
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact とよばら食堂

住所 :

Nishiminowa, Ina, 〒399-4501 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8799
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday 11AM–2PM
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM
街 : Nagano

Nishiminowa, Ina, 〒399-4501 Nagano,Japan
MEN'S IK on Google

地元民向けの安価に食事ができるお店ですが、ぶっちゃけお店は汚い。清潔感を求める方にはオススメ出来ません。 ただ値段と美味しさは満足しています。
It is a restaurant where you can eat at a low price for locals, but the restaurant is dirty. I can not recommend it to those who seek cleanliness. Only the price and the taste are satisfied.
おむむむ on Google

It was a really local atmosphere. Raw noodles are seasoned by yourself. The default does not taste too much. Sesame oil and sauce were good.
宮澤敏幸 on Google

出てきたのは何も味付けされてない、スープ入の焼そばみたいなの。 テーブルにはソース ニンニク 酢なと… 元が美味しくないから、ソースと酢とニンニク入れても美味しくなるわけない。 これが美味しいと言う人たちの意味がわからん。
What came out was like yakisoba with soup, which wasn't seasoned at all. Sauce garlic vinegar on the table ... The original isn't delicious, so adding sauce, vinegar and garlic doesn't make it delicious. I don't understand the meaning of people who say this is delicious.
takuma saitou on Google

ローメン小530円、中630円、大730円でした。 配膳時、食べ方を知っているか聞かれ、わからないと答えると、お酢、ソース、ごま油で味付けしてくれました。 お肉は羊で匂いは弱めです。 ちなみにローメンはお店に寄ってお肉の種類が違うらしいですが、とよばらさんは羊です。 焼きそばでもなくラーメンでもなく不思議な食べ物でしたが美味しくいただきました。 今年(2019年)は50周年のようで、会計時にお年賀で店名入りのボールペンをいただきました。 自宅から近ければ定期的に行きたいです。 駐車場は隣のファミリーマートと兼用?
Lohmen small 530 yen, medium 630 yen, large 730 yen. When arranging, I was asked if I knew how to eat, and answered that I do not know, seasoned with vinegar, sauce and sesame oil. Meat is sheep and smell is weak. By the way, Roemen seems to be different at the shop and the type of meat is different, but Tomorrow is a sheep. It was a mysterious food, not a fried noodles but a ramen, but it was delicious. This year (2019) seems to be the 50th anniversary, we got a ballpoint pen with a store name in New Year's card at the time of accounting. I would like to go regularly if I'm close to home. Is the parking lot shared with the next Family Mart?
美酒乱 on Google

超ローカル店!一見さんは入りづらい!笑 味付けしてもらいました! ジャンルとしてはスープローメン?美味かった! また行きます(^^)
Super local store! It's hard to enter at first glance! Lol I had it seasoned! Soup lomen as a genre? It was delicious! I will go again (^^)
横澤太郎 on Google

地元民しかいない店 駐車場無い店 実は地元民の飲み屋かも、、。
A store with only locals Store without parking lot Actually, it might be a local bar.
ぽてちん on Google

When I searched the cafeteria in the wide area of ​​Ina City, I found "Toyobara Shokudo". I heard that there is a lomen, so I visited for the first time. When I parked my car in the parking lot of FamilyMart next door and went to the store, I heard a lively voice from inside. To be honest, it was difficult to enter, but when I entered the store with all my might, people who seemed to be regulars were in the middle of lunch. Find a vacant seat and take a seat. I asked for a large serving of lomen at the timing when my mother gave me a cold. (It seems that the large serving is for 2 servings and the medium serving is for 1.5 servings.) After a while, the mother asked, "Would you like to season it here?" I was told to season it to my liking. If you try to eat the lomen that came out as it is, it is still unsatisfactory. Sprinkle sesame oil twice, sauce twice, garlic and shichimi. Turn it upside down and slurp it. Not enough yet. Sprinkle the sauce twice and vinegar twice. The sweetness, sourness, saltiness, garlic flavor, and sourness of vinegar of the sauce complemented the sweetness of the sauce, making it a favorite taste. After that, I entered a happy time to sip and chew chewy noodles. I enjoyed delicious lomen while feeling the power of local regulars on my back. Thank you for the meal.
ふくろう伯爵 on Google

ローメンに釣られてふらりと立ち寄りました。 ファミマの横に建物と看板が見えているのに辿り着けない。と思ったら、分かりづらいですがファミマとの間に側道がありました。裏からも入れます。 自分は夜にお邪魔しましたが、中は地元のおっちゃんらで大盛りあがりで、なんというかこう、圧倒されました。 場違いだったかな?と初めは思ったのですが、おっちゃんのひとりがカウンターを空けて勧めてくれたり、大将や女将さんが味付けやら食べ方やら教えてくれたりで、疎外感などは感じなかったです。 正直 人を選ぶというか、好みは分かれそうなお店ではありますが、突撃していける人なら一見さん関係なく地元の雰囲気に混ざれてとても楽しめると思います。 ローメンは汁ありタイプ。マトンは臭みが少なく食べやすかったです。味付けは自分でするかお任せか聞いてくれるのでお好みで。ニンニク有無を聞かれたのでお願いしたところ、すごくサービスしてくれました。帰り道でよかった!(笑) ・おおらかな方、安くておいしい店を探している方、刺激を求めている方。超オススメです。 ・潔癖症、騒がしいのは苦手、タバコの煙が苦手な方は、多分合わないかなと思います。 ここに検索でたどり着いた方はきっとローメンで調べたんじゃないかなと思います。憶測ですが。 自分の好みに合わせて、良いB級グルメの旅を!
I was caught by Lomen and stopped by. I can't reach the building and the signboard next to FamilyMart. It's hard to understand, but there was a side road with FamilyMart. You can also insert it from the back. I visited there at night, but the inside was filled with local uncles, and I was overwhelmed. Was it out of place? At first, I thought, but one of the uncles opened the counter and recommended me, and the general and the landlady taught me how to season and how to eat, so I didn't feel alienated. Honestly, it's a shop where people seem to have different tastes, but if you can attack, I think you can enjoy it with the local atmosphere regardless of the reservation. Lomen is a type with juice. The mutton had little odor and was easy to eat. You will be asked if you want to season it yourself or leave it to us, so you can do it as you like. I was asked if I had garlic, so when I asked for it, he gave me a great service. I'm glad I was on my way home! (smile) ・ Those who are easygoing, those who are looking for a cheap and delicious restaurant, and those who are looking for stimulation. I highly recommend it. ・ If you are not good at addiction, noisy, or cigarette smoke, I think it probably doesn't suit you. I think that those who arrived here by searching must have searched with Lomen. It's speculation. Have a good B-grade gourmet trip to your liking!

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