理容プラージュ 蒲田店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 理容プラージュ 蒲田店

住所 :

Nishikamata, Ota City, 〒144-0051 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : https://www.plage-bb.co.jp/search/riyou.php%3Fc%3Dstore_view%26pk%3D155
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Sunday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Monday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Tuesday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Wednesday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Thursday 8:15AM–7:15PM
Friday 8:15AM–7:15PM
街 : Tokyo

Nishikamata, Ota City, 〒144-0051 Tokyo,Japan
池田尚文 on Google

安価で、希望すれば鼻毛や耳毛もシェービングしてくれるので、待ち時間は 苦になりません。
It's cheap, and if you want, it will shave your nose hair and ear hair, so you can wait for a while. It doesn't bother me.
たかしげ on Google

チェーン店なので店のクオリティはどこでも同じようなもの。 あとは自分に合う理容師がいるかどうか。
Since it is a chain store, the quality of the store is the same everywhere. Is there a barber who suits me?
Sugi Masa on Google

コスパの高さは随一。 1000円カットより丁寧だし上手。 デメリットはお客が多すぎて20分・30分待ちは通常。
The height of cospa is the highest. It's more polite and better than a 1000 yen cut. The disadvantage is that there are too many customers and waiting for 20 or 30 minutes is normal.
松本行雄 on Google

いつも混んでいるので多少はまたされます。椅子に案内されて又少しまたされます。カツトは早いので始まればスムースに進みます。今日も15分くらいで終了! 効率良いですね(^-^) これからもお世話になりますm(_ _)m コロナ対策で入り口が開けっ放しなので、円いすで待っている時はさむいです(((^_^;)
It's always crowded so it will be a little more. I will be guided by the chair and will be back again. The cut is fast, so if you start, it will go smoothly. It will be finished in about 15 minutes today! It's efficient (^-^) Thank you for your continued support m (_ _) m The entrance is left open as a measure against corona, so it's cold when waiting in a round chair (((^_^;))
鈴木雄太 on Google

他の方のレビューにもあるように、女の店員が本当に不快です。 髭剃りが下手で、4箇所血出ても放置、そのまま継続。恐怖でしかなかったです。基本的な挨拶や謝罪も出来ない。タメ語を使う。ヤバすぎました。
As others have reviewed, the female clerk is really uncomfortable. I am not good at shaving, and even if I have blood in 4 places, I leave it and continue as it is. It was just a horror. I can't even make basic greetings or apologize. Use Tame language. It was too dangerous.
にしおもり on Google

人気もあり腕もまぁ確かなようですが、店員さんたちの役割分担があるようで、カットした髪の毛が床の上に放置され、不衛生さを感じます。 カットする手さばきもちょっといい加減です。長年のキャリアから細かい気づかいがなくなりつつあるのでしょう。価格はリーズナブルでたまに使う店ですが、全体的にみると1000円カットよりかはちょっとマシかなって程度です。
It's popular and the skill seems to be certain, but it seems that the clerk's roles are divided, and the cut hair is left on the floor, and I feel unsanitary. The handling of cutting is also a little sloppy. Perhaps the details are disappearing from many years of career. The price is reasonable and it is a shop that I use occasionally, but overall it is a little better than the 1000 yen cut.
Rachel McGee on Google

Absolutely spectacular shop! The barbers take such care and are truly talented at what they do. My husband came out a new man and super stylish. I would gladly come again and use their services many more times without hesitation.
Comfortably Numb on Google

When I checked the shop, I found there was only one costumer before me, so I take the waiting seat near the entrance. Soon after I was told to take the cutting seat in the upstairs, so I thought the service sould start soon but it didn’t. I had to wait nearly 30 minutes for my cutting and it took toral one hour to complete all my services as I had the certain time lags between deferent services. It should be shops tecnich to make less waiting people at the entrance. Rather than that the service itself should be OK for me.

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