ジョニーの屋根ウラ酒場 五反田店

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ジョニーの屋根ウラ酒場 五反田店

住所 :

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88889
Webサイト : http://www.washishabu-kotetsu.com/johnny/
街 : Tokyo

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan
Yuichiro Soma on Google

バーベキュー利用。設備は簡易ガスコンロと、小さくペラペラの鉄板で使いにくい。ガス交換などの対応も適当で歓迎されていないんじゃないかと思う。 割り切って場所を借りてるだけという意識で行けば良いと思う。系列店によって対応も大きく異なり、五反田店は悪い方である。
Use barbecue. The equipment is difficult to use with a simple gas stove and a small, fluffy iron plate. I think that the response such as gas exchange is also appropriate and not welcomed. I think it's best to go with the consciousness that you just rent a place. Correspondence differs greatly depending on the affiliated store, and the Gotanda store is the bad one.
tam t. on Google

Very nice shop. An izakaya with a high atmosphere and high quality food. All the menus were cheap only at the cost bar, so I just ordered too much. It's OK to bring it in, so next time I thought I'd bring in food and drink as much as I could!

どうしても1度行ってみたかったお店です。 ここは入場料を支払うと原価で飲んで食べてができるお店です。 なのでめちゃくちゃ激安! 写真のいくら丼や、ローストビーフがオススメらしいのですが、どちらも普通に美味い! たくさん食べて飲んでワイワイしたい方にはホントおすすめです!
It is a shop I really wanted to go to once. This is a shop where you can drink and eat at cost if you pay the entrance fee. So it's super cheap! It seems that how much rice in the picture and roast beef are recommended, but both are usually delicious! If you like to eat and drink a lot, it is really recommended!
licca az on Google

If you pay 1500 yen, you can get food and drink at a low cost. We are surprised at cheapness. Anyway, it's lively so it's good to get along with friends. Why is it difficult to distinguish between the customer and the store clerk? I'm confused when ordering (laughs)
大石馳走 on Google

コロナに言い訳。 客が少ないから、海鮮ものは、仕入れしていない。 よってメニューは、肉、野菜のみ。 席料も普段3時間の料金(1人¥1500-)で、この状況化で、スタッフが少ないからと言う理由?で2時間となる。 ますます、コロナで、客足離れてしまう、典型的なパターンにならなきゃいいが、、? 気持ちの良いテラスで、酒も料理も激安だし、スタッフは、一生懸命なのに残念でした。 202005
An excuse for Corona. We do not purchase seafood because there are few customers. Therefore, the menu is only meat and vegetables. The seating fee is usually 3 hours (¥ 1500- per person), and the reason for this situation is that there are few staff? It takes 2 hours. Increasingly, it should be a typical pattern in which the number of customers is getting away from the corona, but? On the comfortable terrace, the drinks and food were very cheap, and the staff was disappointed that they worked hard. 202005
みどりんぴよぴよ on Google

「プラス面」 都心部で持ち込みBBQが安くできる貴重なお店 店員さんは愛想が良く、取り皿などお願いするとすぐに持ってきてくれたりしてサービス精神も旺盛。 すぐ近くにマイバスケットが有って買い出しにも便利 「マイナス面」 雨の日に屋上BBQガーデンを利用 ビニールカーテンで雨除けしているため、雨が降りこんで床が水びたしだし(濡れているというレベルではなく水溜りになっていた)、椅子も濡れていてキモチワルイ。 カセットコンロはボロく、いちいち店員さんにチャッカマンを借りに行って点火しなくてはならない。 金属製のトングもボロく、先端が折れている物も有る 席は狭く、さらに客を詰め込み過ぎて身動きが取れない 働いている人達は皆さん良い方ばかりだし値段も良心的なのだが、設備などハード面に残念な部分が有るようだ。 晴天の空いている時に利用するのであれば最高のお店
"Plus side" A valuable shop where you can bring in BBQ cheaply in the city center The clerk is friendly and has a strong spirit of service as he brings me a plate as soon as I ask for it. There is my basket in the immediate vicinity and it is convenient for shopping "Downside" Use the rooftop BBQ garden on a rainy day Because it was protected from the rain by a vinyl curtain, it started to rain and the floor started to flood (it was a puddle instead of a wet level), and the chairs were also wet. The cassette stove is worn out, and I have to go to the clerk to borrow a chakkaman and ignite it. The metal tongs are also worn out, and some have broken tips. The seats are small, and I can't move because I'm too crowded with customers. All the people who work are good people and the price is reasonable, but there seems to be a disappointing part in terms of hardware such as equipment. The best shop to use when the weather is clear
yan naka on Google

とにかくシステムが分かり辛い。そして、融通が聴かない印象でした。一見安いように見えたが、肉などを持ち込んでBBQをしようとすると追加料金がかかり結局そこまで安くならなかった。おかわりする際にグラスを持っていかないといけないが、酒を持ってきてくれるという謎システムも非常に面倒。また、ビルの中にあるので景色も良くない。とてもじゃないがオススメできません。 コース予約は当日訪問後の選択は不可です。飲み放題はできるようです。また、ガスコンロ使用には追加料金が必要です。
Anyway, the system is hard to understand. And I had the impression that I couldn't hear the flexibility. At first glance, it seemed cheap, but when I tried to bring in meat and do BBQ, there was an additional charge and it didn't become that cheap after all. You have to bring a glass when you refill, but the mysterious system of bringing sake is also very troublesome. Also, because it is inside the building, the scenery is not good. Not very, but not recommended. Course reservations cannot be selected after the visit on the day. It seems that you can drink as much as you want. In addition, an additional charge is required to use the gas stove.

Cospa is good, but the clerk lacks explanations about various things, and when he happens to go, is it one operation? I was very careful to order at.

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