but I am just surprised by the difference between heaven and earth.

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