
3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 小野医院

住所 :

Susakicho, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0028 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87877
Webサイト : http://www.ono13.jp/
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Susakicho, Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, 〒236-0028 Kanagawa,Japan

Poor people, maybe they might be compatible, but I got an accurate diagnosis so I regretted why I didn't see the teacher from the beginning. And the skin is restored. Both the teachers and the receptionist are kind. He is a doctor in the town who wants to receive medical examinations even though he/she can give me medicine.
ぱぱ on Google

Not as bad as reviews. There is something that you can't hear because it's fast, but the assistant will give you support. The amount of information provided was more than other hospitals (although the number of samples was small). It was especially good that we made a diagnosis using a microscope, not judging from experience alone.
fu ga on Google

他の方の口コミにもありますが、患者側の話しを全く聞こうとしません。 むしろ、こちらが病状の説明や経緯を話そうとすると「素人は黙ってろ」位の態度で不快感をあらわにしてきます。 今どき珍しいが、典型的に偉そうな医者です。 ホームページでは色々いい事を書いていますが、全く違います。 良い口コミがあるのが不思議です。 病院でここまで不快になったのは初めてです。
There are reviews from other people, but they never listen to the patient. Rather, if you try to tell a description or history of your condition, you will be displeased with the attitude of "Amateur stay silent." A rare, but typically mediocre doctor. The homepage wrote various good things, but it was completely different. It is strange that there are good reviews. This is the first time that I have been so uncomfortable at a hospital.
あい on Google

The waiting time is long, but it was helpful to take appropriate measures.
AKA CDH on Google

ひどすぎる。患者の話をまるで聞こうとしない。早く終わらせて次の患者にいこうとするのが丸わかり。患者はただの金儲けにしか見えないんでしょうね。。 さっさと引退したほうがいいレベル!! 2度と行かない!!
It's too terrible. I don't listen to the patient. I understand that I will finish it early and try to go to the next patient. The patient looks like just making money. .. A level that you should retire quickly! !! I will never go again! !!
N M on Google

It is not suitable for people who want to hear the story, but it is suitable for people like myself who just want to prescribe medicine without waiting. In fact, the examination took less than a minute, but if I believed in the doctor here and took the medicine, my rough hands and acne were cured. Thank you.
H G on Google

He was a teacher with little waiting time and good response. I have allergic eczema, so medical treatment is quick and helpful. It is really helpful for busy office workers to have early medical treatment. I go there every month.
mii on Google

土曜日、午前診察終了前に初診でかかりました。 時間内であったため、何も疑わずに診察室に呼ばれるまま入りましたが、先生のイライラ(不機嫌さ)がすごい勢いで伝わってきました。言葉遣いはもちろん、こんなギリギリで来られると困る的な言い方も。最終的には粉瘤切除希望でしたが、粉瘤という診断をする前に「無理だから」「こんなの取らなくても良い」と。痛みがあるため切除したいので紹介状を書いて欲しいと伝えると「はいはい、書きます。ちょっと待ってよ。はい、次の人〜」みたいな慌ただしさで診察室を追い出されました。局部を触診するわけでもなくぱっと見で次々と患者を捌こうとするその姿勢に正直怒りを通り越して呆れてしまいました。こちらは引っ越してきてまもなく、口コミやホームページを頼りに来院したのに。ちなみにホームページには 「患者様に寄り添う医療を目指します」と書いてありました笑 診療時間内に行ってもまともに診てくれないのだったら実際の診療時間3時間くらい前にでも受付終了すれば良いのではないでしょうか。 とにかく今までの人生で1、2を争うくらい気分の悪い病院でした。
I had my first visit on Saturday before the morning consultation. Since it was within the time, I entered the examination room without any doubt, but the teacher's frustration (moody) was transmitted with great momentum. Not to mention the wording, there are also words that would be a problem if you could come at the last minute. In the end, I wanted to remove the cyst, but before diagnosing the cyst, he said, "It's impossible" and "I don't have to take this." When I told him to write a letter of introduction because I had pain, I was rushed out of the examination room with a rush like "Yes, I will write. Wait a minute. Yes, the next person." Honestly, I was overwhelmed by the attitude of trying to handle patients one after another without palpating the local area. Shortly after I moved, I came to the hospital relying on word-of-mouth and homepages. By the way, on the homepage It was written that "We aim to provide medical care that is close to patients" lol If you don't see me properly even if you go during the consultation hours, I think you should close the reception even about 3 hours before the actual consultation hours. Anyway, it was a hospital that made me feel uncomfortable enough to compete for one or two in my life.

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