
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact そば処はしもと

住所 :

Omotegobanzawa, Shirakawa, 〒961-0403 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
街 : Fukushima

Omotegobanzawa, Shirakawa, 〒961-0403 Fukushima,Japan
藤井義明 on Google

蕎麦は白河では3本指には入ると思います。その他にもセットで色々と有ります美味しいです。289線より少し入った所です(場所 白河表郷)
I think soba noodles are in three fingers in Shirakawa. There are many other options in the set. It is the place that entered a little from 289 line (place Shirakawa Omoto)
ガオガオ君 on Google

Soba with a chewy texture.
石川 on Google

古民家をリノベーションしたのかな? ご近所さんかお知り合いか知りませんが、隣のテーブルでウェイトレスのおばさんとお客さんがTVを見ながら大きい声でずっと喋っていたのが…。 味は普通の蕎麦屋さんでした。
Did you renovate an old folk house? I don't know if it's a neighbor or an acquaintance, but at the table next door, the waitress' aunt and the customer were talking loudly while watching TV ... The taste was an ordinary soba restaurant.
しんや“アトム” on Google

盛りがよく 美味しかったです
The prime It was delicious
北風小僧 on Google

旦那?さんと、おかみ?‍?さんで、やっている美味し~い?✌️お蕎麦屋?さんでした‼️。 東北地方、福島県の白河市表郷の国道289号線の通りから一つ奥に入った所に有り、オレンジ色?の外灯が目印になりますよ❗。 日本的なお座敷とテーブルが有り、落ち着いた良い雰囲気?の店内でした‼️。 駐車場?️はお店の前にあります???。 年末前には、自宅とかで楽しめるお持ち帰りの「年越し蕎麦と海老天?」の受付していました?✌️❗。 小生と子供達?‍?‍?とで年末、年越し蕎麦?を食べて来ました。子供達に合うメニューもあって、美味しく?✌️頂いて来て、いつも変わらない元気??️☀️な、おかみ?‍?さんに挨拶して来ました‼️。?✌️
My husband ? and my mom ?‍? were doing delicious ?✌️ soba shop ?‼ ️. It is located one step back from the street of National Highway 289 in Omotegokane, Shirakawa City, Fukushima Prefecture, in the Tohoku region, and the orange ? outdoor light is a landmark ❗. There was a Japanese tatami room and a table, and it was a calm and nice atmosphere ?! ️. The parking lot ?️ is in front of the shop ???. Before the end of the year, we were accepting take-out "Toshikoshi soba and shrimp tempura ?" that you can enjoy at home ?✌️❗. At the end of the year, I ate Toshikoshi soba ? with my students and children ?‍?‍?. There is also a menu that suits children, and it was delicious ?✌️, and I greeted Mr. Okami ?‍?, who is always energetic ??️☀️‼ ️. ?✌️
しのまる on Google

Soba is a little hard. Recommended for those who like to be stiff. I ordered a shrimp tendon, but it was a little salty. I left it because the rice was too sauced and I was not good at thickening it.
直美 marie on Google

初めての訪問。 13:50頃に駐車場に着いたら、ご主人が営業終了に板を変えに出て来た所でしたが、快くお店に入れて下さいました。 コロナの為、11時〜14時迄の営業と入口に書いてありました(後で気が付きました) エビ天丼セット、鴨南蛮つけ蕎麦を注文。 エビ天丼セットは、プリプリのエビ3本、サクサクのかき揚げ1枚、タレもちょうど良くご飯に絡んでました。 鴨南蛮つけ蕎麦は、蕎麦が山盛り、つけタレは、どんぶり茶碗で鴨が沢山入ってました(数えてませんが…) どちらもボリューミーで大満足! ご夫婦で営業されているようで、奥様がとっても気さくな方でした。 また食べに行きたいです。
First visit. When I arrived at the parking lot around 13:50, my husband came out to change the board at the end of business, but he was willing to enter the store. Because of the corona, it was written at the entrance and business from 11:00 to 14:00 (I noticed later) I ordered the shrimp tendon set and Kamo Nanban soba noodles. The shrimp tendon set included 3 shrimp, 1 crispy kakiage, and the sauce was just right in the rice. Kamo Nanban soba noodles are full of soba noodles, and the sauce is a bowl of rice bowl with a lot of duck (I don't count ...) Both are very satisfied with the volume! It seems that it is open as a couple, and his wife was very friendly. I want to go eat again.
矢田部幸男 on Google

The shrimp tendon was delicious. I was able to enjoy the meal quietly in a calm atmosphere inside the store. The set menu is recommended. I think cospa is also good.

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