HottoMotto Nerima Doshida Shop - Nerima City

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact HottoMotto Nerima Doshida Shop

住所 :

2 Chome-15-14 Doshida, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0076, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 179-0076
Webサイト :

2 Chome-15-14 Doshida, Nerima City, Tokyo 179-0076, Japan
じぞうじぞう on Google

から揚げ弁当を頼んだら、、、 作り置きのから揚げ弁当でした。 2分で出てきて、車内で食べたらぬる~いから揚げ、人肌くらいかな⁉️40℃くらいかな⁉️ 騙されてるかな⁉️試されてるかな⁉️ お腹すいてるし、我慢して食べた方がいいかな⁉️って思いながら、結局食べました。 ほっともっとのから揚げは美味しいからまた忘れた頃に行きますが、今度は「時間がかかってもいいんで、作りたてでお願いします」ってぜ~ったい言ってやります。
If you order a fried chicken lunch, ... It was a pre-made fried chicken lunch box. It comes out in 2 minutes, and if you eat it in the car, it's fried because it's lukewarm, maybe it's about human skin ⁉️ It's about 40 ℃ ⁉️ I wonder if I'm being deceived ⁉️ I wonder if I'm being tried ⁉️ I was hungry and thought that I should put up with it and eat it ⁉️, but I ate it after all. Hotto Motto's fried chicken is delicious, so I'll go there when I forget it again, but this time I'll just say, "It doesn't matter if it takes time, please make it fresh."
Yu Rasu on Google

Delicious and reasonably priced. I'd be happy if there were a few more salads.
on Google

中華丼の野菜に火が通って無さすぎる 普通にまずい あんかけのあんも不味い 他の店舗の中華丼も食べたことあるけど、そっちの店と全然味が違う 同じほっともっとでもこんなに美味しい店と不味い店で分かれるのか 最悪
The vegetables in the Chinese bowl are too cooked The bean paste that is usually bad is also bad I've eaten Chinese bowls at other stores, but the taste is completely different from that one. Is it possible to divide into such a delicious restaurant and a tasty restaurant even if it is the same hot and more? terrible
豆腐杏仁 on Google

ふつーのほっともっとです。 よく会うレジのメガネ女子の接客がとても安定していて気持ちいいです。
It's more than normal. The customer service of the glasses girls at the cash register that I often meet is very stable and comfortable.
田村和俊 on Google

駐車場は比較的広めなので車利用には便利です。 しかしながら、待たされる事が多くありますので急ぎの場合はオススメ出来ません。 急ぎの時は隣のコンビニエンスストアの利用をオススメします。 味は他のHotto Mottoと変わりません。
Parking lot is relatively wide so it is convenient for car use. However, as there are many things to be kept waiting, I can not recommend it in case of hurry. When hurrying, I recommend using the convenience store next door. The taste is the same as other Hotto Motto.
ひろ on Google

ネット注文して決済済でも、右の受取口の方に並ばないとUber eatsの人に抜かされます。アピールしないと対応難しいので、予約済みであれば右の受取口に並びましょう。 店員の方に確認したところ、予約済であればどちらに並んでも良いとのことでした。 2021/9追記 カウンターの案内板にはネット予約してカードで支払済は右の受取口に並ぶよう表示されているのですが、店員の方は左のレジ側に並ぶよう案内していました。 この店のオペレーションには随分と混乱させられます。
Even if you place an order online and settle it, if you do not line up at the right receiving port, you will be overtaken by the Uber eats person. If you do not appeal, it will be difficult to respond, so if you have a reservation, line up at the receiving port on the right. When I checked with the clerk, it was said that it would be okay to line up in either line as long as it was reserved. 2021/9 postscript On the information board at the counter, it is displayed that reservations made online and paid by card are lined up at the receipt on the right, but the clerk was instructing me to line up at the cash register on the left. The operation of this store is quite confusing.
Kentarow Kobayashi on Google

Deep-fried fried chicken has stable taste. The spice is attractive. However, since it is made after ordering, it may be better to order online with a margin. I want you to be able to use general electronic money, not your own.
Satoshi Ian Noguchi on Google

Great place to get a bento box. Love their karaage.

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