Okada Memorial Hall - Tochigi

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okada Memorial Hall

住所 :

1 Chome-12 Kauemoncho, Tochigi, 328-0072, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 328-0072
Webサイト : http://www.cc9.ne.jp/~kauemon/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–5PM
Sunday 9:30AM–5PM
Monday 9:30AM–5PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed

1 Chome-12 Kauemoncho, Tochigi, 328-0072, Japan
室井節子 on Google

It was under restoration, but if it is in good condition, it will be a magnificent memorial hall!
Takashi C on Google

江戸時代から続く岡田家の代々の品が、蔵などを改造して展示してあります。江戸時代の陣屋跡、捕り物用具や鉄砲、近代に入ってからの工業機器、栃木県初の床屋の跡まであり、一つの旧家が長い歴史を生き抜いてきた痕跡が生生しく残っていて、感動しました。 代々の岡田家の当主が古いものを捨てずにとって置いてくれたおかげで、当時の様子を感じることができるのだと思います。
The Okada family's successive products from the Edo period are displayed in a modified warehouse. There are traces of Jinya in the Edo period, catching tools and guns, industrial equipment from modern times, traces of the first barber in Tochigi Prefecture, and the impression that one old house has survived a long history is lively and impressed Did. I think that you can feel what it was like at that time because the owners of the Okada family have kept the old things for a long time.
友田一弥 on Google

嘉右衛門町の由来となった代々当主が嘉右衛門を襲名する岡田家は江戸期は代官の代行をした550年以上の歴史を持つ栃木屈指の旧家です。 約4,000坪にも及ぶ広大な敷地に残る土蔵には岡田家伝来の宝物が展示、別邸「翁島」は栃木における大正期の住宅建築の代表格。全国各地の銘木を使った豪華なつくりとなっています。
The Okada family, whose name is the name of Kaemon, is the oldest Tochigi's oldest house with a history of more than 550 years. The treasures from the Okada family are on display in the vast grounds of about 4,000 tsubo, and the villa “Kashiwajima” is a representative example of a residential building in the Taisho period in Tochigi. It has become a gorgeous structure using famous trees from all over the country.
Cozy Cozy on Google

It seems to be a very famous clan, but I didn't know. There are many places under renovation and I felt that it was old as a whole, but the ones on display were very interesting because they made me feel genuine and deep in history. It seems that it will take several years to complete the construction, but once the construction is complete, I would like to take a closer look.
匿名希望 on Google

明治大正の頃の民具 果てはペリー来航の際に幕府から頂いた燭台…などが展示されている。古民家レトロ民具をお好みの人間には訪れる価値あり。ただ冷房が一切ないのが辛かった…
The folk implements from the Meiji and Taisho eras, such as the candlesticks received from the Shogunate when Perry arrived, are on display. It is worth visiting for those who like old folk house retro folk implements. However, it was painful that there was no air conditioning ...
竹原幸一郎 on Google

Unfortunately, it was under construction. Since it is a private museum, the exhibition is not complete.
志玲 on Google

調度品と理髪店の展示がメインです。 住居としても見どころは少な目ですが建物内に上がれないのは残念でした。 最後は大王松。
The main exhibits are furniture and hairdressers. There are few things to see as a residence, but it was a pity that I couldn't go up inside the building. The last is Daiomatsu.
星野浩 on Google

Very old house and warehouses. Lots of antiques but not well-preserved. I'm sorry for it.

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