Matsuba Yokujo - Kawasaki

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Matsuba Yokujo

住所 :

3 Chome-3-5 Yurigaoka, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 215-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +898
Postal code : 215-0011
Webサイト :

3 Chome-3-5 Yurigaoka, Asao Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 215-0011, Japan
中村中 on Google

昔ながらの銭湯で昭和ノスタルジーを満喫できること間違いなし。建物の裏手に無料駐車場がある。小田急線百合ヶ丘駅から8分程。住宅街にある。 何年前からかわからないが営業時間が短くなったのと露天風呂の通年営業が無くなった。 サウナあり。夜は派手な電飾で目立つが、谷間にあるため駅から見えることはない。 麻生区内唯一の銭湯♨️ 月曜定休 隣の読売ランド前駅から徒歩数分のところにも銭湯「よしの湯(ヘルスよしの)」がある。
There is no doubt that you can enjoy Showa nostalgia in the old-fashioned public bath. There is a free parking lot behind the building. About 8 minutes from Yurigaoka Station on the Odakyu Line. Located in a residential area. I don't know how many years ago, but the business hours have shortened and the open-air bath is no longer open all year round. There is a sauna. At night, it stands out with its flashy lights, but it is not visible from the station because it is in a valley. The only public bath in Asao Ward ♨️ Closed on Mondays There is a public bath "Yoshinoyu (Health Yoshino)" just a few minutes walk from the neighboring Yomiuriland-mae station.
Michiaki Yogata on Google

行きつけのジムがお盆休みのためサウナ目当てで初めて利用したが、自分の好みには合わなかった。 まず、サウナは多分80℃もない。水風呂も水温計は20℃を指してたけど、おそらく25℃くらいだろう。他の風呂も総じてぬるめ。でも、いつもそうなのかはわからない。 なお、電気風呂は電気強めだった。それと刺青客もOKらしく立派なモンモンの人もいた。もちろん構わないが。 料金はサウナも利用だと入浴料490円に加えて300円がかかるため、個人的にはコスパが悪いと思う。もう利用することはなさそうだ。
I used it for the first time for a sauna because my favorite gym was on Obon holidays, but it didn't suit my taste. First of all, the sauna is probably not even 80 degrees Celsius. The water temperature gauge in the water bath also pointed to 20 ° C, but it's probably around 25 ° C. Other baths are generally lukewarm. But I don't know if that is always the case. The electric bath was stronger. Also, there were some good Monmon people who seemed to be OK with tattoos. Of course it doesn't matter. If you also use the sauna, it costs 300 yen in addition to the bathing fee of 490 yen, so I personally think that the cost performance is bad. I don't think I will use it anymore.
福田純 on Google

近所なんで、たまに通っております。 キレイなスーパー銭湯も良いですが、 たまには昭和な銭湯も捨てがたいですよね♪ ましてや近所ですし、無くなって欲しくないので来るようにしてます^ - ^ サウナなしでしたらワンコインで入れるのも嬉しいですね。 サウナ目的の方はあまりオススメではないですかね。自分もサウナは好きでコチラも最初の頃は使いましたが、ちょっと狭いですし、あんま熱くないんですよね。 たまには足伸ばしてゆっくり浸かりたい方にオススメですかね。基本空いてるし。 あと近所なんで、上がった後一杯飲めるのが嬉しいっす!となりに定食居酒屋【かどや】もあるんで引き続き飲みたくなった時は行っちゃってます。 指摘が一つあるとすれば、ビールを入れてる冷蔵庫がもう少しキンキンに冷やして頂けるとなお嬉しい! 以上。
I go there once in a while because it's a neighborhood. A beautiful super public bath is also good, Sometimes it's hard to throw away the Showa public bath ♪ It's a neighborhood, and I don't want it to disappear, so I try to come ^ --^ If you don't have a sauna, you can put it in with one coin. Isn't it highly recommended for those who want to use the sauna? I also like the sauna and used this one at the beginning, but it's a bit small and not so hot. Is it recommended for those who want to stretch their legs and soak slowly? Basically it's free. Also, because it's a neighborhood, I'm happy to have a drink after getting up! There is also a set meal izakaya [Kadoya] next door, so I go there when I want to continue drinking. If there is one point, it would be great if the refrigerator containing the beer could be cooled a little more! that's all.
sin taka on Google

It was less than 10 minutes on foot from Yurigaoka Station. The dressing room was spacious. There are many types of bathtubs, and I was able to use them slowly. It was a public bath with a Showa era taste.
JP Doraebon on Google

【ポイント】 ・サウナあり 【感想】 永遠に続いていそうな百合ヶ丘の住宅街をしばらく歩くと坂の途中に現れます。意味不明なライトのサインが最高です。露天風呂は去年秋で終了しているようで残念でした。立派な鶴の鏝絵がありました。
【point】 ・ There is a sauna [Impression] If you walk for a while in the residential area of ​​Yurigaoka, which seems to continue forever, you will see it in the middle of the slope. The sign of the incomprehensible light is the best. It was a pity that the open-air bath seemed to end last fall. There was a magnificent crane painting.
たまなぎ on Google

昔ながらの銭湯です。 風情あります。 ワンポイントタトゥーとかではない、刺青が入ったヤクザがいっぱいいます。
It is a traditional public bath. There is a taste. There are a lot of yakuza with tattoos, not one-point tattoos.
さっちん。 on Google

道中川崎北部市場の一番人気店「そば処さかもと」でたまには贅沢 海鮮丼で満腹にし向かいます。しかし麻生区は坂が多すぎる!百合丘高校に通ってた時はバイク通学してたので気づかなかった。 さて松葉浴場 こんな場所にあるの?てな感じです。それで外観も内部も、いい意味でくたびれオーラを感じます。シャワーは3機でどれも軟水、硬水が選べます。無駄に贅沢?内湯の白湯はラドンで、ジェットがバイブラの役割も兼務してます。高温湯もありますが、基本全部同じ体感41℃位です。水風呂は「富士山水系の井戸水」と表示で20℃くらいかな。露天風呂は体温並ですが打たせ湯が激落ちレベルです。ここの常連の面白いところは、みんな電気に群がるのです。電気を中心に世間話。決して弱いわけでは無いのに!こんな電気が繁盛してる銭湯初めてです。 で今日松葉浴場に来た目的は露天風呂が9月いっぱいだからです。店主に聞いたら、燃料費が高いので例年梅雨明け7月中旬から9月末まで露天解放とか。勿体無い無いけど、経営問題ですからね。
At the most popular restaurant "Soba-dokoro Sakamoto" in the northern part of Kawasaki, we sometimes go full with a luxurious seafood bowl. However, Asao Ward has too many slopes! When I was attending Yurigaoka High School, I was commuting to school by motorcycle, so I didn't notice it. By the way, is Matsuba Bathhouse in such a place? It's a feeling. Therefore, I feel a tired aura in a good way both inside and outside. There are 3 showers, and you can choose soft water or hard water. Unnecessarily luxurious ? The plain hot water of the indoor bath is radon, and the jet also serves as a vibra. There is hot water, but basically all of them have the same experience of about 41 ℃. The water bath is labeled as "Mt. Fuji water well water" and is about 20 ° C. The open-air bath is at the same temperature as the body temperature, but the hot water that hits it drops sharply. The interesting thing about the regulars here is that they all flock to electricity. Small talk centered on electricity. I'm not weak at all! This is the first public bath where electricity is flourishing. The purpose of coming to Matsuba Yokujo today is that the open-air bath is full of September. When I asked the shop owner, the fuel cost was high, so every year after the rainy season, the open air was released from mid-July to the end of September. It's a shame, but it's a management issue.
ピロユキ on Google

学生時代に友人と何度か入りにきていた銭湯。 思い出の中で銭湯なのに露天風呂があって、水風呂が気持ち良かった記憶があったので10年振りくらいの再訪。 当時サウナは入っていなかったので初サ室入室。 昭和のドライサウナといった感じ、受付でもらうバスタオルをサウナマット替わりに敷くのがマイナールール。最上段のみ小窓からテレビが覗ける面白い作り。 水風呂は水温計が故障していて正確な温度は分からないが、冬だからかめっちゃ冷たい。15度以下で多分10度前後。冬場は露天風呂が閉鎖されていたので外気浴はできないものの、これはこれで楽しもうと思う。 貼り紙を見ると60年程営業されている銭湯だそうでで、どおりで渋くて良い訳だ。設備や建物は年季を感じるものの、湯船や床のタイルはピカピカだった。
A public bath that I used to visit with my friends several times when I was a student. In my memory, there was an open-air bath even though it was a public bath, and I remembered that the water bath was comfortable, so I visited again for the first time in about 10 years. At that time, I didn't have a sauna, so I entered the Sauna room for the first time. It feels like a dry sauna in the Showa era, and it is a minor rule to lay a bath towel at the reception instead of a sauna mat. An interesting design where you can see the TV from a small window only on the top row. I don't know the exact temperature of the water bath because the water temperature gauge is out of order, but it's very cold because it's winter. Below 15 degrees, maybe around 10 degrees. In winter, the open-air bath was closed, so I couldn't take a bath in the open air, but I think I'll enjoy this. Looking at the sticker, it seems that it is a public bath that has been open for about 60 years, so it's okay to be astringent as it is. The facilities and buildings feel the season, but the bathtub and floor tiles were shiny.

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