Waremoko - Nerima City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Waremoko

住所 :

練馬区立光が丘体育館内 4 Chome-1-4 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Postal code : 179-0072
Webサイト : https://akanenokai.com/menu/restaurant/

練馬区立光が丘体育館内 4 Chome-1-4 Hikarigaoka, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0072, Japan
Masanao Sugino on Google

I used it in a wheelchair with peace of mind.
Midori on Google

オムライスプレートとアイスミルクティー、アイスケーキ(りんご)を注文しました。 どれも質が高くてびっくり!オムライスプレートは500円で唐揚げとポテト、サラダまで付いてて、特に唐揚げが今まで食べた中で一番かも!てくらい美味しかったです♪ りんごのアイスケーキはバニラビーンズとりんごのプリザーブが入ってて、生のりんごを感じさせる本格的で優しいお味でした? アイスティーも、下手なところではクリームダウンしていたり渋みがあったりしますが、クリアな状態で、淹れ方がとても上手でした。 今まで気になってはいましたが、ここまでクオリティが高いとは思わなくて、感動しました✨ ごちそうさまでした、また来たいです!
I ordered omelet plate, ice milk tea, and ice cake (apple). I am surprised at the high quality of all! The omelet plate costs 500 yen and comes with fried chicken, potatoes and salad, and fried chicken may be the best ever! It was delicious! The apple ice cake contained vanilla beans and an apple preserve, and it was a genuine and gentle taste that made you feel the raw apple ? Ice tea also has creamy down and astringency in poor places, but in a clear state, it was very good at brewing. I was worried until now, but I did not think that the quality was so high, so I was moved ✨ It was a treat and I want to come again!
Bello papà on Google

丁寧で気さくな感じで良かったです! 料理も美味しかったです^ ^
It was nice to have a polite and friendly feeling! The food was delicious ^ ^
寺田英敏 on Google

カツ丼(500円)食べました。 できたてアツアツ、たまごフワフワで美味しかったです。 サラダと味噌汁ついて税込み500円は安いと思いました。 毎日限定10食らしいので、食べたい人はお早めに(^^)
I ate Katsudon (500 yen). The freshly made hot and fluffy eggs were delicious. I thought that 500 yen including tax for salad and miso soup was cheap. It seems to be limited to 10 meals every day, so if you want to eat it as soon as possible (^^)
koyuki taka on Google

都立光が丘公園内にあるレストランで障がい者の方も働いていますがとても丁寧な接客で良き! 食事も野菜を中心にバランスが良く、私は目の前にある病院へ母と通院しているので帰りにお昼ご飯を食べに行きます。 味もとても良く毎回楽しみしてます。
People with disabilities are also working at the restaurant in Hikarigaoka Park, but it's good to have a very polite customer service! The food is well-balanced, mainly vegetables, and I go to the hospital in front of me with my mother, so I go to eat lunch on my way home. The taste is very good and I enjoy it every time.
Kiyoshi Kagoshima on Google

社会福祉法人が運営するカフェで、ランチにスパイシーカツカレーを注文。 たしかにスパイシーだけど野菜の甘味を感じる辛さ重視ではないバランスがいいです。 体育館で身体動かしたあと、公園の緑をながめながらまったりと♪ . 1000円(スパイシーカツカレー)
I ordered spicy cutlet curry for lunch at a cafe run by a social welfare corporation. It's spicy, but it's a good balance that doesn't emphasize the spiciness of the sweetness of vegetables. After exercising at the gymnasium, relax while looking at the greenery of the park ♪ .. 1000 yen (spicy cutlet curry)
My Sweet Piano on Google

塩焼きアジサバ on Google

When you pass in front of you, you will see a sticker of "Donburi that beats Corona"! I entered the store thinking that 500 yen is cheap. Is it sold out because it is limited to 10 meals? If you think you're lucky, you're lucky! The sauce with reduced sweetness was easy to eat, and it was thick but soft and delicious. It was a cafe with abundant other menus and you could enjoy various things. Also, I want to use it when I go to the park!

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