
3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact レモングラスハウス

住所 :

Nishiekimaecho, Ibaraki, 〒567-0032 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
街 : Osaka

Nishiekimaecho, Ibaraki, 〒567-0032 Osaka,Japan
篠山拓也 on Google

2020/8/28 本格的なタイ料理が食べれると評判のお店。 メニューを見たのですがタイ料理がずらり。タイ料理を知らない方には何がどんな味なのかも分からないかもしれませんがそこは是非、冒険していただきたい。 今回、私はガパオヌア(牛肉のガパオライス)を食べました。良い意味でタイ米を使ったパラパラっとしたご飯に本場のスパイシーですが辛さ控えめの牛肉との相性は抜群。日本米だと水分が多くベチャとしてしまうので本場の具材には絶対にタイ米の方が美味しいのです!! 茨木市にも何店舗かタイ料理を食べれるお店はあるのですが外国人シェフが作っているからでしょうか?私はレモングラスさんの味の方が好きです。 他にも本場タイのカレーや麺類、スープもありますので是非食べてもらいたいですね。 オススメです。
2020/8/28 A restaurant that is popular for its authentic Thai cuisine. I saw the menu, but there are a lot of Thai dishes. Those who do not know Thai food may not know what it is, but I would like you to have an adventure there. This time, I ate Gapaonua (beef Gapao rice). In a good sense, it is a spicy rice that is authentic with Thai rice, but it goes well with spicy beef. Thai rice is definitely better for authentic ingredients, because Japanese rice has a lot of water content. !! There are several restaurants in Ibaraki City where you can eat Thai food. Is that because they are made by foreign chefs? I like the taste of Lemongrass-san. There are also authentic Thai curries, noodles, and soup, so I definitely want you to try them. I recommend it.
S N on Google

The unit price is high, but Tom Yum Kung was delicious. The shrimp was delicious, so I wanted to buy it and go home, but I'm sorry I couldn't change it because I had something to do after that. The landlady was certainly blunt, and her husband was amiable.
SS BB on Google

味はうまい。タイ料理大好き。 確かに女将さんの接客面には改善の余地はあるが、旦那さんで相殺されている感じ。 下のコメントを見ると人によって態度が全然違うみたいなので、何が気に入らないのか言ってもらえるとこっちも改善するのだが。。
The taste is good. I love Thai food. Certainly there is room for improvement in the customer service aspect of the landlady, but it seems that her husband is offsetting it. Looking at the comments below, it seems that people have completely different attitudes, so if you ask me what you don't like, it will improve. ..
さわ on Google

味は良いのに女性の態度が最悪。 入店しても挨拶も何もない、 こちらからテイクアウトの注文をしようと声をかけるとちょっと待って‼️と怒鳴られ、かなり待たされる。忙しいのか知らんが、ずっと無視されているのでね。自分のタイミングで接客したい人のようです。 店内で食べているお客さんたちも居心地が悪そうで、お通夜のように静かに黙々と食べられていて気の毒でした。
The taste is good, but the attitude of women is the worst. There is no greeting when I enter the store, Wait a minute when you call out to order takeout from here! I was yelled at ️ and waited a long time. I don't know if I'm busy, but it's been ignored for a long time. It seems that people want to serve customers at their own timing. The customers eating in the store also seemed uncomfortable, and I was sorry that they were eating quietly and silently like a wake.
T S on Google

マッサマンカレーをいただきました。後で知ったんですが世界的に美味として有名なカレーだそうです。初めて食べたんですが、ほどよく甘みを感じられ確かにおいしかったです。 これ以外にもメニューが充実しているので見てるだけで楽しいです。
I had Massaman curry. I learned later that it is a curry that is famous all over the world. I ate it for the first time, but it was delicious with a moderate sweetness. Besides this, the menu is extensive, so it's fun just to look at it.
大仏鉄郎 on Google

ロータリーの脇の小さなビルの1階にあるこじんまりとしたお店です。 駐車場はありません。少し歩いても良い方は、駅を挟んで逆サイドのロータリー側が駐車料金安くていいかも。阪急オアシスが1,000円以上買い物すれば60分無料なのでそこに駐車するのもありかも。 お店の感想としては、味◎、値段△、量△、雰囲気△です。さくっと本格タイ料理が食べたいって方にオススメです。 お店には扉が二つあり、最初間違えた方から入ったのかちょっと注意されました。建物正面から見て左手側が入口のようです。 ガパオガイ(1,300円)とクィティオトムヤム(1,300円)をいただきました。 印象としては、どちらも香草の独特の香りが食欲をかきたて、とても美味しかったです。エスニック料理が好きな方にはたまらないのではないでしょうか。 量は物足りないですね。値段も1,000円以上のものが多く、正直高いなと感じました。 お店の雰囲気はこじんまりとしたアジアン雑貨屋みたいなイメージ。お店の方が少し神経質そうな感じであまり居心地は良くなかったです。椅子やテーブルも落ち着ける感じではなかったので、食べてからすぐにお会計を済ませました。 純粋にタイ料理の味のみを求める方にはオススメのお店だと思います。
A small shop on the ground floor of a small building beside the roundabout. There's no parking lot. If you can walk a little, the parking fee may be cheaper on the rotary side on the opposite side of the station. If Hankyu Oasis buys 1,000 yen or more, it's free for 60 minutes, so you may park there. The impression of the shop is taste ◎, price △, quantity △, atmosphere △. Recommended for those who want to eat authentic Thai food quickly. There are two doors in the shop, and I was a little careful if I entered from the person who made a mistake at first. The entrance is on the left side when viewed from the front of the building. I received Gapaogai (1,300 yen) and Quitio Tom Yum (1,300 yen). The impression was that the unique aroma of herbs aroused my appetite and it was very delicious. Isn't it irresistible for those who like ethnic food? The amount is not enough. Most of them cost more than 1,000 yen, and I honestly felt that they were expensive. The atmosphere of the shop is like a small Asian general store. The shop seemed a little nervous and I wasn't very comfortable. The chairs and tables didn't feel calm either, so I paid for it right after I ate it. I think it is a recommended restaurant for those who want only the taste of Thai food.
Jon Tate on Google

Chris Carrington on Google

This restaurant is so, so good. It has a good selection of southeast Asian cuisine and it's all good. They make a mix of stir-fry, noodle, and rice dishes which taste very authentic but upmarket, like you might get in a hotel in Lamai rather than from a food stand at the Khao San Road. The place is very small which is a shame as it's usually busy so you may have to wait but it will absolutely be worth it. Highly recommended.

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