府中湯楽館 桜湯

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 府中湯楽館 桜湯

住所 :

Miyamachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0023 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://twitter.com/umenoyusakurayu
街 : Tokyo

Miyamachi, Fuchu, 〒183-0023 Tokyo,Japan
綿玉 on Google

Google マップで行こうとしたら、ワケわからん行き方指定されて辿り着けず、途方に暮れて電話したところ、親切に道順を教えていただきました。女性のスタッフさんです。 こぢんまりながらも清潔で、快適に過ごすことが出来ました。
When I tried to go on Google Maps, I couldn't reach it because I didn't know why, and when I was at a loss when I called, he kindly gave me directions. It is a female staff member. It was small but clean and I was able to spend it comfortably.
Ceêentos on Google

改装されて初めて行きました。オーナーも変わりました。 カランの数が10しかなく、混む時間だと足りないかもしれません。 ここに限らず、最近新しく改装したほとんどの銭湯がこのように規模を縮小して新規オープンというのがトレンドです。さらに人口減の将来を見据えてよりコンパクトに。というコンセプトなのですが、綺麗にした銭湯はどこもお客さんが増加しています。ここもお客さんが増えたのに、洗い場が少なくなったということで、密になってしまうこともあり得ます。これを踏まえて空いている時間帯に行くのが良いでしょう。 駐輪場もあります。防犯カメラが付いているので安心です。
I went there for the first time after being renovated. The owner has also changed. There are only 10 currants, and it may not be enough when it is crowded. Not limited to this, the trend is that most of the recently refurbished public baths have been reduced in scale and newly opened. Further compact in anticipation of the future of population decline. The concept is that the number of customers is increasing everywhere in the cleaned public baths. Even though the number of customers has increased here, it is possible that the number of washrooms has decreased and the area will become denser. Based on this, it is better to go to a free time zone. There is also a bicycle parking lot. It is safe because it has a security camera.
いとー on Google

サウナ狙いで来店。リニューアル後は綺麗 清潔感はある程度あるが、サウナ狙いの人だと少しう〜んという感じかも。水風呂は少しぬるく、サウナの温度もキマリづらい。水風呂は深いのはいい。整いのイスを5個置いてくれてるのは良い。外気浴もできないのもちょっとなー 銭湯にさっと入りたいなというときにはおすすめ
I came to the store aiming for a sauna. Beautiful after renewal There is a sense of cleanliness to some extent, but if you are aiming for a sauna, it may be a little ummm. The water bath is a little lukewarm, and the temperature of the sauna is hard to get rid of. It is good that the water bath is deep. It's nice to have 5 chairs in place. It's a little that I can't even take a bath in the open air Recommended when you want to quickly enter the public bath
k y on Google

日曜18時ごろに行きました〜 リニューアル前にお伺いしていないのでわかりませんが、中はとてもキレイで、漫画もたくさんでびっくり。飲み物やアメニティ、グッズもあり。番頭さんは若くてかっこいい方でした。 中は昔ながらの銭湯という感じ。そこまで広くはないけど、電気風呂(ちょっと弱めかも)、マッサージ風呂数種類、オリジナルの入浴剤入の風呂、水風呂があって、サウナもある感じ。 シャンプーリンスとボディーソープは備え付けがありました。コロナ禍で感染者数が増えてるよと言われ始めてたからかわかりませんが人数は少なめでした。10人いないくらい。 サウナは温度高めで8−10人入るのが限界かなという広さ。水風呂は20度位でした。冬で寒かったからちょっと控えめだったのかな。 外気浴する場所は入口近くの2つの椅子しか無いので、埋まっていたら浴槽の縁でとか、、どうしよって感じではあります。☆1つ少なくしました。 同じく府中にある縄文の湯にくらべ、通常価格でかなーり安く入れるのでよかったです!ととのえました!ありがとうございました!
I went around 18:00 on Sunday ~ I haven't visited before the renewal, so I don't know, but the inside is very beautiful and I was surprised by the many manga. Drinks, amenities and goods are also available. The clerk was young and cool. The inside is like a traditional public bath. It's not that big, but it has an electric bath (maybe a little weaker), several types of massage baths, a bath with original bath salts, a cold bath, and a sauna. Shampoo conditioner and body soap were provided. I don't know if it was because I was starting to be told that the number of infected people was increasing due to the corona virus, but the number was small. There are not 10 people. The size of the sauna is so high that it can accommodate 8 to 10 people. The water bath was about 20 degrees. Maybe it was a little modest because it was cold in winter. There are only two chairs near the entrance where you can take a bath in the open air, so if it's buried, it's like the edge of the bathtub. ☆ I reduced it by one. Compared to Jomon-noyu, which is also in Fuchu, I'm glad that it's cheaper than the regular price! I got it! Thank you very much!
濱口重信 on Google

10月の日曜日に伺いました。 浴槽は、バドガシュタインの小さな高温湯(42℃)とハイパージェット(深い)、座ジェット、ミクロンバイブラ、電気風呂の4機能の広い浴槽(40℃)、水風呂(22℃)の3つ。バドガシュタイン×パイン飴という珍体験をさせていただきました。 サウナ(300円、タオルなど付きません)は、6人定員の2段。104℃で上段はかなりの熱波。整い椅子の配置優先でカランは9つと少ないですが、譲り合って使われています。黙浴も徹底されており、マナーの良い銭湯の印象です。開店時間(16:00)を早めてくれると嬉しいです。
I visited on Sunday, October. There are three bathtubs: a small hot water (42 ° C) from Bad Gastein, a hyper jet (deep), a sitting jet, a micron vibra, a wide bathtub with four functions (40 ° C), and a cold bath (22 ° C). I had a rare experience of Bad Gastein x Pine candy. The sauna (300 yen, towels not included) is a two-tiered room with a capacity of 6 people. At 104 ° C, the upper part is a considerable heat wave. The number of faucets is as small as nine due to the priority placed on the arrangement of chairs, but they are used in a compromised manner. The silent bath is also thorough, giving the impression of a public bath with good manners. I would be grateful if you could accelerate the opening time (16:00).
ロバのパン屋 on Google

There is also a bath at home, but you can stretch your legs and relax spaciously, and you can relax by alternating between a cold bath and warm water. Especially on Wednesdays, the ladies' day has a sauna for 100 yen, and you can use the sauna and bath for 580 yen including the bathing fee. It's close to Fuchu station, so it's good to relax and change after work. (◍ • ᴗ • ◍) ❤
H C on Google

リニューアル後は抜群に気持ちのよい銭湯になりました。構造自体は基本的に以前のままなので設備の古さは否めませんが、よく手入れをされているので衛生的です。むしろレトロな味わいを醸し出していて落ち着く空間になっています。 店員さんもとても親切なので、安心して利用できると思います。
After the renewal, it became an outstandingly comfortable public bath. The structure itself is basically the same as before, so it is undeniable that the equipment is old, but it is hygienic because it is well maintained. Rather, it is a relaxing space with a retro taste. The clerk is also very kind, so I think you can use it with confidence.
K J on Google

Totally chillaxing comfortable spa at a good deal for 470 yen. Complement shampoos and body soaps are provided as of September 2020. There isn’t very large, but you can appreciate various types of spa, such as electric spa, bubble spa and jet bas! You can also read some mangas for free, cherry on the top!!

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