Ootoya - Nerima City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ootoya

住所 :

IMA東館 2F 2 Chome-10-2 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 179-0072
Webサイト : https://www.ootoya.com/

IMA東館 2F 2 Chome-10-2 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan
じゃい子じゃい子 on Google

味が濃いめの和食の店。スタッフは、たどたどしい日本語を話すスタッフが多く、お客さんに対して雑に接しているため、あまり感じは良くない。子連れのお客さんもそこそこ居る。子供が騒がしい時も大いにある。雑音を気にしないのであれば、一人でも入りやすい店。 注文はテーブル上の端末から注文する。 操作がわからない時はスタッフに遠慮せず声をかけた方が良い。 ご飯の増減も注文時に選べる。
A Japanese restaurant with a strong taste. Many of the staff are fluent Japanese-speaking staff, and they are not very comfortable because they are in contact with customers in a sloppy manner. There are also some customers with children. There are many times when children are noisy. If you don't mind the noise, it's easy to enter even by yourself. Order from the terminal on the table. If you don't understand the operation, don't hesitate to talk to the staff. You can also choose to increase or decrease the amount of rice when ordering.
HINOTORI on Google

コロナが蔓延しているので、余り外食は遺憾のだが、1人だと作るのも面倒なので、ついつい此方のお店を使ってしまう。今回は三元豚と野菜の黒酢あんにしてみた。昔から酢豚とか嫌いだったので、黒酢あんは避けていたが魔が差したのだろうか?実際、かなり甘酸っぱかった。もう駄目だと思ったが、なんとか食べきった。ご飯大盛りにしなくて良かった。三元豚はやや堅く食感が悪い。国産ではなく、アメリカまたはメキシコらしい。今回はちょっと失敗したが、手軽に利用出来るので無くならないで欲しい。 久し振りの訪問。今日の注文は大戸屋ミックス。目玉焼きを載せたハンバーグと白身魚のフライ、チキン竜田揚げだ。卓上に調味料が無いので、好みではないドレッシングを使わなければならない。一々頼むのも面倒くさい。この辺りは是非とも改善してもらいたいが、売り上げが落ちている今は無理だろうな。ハンバーグは肉々しさに欠ける。竜田揚げと白身魚のフライはカリッと上がっていない。大変残念である。 久し振りの訪問。揚げ物は避けたかったので味噌を使ったデミグラスソースのハンバーグにしてみた。注文から約15分で先客の分と一緒に到着。間違えた方を置いて行こうとするので、ハンバーグの定食を受け取る。豆味噌は八丁味噌並みに甘いようだ。ご飯のおかずが甘いのは絶対許せない主義なのでちょっと残念。つなぎが多いのか、半分に割っても肉汁は一切出て来ない。肉感もちょっと乏しくて寂しいハンバーグである。う~ん、次回からは避けようと心に刻んだ。 ホームページで見た大戸屋ミックス定食が食べたくて再訪したが、どうやら一部店舗限定のメニューだったようだ。その品を選択しないと限定メニューかどうかわからないのは、親切では無いなと。仕方ないので、次点の四元豚のロースかつ重を五穀米で注文する。かつ重やかつ丼は甘くて汁でベシャベシャな事が多いが、此方のかつ重は甘さ控えめで汁も少ないので大変気に入った。玉子もしっかりとじられていて、半生のグズグズ玉子でないのも好印象だ。だから星一つ追加しておく。しかしながら、お金持ちの高齢者の社交場かと思う程、お年寄りが多いなぁ。 大戸屋の経営母体がコロワイドに変わったので、料理がセントラルキッチンに変わるのではないか?という噂を聞きつけて数年振りに訪問。当時は10時半開店だったのだが現在は10時になっている。IMAのフードコートに合わせたのだろうか?入店してみると全く客は居ない。非常事態宣言の後だからかもしれない。注文ははタッチパネルでも呼び鈴で店員さんを呼んでも出来る。 取り敢えずタッチパネルで四苦八苦して注文終了。料理は15分ほどで来た。他に客が居ないから早かったのかセントラルキッチンになったから早かったのか判断はつかない。残念。注文は香味唐揚げ定食唐揚げ4個バージョンでご飯は五穀米にしてみた。噂では吉野家の唐揚げに匹敵するといわれていたが、そこまででは無いと思う。ただ、吉野家の唐揚げはムネ肉だったと思うが、大戸屋はモモ肉のようだ。これなら冷めても美味しいかもしれない。ご飯はこんなものかな。唐揚げ定食は4個とプラス200で6個にもなるが、3個以下にはならない。唐揚げ4個は結構しんどいのでなんとかならんのかな?
It's regrettable to eat out because the corona is widespread, but it's troublesome to make it alone, so I just use this shop. This time, I tried Sangen pork and vegetable black vinegar bean paste. I've always hated vinegar pigs, so I avoided black vinegar sauce, but was it a devil? In fact, it was pretty sweet and sour. I thought it was no good, but I managed to eat it. I'm glad I didn't have a large serving of rice. Sangen pork is a little hard and has a bad texture. It seems to be American or Mexican, not domestic. I made a mistake this time, but I hope it doesn't disappear because it's easy to use. Visit after a long absence. Today's order is Ootoya mix. A hamburger steak with a fried egg, fried white fish, and fried chicken tatsutaage. There is no seasoning on the table, so you have to use a dressing that you don't like. It is troublesome to ask one by one. I really want you to improve this area, but it's impossible now that sales are declining. The hamburger lacks meatiness. Tatsutaage and fried white fish are not crispy. I'm very sorry. Visit after a long absence. I wanted to avoid fried food, so I made a hamburger with demiglace sauce using miso. Arrived with the previous customer in about 15 minutes from the order. I will try to leave the wrong person, so I will receive a hamburger set meal. Bean miso seems to be as sweet as Hatcho miso. It's a bit disappointing because it's an unforgivable principle that the side dishes of rice are sweet. Perhaps there are many binders, even if you divide it in half, no gravy will come out. It is a lonely hamburger steak with a little lack of flesh. Well, I carved it in my heart to avoid it from the next time. I revisited the Ootoya mixed set meal I saw on the homepage because I wanted to eat it, but it seems that the menu was limited to some stores. It's not kind to know if it's a limited menu unless you select that item. I can't help it, so I ordered the runner-up four-yuan pork loin and heavy with five-grain rice. Katsudon is often sweet and juicy, but I really like this katsudon because it is less sweet and has less juice. The egg is also firmly tied up, and it is also a good impression that it is not a half-life guzzling egg. So add one star. However, there are so many elderly people that I think it is a social gathering place for rich elderly people. Since the management body of Ootoya has changed to Colowide, the food may change to a central kitchen. I heard the rumor and visited for the first time in a few years. At that time, the store was open at 10:30, but now it is 10 o'clock. Did it match the IMA food court? When I entered the store, there were no customers at all. Maybe it's after a state of emergency. You can place an order on the touch panel or by calling a clerk with a doorbell. For the time being, I struggled with the touch panel and finished the order. The food came in about 15 minutes. I can't tell if it was early because there were no other customers or because it became a central kitchen. disappointing. The order was a fried chicken set meal with 4 fried chicken versions, and the rice was five-grain rice. Rumor has it that it is comparable to the Yoshinoya fried chicken, but I don't think it's that far. However, I think the fried chicken of the Yoshinoya was breast meat, but Ootoya seems to be peach meat. If this is the case, it may be delicious even when cooled. I wonder if rice is like this. The number of fried chicken set meals is 4 and plus 200, which is 6 but not less than 3. The four fried chicken are quite tough, so I wonder if I can do something about it.
ホイチョイ on Google

光が丘駅から光が丘公園に行く道沿いに店はあります。 店舗専用の独立した建物です。 日曜日の昼頃の時間帯に行ったのですが、混んでいました。 席が満席で、紙に名前と人数を書き入店待ちの列に並びました。 待つ時に特に案内も整理もないので、人が密になり並んでいました。 店の入り口には5席ほどの待ち人用の椅子がありましたが、密の状態で入店時の消毒も十分ではない感じがしました。 店内は比較的きれいで、注文もタブレットでおこなういつもの大戸屋です。オーダーしてからの出来てくる時間も標準で、製品品質も標準だと思います。 公園の近くの場所柄、休日の昼は混んでいるので留意が必要です。
There are shops along the road from Hikarigaoka Station to Hikarigaoka Park. It is an independent building dedicated to the store. I went there around noon on Sunday, but it was crowded. The seats were full, and I wrote down my name and number of people on a piece of paper and lined up in a line waiting to enter the store. When I waited, there was no guidance or arrangement, so people were crowded and lined up. At the entrance of the store, there were chairs for waiting people with about 5 seats, but I felt that the disinfection at the time of entering the store was not enough due to the dense condition. The inside of the store is relatively clean, and it is the usual Ootoya where you can order using a tablet. I think that the time it takes to complete an order is standard, and the product quality is also standard. Please note that the location near the park is crowded during the daytime on holidays.
Yoshiki Kinoshita on Google

佐藤智昭 on Google

inam gul on Google

Yumiain SinclairOgata on Google

Decent food. Nothing interesting for vegetarians though, only sides
Thom Butler on Google

Delicious food and very friendly staff! Electronic menus make it easy to order in English without any awkwardness or anxiety. Thank you, Ootoya!

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