Oimachi Ladies Clinics - Shinagawa City

2.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Oimachi Ladies Clinics

住所 :

メディカルセンタ 3階 2 Chome-1-1 Ōi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0014, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 140-0014
Webサイト : http://www.oimachi-ladies-clinic.com/

メディカルセンタ 3階 2 Chome-1-1 Ōi, Shinagawa City, Tokyo 140-0014, Japan
YUKI T on Google

妊婦検診でうかがっています。 先生は気さくで、親身になって話を聞いてくれますし、 何より予約をしたらそんなに待たずにみていただけます。 クチコミ見ると、30分も待ったとか書いてあってすごく驚いたのですが、 私は別の場所のレディースクリニックでは予約していても1時間以上、平均1時間半待ちでしたし、 大学病院は2時間以上予約があっても待つことも少なくないです。 ここにきている方、待ち時間という面では非常に良心的なクリニックだと思うんです…。 大抵15分前後で呼ばれているような。 時間帯、曜日にもよるかもしれません。 あと、急に体調が悪くなってしまい、予約なしでうかがった時がありましたが、 みていただいて助かりましたし、安心できました。 予約がないと何時になるかわからないと言われるのは、そうですし、予約優先なので、予約なしで行って受けていただけるだけでありがたかったです。 どこでも医師やクリニック自体との合う合わないはあります。 いくつか移動してみてもいいと思うので、皆さんも合うところが見つかるといいですね。
I'm asking for a pregnancy checkup. The teacher is friendly and kind and listens to me Above all, if you make a reservation, you can see it without waiting so much. When I saw the word-of-mouth communication, I was very surprised that it said that I waited for 30 minutes. Even if I made a reservation at a ladies clinic in another place, I waited for more than an hour, an average of one and a half hours, University hospitals often wait even if they have a reservation for more than 2 hours. For those who are here, I think it is a very conscientious clinic in terms of waiting time ... It's usually called around 15 minutes. It may depend on the time of day and the day of the week. Also, there was a time when I suddenly got sick and asked without a reservation, It was helpful to see it and I was relieved. It is said that I do not know what time it will be without a reservation, and since reservations are prioritized, I was grateful that I could just go and receive without a reservation. Everywhere there is a disagreement with the doctor or the clinic itself. I think it's okay to move some, so I hope you can find a place that suits you.
Miho H on Google

とても良いクリニックです。 婦人科検診と妊婦健診でお世話になってます。 待ち時間も少ないし、先生、スタッフの皆様とても親切です。
It's a very good clinic. I am indebted to you for the gynecological examination and the maternity examination. There is little waiting time, and the teachers and staff are very kind.
パグししまる on Google

I was allowed to go through the uterine cancer screening and other points of concern. I was hesitant because I was worried about the bad word of mouth, but I didn't have any anxiety or dissatisfaction anywhere. I trust him because he talks about worries, anxieties, and other possibilities. I'm glad I made a reservation because I will broaden my horizons to future possibilities and give me advice! Is it a reservation time? ... It's crowded, so we recommend that you leave plenty of time. I haven't been to other obstetrics and gynecology departments on time, so I think it's within the range of miscalculation.
Kao M on Google

とても良いクリニックでした。急に脚の付け根にしこりとが出来て座るのも苦しくて 婦人科を探しましたが、初診の予約はどこも取れず困って行ってみたところ とても親切に対応していただきました。待つかもしれませんと言われましたが、藁にも縋る気持ちだったので、待っていたら すぐ診療 処置していただけました。診療 処置とも的確で、感謝しています。 かかりつけ医にさせていただきたいと思いました。
It was a very good clinic. Suddenly there was a lump at the base of my leg and it was difficult to sit down, so I searched for a gynecologist, but I couldn't make an appointment for the first visit and went into trouble. I was told that I might wait, but I felt like I was squirming in the straw, so when I was waiting, I was treated immediately. I am grateful that the medical treatment is accurate. I wanted to be my family doctor.
M S. on Google

とても良いクリニックでした。 院内は綺麗で清潔です。 先生はこちらから質問すれば答えてくれますし、内診の時もリラックス出来るように声掛けして下さったりと、優しい印象でした。 受付の方も丁寧に対応してくれました。 ただ曜日や時間帯によっては混んでいたり、予約は取りづらいかもしれません。それだけ人気なのかなと思います。 大井町の産婦人科で女医さんをお探しなら、こちらをオススメします。
It was a very good clinic. The hospital is clean and tidy. The teacher answered the question from here, and he asked me to relax during the pelvic examination, which gave me a gentle impression. The receptionist also responded politely. However, depending on the day of the week and the time of day, it may be crowded and it may be difficult to make a reservation. I think it's so popular. If you are looking for a female doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology department of Oimachi, we recommend this.
Erina Nakamura on Google

子宮がん検診と、AMH検査で伺いました。 院内はとても綺麗で、先生は気さくな感じの女医さんです。 以前、男性医のクリニックにも行きましたが抵抗感があったので、女医さんだと恥ずかしくなく安心でした。
I visited for uterine cancer screening and AMH test. The hospital is very beautiful and the teacher is a friendly female doctor. I used to go to a male doctor's clinic, but I felt resistance, so I was relieved that I wasn't embarrassed if I was a female doctor.
candy soda on Google

品川区子宮がん検診で行った。検査台は何歳になっても椅子で開脚するのは抵抗があるが助手がずっと開脚真前にいて見ていた。恥ずかしくて嫌過ぎた。配慮がない。肝心な診察も気になる事はあるか?と聞かれたから応えただけなのに超音波検査をご丁寧にしてくれたおかげで、無料で検診行ったはずなのに何の承諾もなく初診料、超音波検査料合わせて2500円請求されて驚いた。事前にこれぐらい別途費用がかかるが良いか?など説明欲しい。 それと、とにかく診察が痛かった。 今まで幾度となく毎年検査しているがこちらは凄く痛かった。先生は偶然だと言ってましたけど。診察中モニターも一緒に見てないし、超音波写真もくれないし、淡々と説明して終わり。 もう来年からは他のクリニックにします。 正直に口コミ書いてごめんなさい。
I went to Shinagawa-ku uterine cancer screening. No matter how old I was, I was reluctant to open my legs in a chair, but my assistant was always in front of my legs. I was embarrassed and hated too much. There is no consideration. Is there anything you care about about the important medical examination? I was surprised that I was charged 2500 yen including the initial examination fee and the ultrasound examination fee without any consent even though I should have done the examination for free because I just responded because I was asked. Is it okay if it costs this much in advance? I want you to explain. Anyway, the examination was painful. I have been inspecting it every year many times, but it was very painful. The teacher said it was a coincidence. During the examination, I didn't look at the monitor together, didn't give me an ultrasound picture, and explained it plainly. From next year, I will go to another clinic. I'm sorry to write a word of mouth honestly.

I am indebted to the pregnancy examination. Before I went there, I was a little worried when I saw the word of mouth. It's true that the teacher is dry, but it's especially kind when he kindly talks to me and looks at my baby. I'm happy too. I was pretty much cornered by my pregnant woman's life while doing my full job, but it made me feel better when my teacher told me that I didn't have to overdo it. Thank you for your help (^-^) → It will be the last one today! Thank you for all the help you have given me! !! !!

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