Nojima - Yokohama

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Contact Nojima

イオン金沢八景店 3階 1 Chome-27-1 Deiki, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 236-0021, Japan
ゆーちゅん on Google

洗濯機を購入。ある程度商品を決めていたのでお値段や配送時期などの相談をしました。 対応してくれたTさん(お名前出すとよくないので)がとても丁寧に説明してくださって助かりました。ポイントやお値引きもしてもらって満足です。 久々の大きな家電の買い物でしたのでネットで買うより店頭へ足を運びました。やはり触って見て店員さんと話して、店頭の良さありがたさを感じました。 掃除機を購入する予定なのでいただいたポイントで購入しようと思ってます。ただ在庫切れの商品なのでちょっと考え中…また相談に乗ってもらおうと思います。
I bought a washing machine. Since I had decided on the product to some extent, I consulted about the price and delivery time. Mr. T who responded (because it is not good to name it) explained very carefully and it was helpful. I am happy to receive points and discounts. It's been a long time since I was shopping for big home appliances, so I went to the store rather than buying it online. After all, I touched it and talked to the clerk, and I felt the goodness of the store. I'm planning to buy a vacuum cleaner, so I'm thinking of buying it at the points I received. It's just out of stock, so I'm thinking about it for a moment ... I'd like to ask you to consult with me again.
後藤広治 on Google

年初の初売りに行き、チラシにあったエアコンを買いに行きました。(現在付いているのが古く冷房のみ) 機器の消費電力や手間の具合等説明して貰い、設置に向けて電気工事屋さんと下見と工事日の日程調整迄丁寧にして貰いました? 行ったのが丁度お昼で、2時間話し込み(私もお腹が空いた?)契約して帰って来ました。仕事とはいえ具合の悪い時間に行っちゃいました? お陰で暖かな冬が過ごせます。 お世話になりました?
I went to the first sale at the beginning of the year and went to buy the air conditioner that was on the leaflet. (Currently attached is old and only air conditioner) We asked them to explain the power consumption and time and effort of the equipment, and to carefully check with the electrician for installation and adjust the schedule of the construction date ? I went there just at noon and talked for 2 hours (I was hungry too ?) and came back with a contract. I went to work but I wasn't feeling well ? Thanks to you, you can spend a warm winter. Thank you for your help ?
K H on Google

今回は65型、32型TV購入でした。 即日配送のお手続きもありがとうございました。 スタッフの方々がとても知識が豊富で、電球や延長コードから大型家電迄、同じ様に分かりやすく説明してくださる為、納得して購入出来ます!
This time, I bought a 65-inch and 32-inch TV. Thank you for the same day delivery procedure. The staff are very knowledgeable and explain everything from light bulbs and extension cords to large appliances in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can buy it with conviction!
安達喜雄 on Google

PCを購入しセットアップをお願いしましたが一週間はかかりすぎだと思います。前回5年前?購入した時は1~2時間でセットアップをしてもらい、その日のうちにPCを手渡ししてもらいました。そうあるべきだと思います。今回は旧PCが壊れていなかったので一週間を了解しました、旧PCが故障したときはそうはいかず、入手するまでの期間を待つことはできないので、おそらく別の量販店で購入することになった思います。 私のような人は他にも多数あると思いますので対応についてご一考ください。
I bought a PC and asked for setup, but I think it took too long for a week. Last time 5 years ago? When I bought it, I had it set up in 1 to 2 hours, and I had my PC handed to me the same day. I think it should be. I understand the week because the old PC wasn't broken this time, but when the old PC breaks down, I can't wait for the time to get it, so I probably decided to buy it at another mass retailer. I think it became. I think there are many other people like me, so please think about how to deal with them.
瀬戸朝比 on Google

これぞ、感動接客! J.WATANABEさんありがとう! ノジマ金沢八景店はよく利用させていただいています。 2月末の土曜日、高齢の母のスマホをiPhoneへ変更するため予約をして連れて行きました。iPhoneの事など何もわからない母に「親切に」「わかりやすく」時にはご自身のスマホまで取り出して丁寧に説明してくださいました。契約手続きで時間がかかると、母を気遣ってくださり、まさに爽やかな好青年といった感じで、気持ちよく相談ができました。 やはり『デジタル一番星』と言う目標に向け従業員の教育が徹底しているのでしょう。 さすがノジマの店員さんですね!感動!!
This is a moving customer service! Thank you J.WATANABE! I often use Nojima Kanazawa Hakkei store. On Saturday at the end of February, I made a reservation and took my elderly mother's smartphone to an iPhone. When I was "kind" and "easy to understand" to my mother who didn't know anything about the iPhone, she took out her smartphone and explained it carefully. When it took a long time to complete the contract, he took care of my mother, and I felt like a refreshing young man, and I was able to consult comfortably. After all, it seems that employee education is thorough toward the goal of "Digital Ichibanboshi". As expected, it's a Nojima clerk! Impressed! !!
ひろみ粕川 on Google

前々からノジマさんは皆様本当に親切で、大変大好きなお店です。 沢山の情報をもたれ、親切にきちんと説明して頂き今回も松山さんに本当にお世話になりました。これからも何かあれば、ノジマで必ず購入させて頂きます。これからも宜しくお願い致します。 1つ、携帯の付属品が豊富にあったら嬉しい??です。
Nojima-san has always been a really kind and very favorite shop. I received a lot of information and kindly explained it properly, and I am really grateful to Mr. Matsuyama this time as well. If anything happens, I will definitely buy it at Nojima. Thank you for your continued support. One, I would be happy if there were a lot of mobile accessories ??.
Dan Burkett on Google

Smaller selction but has mosyly what you need for general electronic needs.
Justin Kayce on Google

Great staff! Helpful. Helps if you know the language as the staff is local. Located in a shopping mall about 10 min walk from nearest station. Moderate to average prices.

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