
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ほてい屋

住所 :

Ohori, Mogami, Mogami District, 〒999-6211 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Yamagata

Ohori, Mogami, Mogami District, 〒999-6211 Yamagata,Japan
sasa pon on Google

2017.10初回利用 . 2018.6再訪 こじんまりとした旅館です。 料理も素晴らしい。団体さんがいないので静か。泉質もほんのり硫黄臭がするキリッとした熱めでした。何度もお湯の感触を味わいたく、出難いいいお湯です。お風呂もほど良い広さで独泉率高いです。 館内全般にすこし古いですが清潔に保たれてます。料理は想像超えて出てきますので前回より下のリーズナブルなプランにしてお腹すかせて伺いました。今回も美味しかったです。 ご飯食べたら速攻でお布団しいてくれます。 とことん休めます。 また伺いたいです。 一つ残念なのはロビーに灰皿。 家族できて部屋で吸えないのかロビーで吸うんですかね。 難しいでしょうけどせめて喫煙所はどこか遠くへお願いしたいです。せっかくお風呂からあがってもタバコのにおいついちゃいます。
2017.10 first time use . 2018.6 Revisited This is a small inn. The food is great too. It is quiet because there is no group. The quality of the spring was also warm with a slight sulfur odor. I want to taste the feel of hot water many times, it is a good hot water hard to get out. The bath size is good enough and the rate is high. It is a little old in the whole building, but kept clean. The food comes out beyond imagination, so I made a reasonable plan below the previous one and was hungry. It was delicious again this time. If you eat rice, you will have futons in a quick attack. I can rest completely. I want to see you again. One pity is the ashtray in the lobby. Do you smoke in the lobby if you can not smoke in the room with your family? It would be difficult but at the very least I would like smoking areas to go somewhere far away. Even after getting out of the bath, it smells like a cigarette.
那須智幸 on Google

全てにおいて満足な旅館です! 料理やお風呂も大満足です! 今年2019年も、お世話になりました! 相変わらず旅館スタッフも皆さん親切でアットホームでした! 料理、大満足です! 山形牛初め、山菜料理、鮎の塩焼き、殿様気分になったのかと錯覚するくらいのボリューム感です! また来年もお世話になる予定です!
A satisfying inn in everything! I am very satisfied with the food and bath! Thank you for your support this year 2019 as well! As usual, the staff at the inn were kind and at home! I am very satisfied with the food! At the beginning of Yamagata beef, edible wild plants, grilled sweetfish with salt, it is a voluminous feeling that makes you feel like a lord! I will be indebted to you again next year!
cheche max on Google

今回は、息子の退院祝いと療養を兼ねて伺いました。 宿のご主人、女将さんと気さくな方でした。 小ぢんまりとした浴槽にたっぷりの温泉が注がれ♨️ とても手入れの行き届いたお風呂で気持ちよく入浴することができました。 食事も、山の幸、海の幸を堪能でき美味しかったです。 機会があったらまた伺いたいお宿でした。
This time I asked my son to leave the hospital and treat him. He was a friendly person with the innkeeper, the landlady. Plenty of hot springs are poured into a small bathtub ♨️ I was able to bathe comfortably in a very well-maintained bath. The food was delicious and I was able to enjoy the mountain and seafood. If there was an opportunity, it was an inn I would like to visit again.
Fract FatHome on Google

I plan a trip to Yamagata prefecture, which I have never visited. To a hoteiya who was highly evaluated on the internet because he wanted to eat delicious food. I don't think the food is as good as a high-class restaurant, but it was full of volume and I was fully satisfied. However, the room is at the ski lodge level of a long time ago. Since the bath is not so big, it is a minus to specify the bathing time. I think it's popular, but I think it's the flip side of the fact that there are many users on weekdays, but it was a shame.
nori k on Google

令和2年11月の連休に宿泊。 丁寧な接客がとても心地よいお宿でした~。 感染対策はバッチリで、他のお客さんに接触することはなかったです。幸か不幸か、お風呂が大きくはないので、一度に入れる人数も二人程度にお願いされ、私は逆に貸し切りに感じられました。 食事も、お腹一杯以上になる量が出てきました。 どなたを連れて行っても大丈夫です。是非とも大切な方と一緒に宿泊してくださいネ。
Stayed on consecutive holidays in November 2nd year of Reiwa. It was a very comfortable inn with polite customer service. The infection control was perfect, and I never contacted other customers. Fortunately or unfortunately, the bath wasn't big, so I was asked to have about two people at a time, and I felt like I was chartered. As for the meal, the amount that is more than full has come out. It's okay to take anyone with you. Please stay with your loved ones.
らぽ整体サロン(Rapoさん) on Google

一昨年、父が倒れたました。 急いで千葉から向かい、ほてい屋さんの近くの徳洲会に入院していました。 残念ながら、父は亡くなってしまいましたが、ほてい屋さんのスタッフさんたちが本当によくしてくださって癒されました。 辛い時こと、ちゃんとご飯食べて温泉で体温めてね!って言ってくださり、時間を過ぎてもお風呂を抜かずに待っていてくださいました。 また、朝食はバランスが良く山形のものも沢山あり、味もちょうど良くて、朝から元気になるメニューです。 地元でも、ほてい屋さんの朝ごはんはとても人気だそうです。 お部屋は、窓が広めで側にある川を眺めてボーッとする贅沢な時間を過ごせます。 今後も、法事のたびにほてい屋さんにお世話になりたいと決めています。 今後ともよろしくお願いします。
The year before last, my father collapsed. I hurried from Chiba and was hospitalized at the Tokushukai near Hoteiya. Unfortunately, my father died, but the staff at Hoteiya really helped me and healed me. When it's hard, eat properly and warm yourself up in the hot springs! He said, and even after the time passed, he waited without taking a bath. In addition, the breakfast is well-balanced and there are many Yamagata dishes, the taste is just right, and it is a menu that makes you feel good from the morning. Even in the local area, the breakfast at Hoteiya is very popular. The rooms have wide windows and you can spend a luxurious time with a view of the river on the side. In the future, I have decided that I would like to take care of the Hoteiya every time I have a legal affair. I look forward to working with you.
花谷麻衣子 on Google

It's a small inn, nice and not luxurious, but the rooms and baths are clean and the prices are reasonable, but the food was great.
a A on Google

気使いがすばらしい宿です。 お料理も温かく揚げたての天ぷらカットステーキ、刺身、海鮮焼きなどボリューム満天でとても美味しかったです。 5歳と3歳の子供も連れて行きましたが子供にも優しく接してくれて良かったです。 お部屋は、掃除がしっかりされてて綺麗でした。 お風呂は、小さめですが湯加減が ちょうど良くいい湯でした。 心のこもったおもてなしでゆっくり過ごす事ができ「また、行きたいな」と思う宿でした。
It is an inn with great care. The dishes were warm and freshly fried tempura cut steak, sashimi, seafood grilled, etc. It was full of volume and very delicious. I took my 5 and 3 year olds with me, but I'm glad they treated me kindly. The room was clean and tidy. The bath is small, but the amount of hot water is It was just a good hot water. It was an inn where I could spend a relaxing time with heartfelt hospitality and thought "I want to go again".

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