Ōbukuro Station - Koshigaya

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ōbukuro Station

住所 :

Fukuroyama, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0032, Japan

Postal code : 343-0032

Fukuroyama, Koshigaya, Saitama 343-0032, Japan
358 PMP on Google

A small ground station with two lines facing each other. The railroad crossing near the station is narrow but has a lot of traffic.
はにおはにお on Google

I think it would be more prosperous if you were working on development for more than 20 years. Be had is also the starting station Hopefully? Finally only advances bus is also 1 route just one side developed in recent years? Seemingly better person who became to go through with the still Kitakoshigaya and Asama platform is
アスランキラ on Google

この度数十年振りにもどってきました。 まあ見事に店などなにも無くなってました。駅はきれいになったけど。
I've been back for the first time in decades. Well, there are no stores or anything. The station is clean though.
木口俊也 on Google

The station is beautiful. The toilet is also clean ❗
ろひ on Google

The station is beautiful and the roundabouts and roads in front of the station are spacious, but only a semi-express stop with each station.
Kumi Taka on Google

改装工事をして綺麗になりました。エレベーターで改札階に上がれます。 トイレも駅の内外に二ヶ所あります。 駅近にセブンイレブンが二店舗あり便利になりました。
It has been renovated and has become beautiful. You can go up to the ticket gate floor by elevator. There are two toilets inside and outside the station. There are two 7-Eleven stores near the station, making it convenient.
Hiroshi Fukushima on Google

リーマンショックが起きるまで約1年ほど住んでいた。 とても古い年季の入った駅で、地元民として愛着があった。 最近久しぶりに訪れたら、駅が跡形もなく建て代わり新しくなった。 新駅として美しく近代的になった嬉しい気持ちと 旧駅を知っている者としてそこはかとなく寂しい気持ち。 でも、これでいいんだと思う。 少しずつでも駅前が整備され便利になり、 人が住み始めて栄えていくのだろうから、
I lived for about a year before the Lehman shock. It was a very old station, and I was attached to it as a local. When I visited again after a long time, the station was rebuilt and rebuilt without any trace. With the happy feeling that it became beautiful and modern as a new station As a person who knows the old station, I feel lonely. But I think this is fine. The front of the station has been improved little by little, making it convenient. Because people will start living and prosper,
ben kimur on Google

階段がきついが、上りエスカレータとエレベーターがあり便利です。 東武スカイツリーライン線の駅ですが、準急、急行が停車しないため便利はイマイチですね
The stairs are tight, but there are uphill escalators and elevators, which is convenient. It's a station on the Tobu Sky Tree Line, but it's not convenient because semi-express and express trains don't stop.

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