Ogino - Nagoya

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ogino

住所 :

1 Chome-703 Kamiyashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0025, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877788
Postal code : 465-0025

1 Chome-703 Kamiyashiro, Meito Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 465-0025, Japan
加藤眞二 on Google

I often use it at lunchtime. The set menu and daily lunch are also good value and I think they are all delicious.
K okuman on Google

夕方、1人であってもカウンターは避けるべし。理由はメニューに埃がついてるし水槽のチューブは緑の藻でいっぱい‼︎飲食店となると…(≧∇≦) BGMも歌がイマイチなアイドルみたいのがずっと流れていて、もしやこちらのご子息かと思ったけれどおそらくラジオ。 お蕎麦は美味しかったし、お店の方も良い感じなので、この2点だけ気になりつつ、近くへ行ったらまた寄ります。
In the evening, avoid the counter even if you are alone. The reason is that the menu is dusty and the aquarium tube is full of green algae! ︎ When it comes to restaurants ... (≧ ∇ ≦) BGM has been playing like an idol whose song is not good, and I thought it was my son, but probably the radio. The soba was delicious and the shop was nice, so I was worried about these two points, and if I went nearby, I would stop by again.
Ice Latte on Google

出張で行った際に、googlemapで検索! 名古屋名物を味わえました。美味しかったです。
Search on googlemap when you are on a business trip! I was able to taste Nagoya specialties. It was delicious.
いっしー。。 on Google

上社で美味しいザル蕎麦が食べれるとは思いませんでした 違うものも食べてみたいけど、また次来てもザル蕎麦にしてしまいそう
I didn't think I could eat delicious colander soba at Kamiyashiro I want to try something different, but I think I'll make colander soba again next time
村井洋子 on Google

味噌煮込みを食べました。 とても美味しいです。 麺の固さが選べます。
I ate miso nikomi udon. it tastes very good. You can choose the hardness of the noodles.
ぬーさん on Google

味噌煮込みうどんを注文。 きしめんで頼んだら煮込みは柔らかくなりすぎるからうどんのみとのこと。 おいしかったけど、たぶん他の人と同じ注文で、調理時間の短い方と取り違えられたのではと思う状態の麺でした。 それなら柔らかくてもいいからきしめんにして欲しかったかも。 食べられないわけではないから食べちゃったけど、そこが残念。 お店の方、お気をつけください
I ordered miso nikomi udon. If you ask for it squeezed, the stew will be too soft, so only udon is said. It was delicious, but the noodles were probably in the same order as other people, and I think they were mistaken for the one with the shorter cooking time. In that case, it doesn't matter if it's soft, so maybe I wanted it to be kishimen. It's not that I can't eat it, so I ate it, but that's a shame. Please be careful if you are in the shop
大和魂 on Google

2プラス カツ丼セット、卵とじ! を注文。 カツ丼は薄味…わかりやすく甘さとか欲しかった、とりあえず一味で誤魔化す。 うどんは拘りは感じるが、讃岐うどんで育ってきてるので麺の硬さ、コシが有るというよりも硬いって感じかな…
2 plus Katsudon set, egg binding! Order. Katsudon has a light taste ... I wanted it to be easy to understand and sweet, but for the time being, it's a bit of a deception. I feel that udon is particular, but since it is grown in Sanuki udon, the noodles are harder than they are chewy ...
nagoya spa on Google







Kamiyashiro Station immediately good Genamen treatment in the nearby went at lunch so was worrisome. Atmosphere of the restaurant is a warm sum. Lunch is ordered to change near the are and bowl set fulfilling a set from day instead. ◆ and bowl set (930 yen) ◆ buckwheat change (100 yen) and the bowl is easily but is very delicious crispy also Katsu there is a flavor of the soup! !! Buckwheat also has flavor if there is waist was to be in large serving not'm half there firmly. Landlady's personality and customer service of was also good.

Thank you for the meal.

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