Ootoya - Minato City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ootoya

住所 :

青山アイアイビル 2F 2 Chome-7-21 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 107-0061
Webサイト : https://www.ootoya.com/

青山アイアイビル 2F 2 Chome-7-21 Kitaaoyama, Minato City, Tokyo 107-0061, Japan
Yohan Na on Google

大戸屋のご飯が大好きで、様々な所で大戸屋を見つけると食べに行き美味しく食事させて頂いてます! ですがここ5年くらいで、通院している歯医者さんの隣にある、こちらの外苑前の大戸屋に4回程行きましたが、そのうち3回は体験が酷く、もう二度と行く事は絶対にありません。 スタッフは日本の方も外国の方も態度悪く、人件費削減用のタブレットのアプリはとても使いづらく、店内にお客が2、3名しかいないのに20分以上待たされました。待ちの時間は出前館とWolt配達用のお弁当を作っていたみたいです。最初から一言教えてくれれば良いのに。
I love Ootoya's rice, and when I find Ootoya in various places, I go to eat and eat deliciously! However, in the last five years, I went to Ootoya in front of Gaien, which is next to the dentist who goes to the hospital, about four times, but three of them had a bad experience and I will never go there again. .. The staff, both Japanese and foreign, had a bad attitude, and the tablet app for reducing labor costs was very difficult to use, and I had to wait for more than 20 minutes even though there were only a few customers in the store. During the waiting time, it seems that he was making a lunch box for the delivery hall and Wolt delivery. I wish I could tell you a word from the beginning.
K K on Google

大戸屋は好きで、数多くの店舗を利用してきました。 他の店舗と比べて、店内がやや狭いのが難点かと思います。個人的に気になったのは、トイレの匂いがきつかったことと、一人のやや年配(体格が良い)の日本人の男性店員の接客がぶっきらぼうだったことです。特にその男性の店員さんにおいては紋切り型で、あまり感じの良い印象は受けませんでした。他の方は優しかったです。メニューの提供スピードは申し分なく、味も美味しいのでまた行こうとは思います。
I like Ootoya and have used many stores. I think the drawback is that the inside of the store is a little smaller than other stores. Personally, I was worried that the smell of the toilet was strong and that the customer service of one slightly older (well-built) Japanese male clerk was blunt. Especially for the male clerk, it was a crest type and I didn't get a very good impression. The other one was kind. The menu is served at a perfect speed and the taste is delicious, so I will go there again.
Masaki Kobayasi on Google

It is helpful because there is no family restaurant in the neighborhood. The widest seat is probably here.
Andreea on Google

Really delicious!
Johnny Eugene Harrison on Google

Very good
Lenox Fleuret on Google

Really good japanese food for a good price!
Samir Hammoudi on Google

Cheap very local Japanese food. You get a whole meal for less than 800 yen with fish rice soup pickles. It's a place only locals go.
Maggie Wu on Google

would be 5 stars but my friend found a cabbage worm in her food so um ?.... she got a free meal though

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