Okurayu - Machida

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okurayu

住所 :

522 Kisomachi, Machida, Tokyo 194-0033, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 194-0033
Webサイト : http://ookurayu.com/

522 Kisomachi, Machida, Tokyo 194-0033, Japan
ピロユキ on Google

リニューアル系オシャレ銭湯で数々の人気銭湯のデザインを行った今井健太郎建築設計事務所が手掛けた施設。 ここの良さは3つある。 ①井戸水を軟水化したお風呂&水風呂で水質が非常に良い。肌に馴染むような優しさを感じ、塩素臭さを感じない。 ②サウナ室は4名ほどが入れる大きさで小さめながら温度は90°程あり十分に身体が暖められ湿度も程良くある。 ③町田駅からは遠いながら駐車場は銭湯にしては多く、車でも来やすい。
A facility designed by Kentaro Imai Architectural Design Office, which designed a number of popular public baths in renewed fashionable public baths. There are three good points here. (1) The water quality is very good in the softened well water bath and water bath. It feels gentle on the skin and does not smell like chlorine. (2) The sauna room is small enough to accommodate about 4 people, but the temperature is about 90 °, which warms the body sufficiently and the humidity is moderate. ③ Although it is far from Machida Station, there are many parking lots for public baths, and it is easy to come by car.
小林剛 on Google

刺青の客が多い。店が出入りを許可しているなら仕方がない。 洗い場で場所取りしている所にあえて座ってみたら、そこ使ってるんですけど!って後ろから声を掛けられた。山男みたいな髭もじゃで、日焼けした肥満男性だった。話し方が挙動不審で、危ない雰囲気を感じ取ったので素直にどいた。 その後髭男は場所取りしていた洗い場でワキ毛の剃毛を熱心にし始めた… 逆らわないで良かった〜 2度と行きません^_^
There are many tattooed customers. It can't be helped if the store allows entry and exit. When I dared to sit in a place where I was taking a place in the washing place, I was using it there! I was called from behind. He was an obese man with a beard like a mountain man and a tan. The way he spoke was suspicious, and I felt a dangerous atmosphere, so I went straight. After that, the bearded man began to shave his armpit hair enthusiastically in the washing place where he was taking a place ... I'm glad I didn't go against it ~ I will never go ^ _ ^
いまいなほこ on Google

When I enter the sauna, I finally take a cold bath from the third time. After that, enter up to 10 times repeatedly, and finally wash your head and body and soak in the bathtub once. Is it the purpose of the sauna? I am happy that there is a good public bath nearby.
_ “‪Jk‬” j_kagami on Google

刺青ヤカラとの遭遇率が高い。ある日、全身和彫の二人がサウナと水風呂を占拠。サウナでて掛水もせず水風呂へ頭までザブン。見た目も悪いのにキタねぇ奴等だな。上がったかな~と思いきや鏡の前で自らの全身チェック。自慢の彫りに自惚れてんな。いつになったら帰んの? タトゥーの入泉を禁止にしたほうがいい。
High encounter rate with tattooed yakara. One day, two Japanese carvings occupy a sauna and a cold bath. Go to the water bath without sprinkling water in the sauna. They don't look good, but they aren't. I wondered if it went up, and I checked my whole body in front of the mirror. I'm proud of the carving that I'm proud of. When will you be back? It is better to prohibit the entry of tattoos.
順也 on Google

The ceiling of the dressing room and the bathroom are also made of wood, which makes it feel good. The big bathtub is also made of wood, which is very good. The temperature setting of 42 degrees and 44 degrees is also nice. I wonder if the number of faucets is small for the parking lot.
syo ume on Google

昔からある町田の銭湯。 檜風呂があり、非常に立地な施設だが値段は実に庶民的。 ふろあがりの牛乳がたまらない。 どんな方も入れるので、特別特定の個人、団体に対して規制はされていないのでそこは御理解の上利用しましょう。
A public bath in Machida that has been around for a long time. There is a cypress bath and it is a very location facility, but the price is really common. The milk is irresistible. Anyone can enter, so please understand that there are no restrictions on special individuals or groups.
Sachiko Nagata on Google

About 6 parking lots. A public bath in a residential area. The hot water is soft and not crispy. The new interior is clean with an old-fashioned atmosphere. The ceiling and wall tiles are modern Japanese. I enjoyed drinking coffee and milk.
Kate McCauley on Google

The best sento I’ve been to in Japan! It’s super clean and beautifully designed, with wooden baths and tatami in the changing area. Worth a trip in the summer just for the cold bath! There’s also two hot baths at different temperatures. Staff were friendly too.

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