麺屋 やまひで 奈良本店 - Omiyacho

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Contact 麺屋 やまひで 奈良本店

住所 :

Omiyacho, 〒630-8115 Nara,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 630-8115
Webサイト : http://www.menya-yamahide-honten.com/
街 : Nara

Omiyacho, 〒630-8115 Nara,Japan
大原弘 on Google

今日のお昼ご飯です。 奈良、台湾まぜそば「やまひで」さんにきました。 ピリ辛まぜそばです。 麺を食べ終わった後に ご飯を少し入れてもらいます。 辛さに弱い人は少し無理、かも。 美味しかったです。また奈良に来た時に 寄りたいお店でした。
Today's lunch. I came to Nara, Taiwan Mazesoba "Yamahide". It's spicy mixed soba. After eating the noodles I'll have you add a little rice. It may be a little impossible for people who are vulnerable to spiciness. It was delicious. When I come to Nara again It was a shop I wanted to visit.
シンタニアツシ on Google

鷄白湯塩ラーメンをいただきました。 濃厚な鶏出汁がコシのある中太麺に良くからんで美味しかった。 濃厚なのに塩辛くないのが素晴らしい。 カウンターのみのお店でアクリル板なども設置されていなかったので、気にする方は注意してください。
I had chicken plain hot water salt ramen. The rich chicken stock was delicious because it was well entwined with the chewy medium-thick noodles. It is wonderful that it is rich but not salty. The shop has only a counter and no acrylic board was installed, so please be careful if you care.
万友飲力(万友飲力) on Google

混ぜそば美味しかったです! 入って右側の券売機で買うシステム。 台湾ラーメンも混ぜそばも初めてだったので迷った末に、混ぜそば大を注文。 にんにくアリか無しか聞いてくれます。アリでお願いしました。 出てきたのは玉子が乗ってたのでマイルドな感じかなと思ってましたがめっちゃ辛味が効いてて丁度いい感じ。鰹節粉とかもあるのでダマにならないように最初に全部混ぜることで丁度ええ塩梅になるんだと思います。もう一人は新台湾ラーメンだったのでも少しもらいましたが、見た目は台湾ラーメンの方が辛そうなのに、混ぜそばの方が実は辛いという意外性です。混ぜそばは途中で酢を足して味変すると少しまろやかで甘く感じます。更に麺を食べ終わったら追い飯無料で混ぜご飯でしめます。 どっちも美味しかったけど、次も混ぜそばかなー、とか思いました。
The mixed soba was delicious! A system to enter and buy at the ticket vending machine on the right. It was my first time to eat Taiwan ramen and mixed soba, so after I was at a loss, I ordered mixed soba. It will ask you if you have garlic ants or not. I asked for it with ants. I thought it was mild because the egg was on it, but it was really spicy and just right. There is also bonito flakes, so I think that if you mix them all first so that they don't get messed up, you'll just get salted plums. The other one was a new Taiwan ramen, so I got a little bit of it, but it's surprising that the Taiwan ramen looks spicy, but the mixed soba is actually spicy. Mixed soba feels a little mellow and sweet when you add vinegar on the way to change the taste. When you finish eating the noodles, mix the noodles for free. Both were delicious, but I wondered if the next one would be mixed soba.
D 3 on Google

うまぁ〜ぃ! 台湾ミンチのピリ辛がめちゃええ? 混ぜそばにはお酢が良く合うと言われてるけど今まで試してあんまり好きではなかったの。 ここの台湾混ぜそばにお酢かけたら一気に好きになった? 辛さと酸っぱさとが合わさってカロリーゼロ? これはヤバウマ?
Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm The spiciness of minced Taiwan is awesome ? It is said that vinegar goes well with mixed soba, but I haven't really liked it until now. When I sprinkled vinegar on the Taiwanese mixed soba here, I fell in love with it ? Zero calories combined with spiciness and sourness ? This is Yabauma ?
William Van Broeckhoven on Google

Will never forget my first 'brothless' ramen which I had here in the company of the amazingly friendly staff.
Isaac VanDuyn on Google

One of my favorite meals on our 16-day trip to Japan. Just get whatever the spicy soba meal that's their recommendation, it's unbelievably good.
Sosa Roque on Google

Incredible delicious Taiwanese - Japanese food, complemented by the most friendly chef we've met in our trip. Completely recommend for an spicy treat and good time talking with the chef.
Dharshana Sivapatham on Google

Fantastic meal, friendly host and it's child friendly! The chef guided us through the steps of eating this mix-yourself-bowl-of-awesome-noodles, it was tasty till the last drop. Our son had their pork noodle soup which he loved too, thank you for being apart of our experience in Nara ?????

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