
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 和楽

住所 :

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +899
街 : Tokyo

Nishigotanda, Shinagawa City, 〒141-0031 Tokyo,Japan
tag ishi on Google

夜に訪問しました。 全体的に安くてそこそこおいしいです。 ナポリタンは大盛で複数人で食べても食べごたえがあります。 鉄板で焼く焼肉もなかなかよかった。
I visited at night. It's cheap overall and delicious. Napolitan is a big success, and it can be eaten by several people. Yakiniku grilled with an iron plate was also quite good.
TOMO SAWA on Google

ご飯とドリンクのめっちゃコスパよしで美味しかった。 忙しいのは分かるが、頼んだドリンクが来るのが遅かったです。 (30分ぐらいまった) 焼肉を頼んで焼肉のたれがなかったのでくださいって言ったが、 ないと言われのでそのまま食べていたら後から、焼肉のたれがきた。 ウソつかれました。もうちょっと店員がしっかりすればかなりいい店になる。
The food and drink were really good and the cospa was delicious. I know I'm busy, but the drink I ordered was late. (30 minutes) I asked for yakiniku and said that there was no sausage, but I was told that it wasn't there, so if I ate it as it was, the sauce of yakiniku came later. I was lied. If the clerk is a little more firm, it will be a pretty good store.
Carたっちー(たっちーCar) on Google

ランチの定食類は、都内としては、とにかく安い。 コスパなお店です。
Lunch meals are cheap for the whole city. It is a cospa shop.
チシャ on Google

地下にあるお店です? 日本全国のチューハイってメニューがあって、ご当地の特産のフルーツのチューハイなんかがあるよ 呑み物が、安い? ...あれ、呑み物の話しばかりだな
It's a shop in the basement ? There is a menu of chu-hi all over Japan, and there is a local specialty fruit chu-hi. Drinking is cheap ? ... that's all about swallowing
Sohshin Sugimoto on Google

配膳が雑。スーツを汚された。量が多いだけで味がいまいち。 二度と来ない。
Serving is miscellaneous. The suit was soiled. The taste is not good just because the amount is large. I will never come again.
宗氏 on Google

なんと言ってもナポリタンが美味しい。 店員はみな外国人の方だけど、愛想は良く。 フロアのおばちゃんが気が効く方なので、いつも安心して飲ましてもらってます。
Napolitan is tasty even if it says anything. All the clerks are foreigners, but the food is good. Because the aunt of the floor is a smart one, I am always drinking it with confidence.
柴田桜生 on Google

今時珍しい、店内で喫煙ができるお店。(加熱式たばこのみ) かと言って煙臭いわけではなく、非喫煙者の私でもなにも気にならないレベルでした。 ランチはびっくりするくらいお手頃で、なおかつライスもコーヒーもおかわり無料。 メニューを見る限りいろいろな種類のハイボールがとても安く、夜も利用してみたくなりました。
A shop where you can smoke inside, which is rare nowadays. (Heat-not-burn tobacco only) However, it didn't smell like smoke, and even I, a non-smoker, didn't mind anything. Lunch is surprisingly affordable, and free refills of rice and coffee. As far as I can see from the menu, various kinds of highballs are very cheap and I wanted to use them at night.
Jesus Estrada on Google

Went on a Friday night with friends. No res needed. The menu is all pictures. The staff are friendly. The food was good. The drinks were ok, a little weak, but cheap. The fried gyoza were juocy. The asparagus and bacon sautee had a nice seasoning except the bacon tasted freezer-burned?. The grilled squid was good enough to order several times as was the cheese mochi. I will return.

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