nishi-Shinsaibashi Yuno - Osaka

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

西心斎橋ゆうの - 日本料理 -


Contact nishi-Shinsaibashi Yuno

住所 :

1 Chome-10-35 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 542-0086
Webサイト :

1 Chome-10-35 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan
Furuta Noriko on Google

アレンジの効いた優しいお味の和食コース。 日本酒のラインアップも豊富で、またいつか伺いたいお店です。
A Japanese-style course with a gentle taste and arrangement. There is a rich lineup of sake, and I would like to visit again someday.
Miwa on Google

It was very delicious.
Tom Hsu on Google

非常好吃,日式和西式的綜合體,味道細緻而不突兀。各種西方食材很巧妙地融入道地的和食料理中。 最後面的米飯,吃完後記得要okawari 鍋巴(okoge)看看,保證有意想不到的驚喜 12/19 依然として美味しい!!! 熊の汁物は絶品~
Very delicious, a combination of Japanese and Western style, delicate and unobtrusive. Various Western ingredients are skillfully integrated into authentic Japanese cuisine. The last rice, remember to have a look at okawari okoge (okoge), to ensure that there are unexpected surprises 12/19 Still し て yummy し い !!! 熊 の 汁 物 は 绝 品 ~
Schmitt Florent on Google

鬼才いしいひさいちの作品の一つに「地底人」シリーズがあります。 地表人の侵略を企む地底人と、その更に下の地底人の侵略を企む最低人との間の死斗を描いた作品です。 ここに登場する最低人が実に秀逸。 まだご存知の無い方は是非ご一読を。 さて。 西心斎橋のこちらのお店。 大阪料理会を代表するお店の一つです。 そのお料理は、素晴らしい素材と最先端のお仕事が融合した、何かよく分からないけど素晴らしく美味い謎の物体。 人間、理解のできない飽和した美味さを体験すると、どんどんボキャブラリーが減っていく様です。 序盤「馥郁とした味わいの中に、全ての食材単位に食感と手法の変化も愉しめる一品」 中盤「何これ!なんかよく分からんけどむっちゃ美味い固まりに、なんか得体のしれないむっちゃ美味い汁がかかってる!」 終盤「おっ、おっおっおまー、あっああ、うっうううまーっ!」 いつの間にか最低人になるという、実に恐ろしい話です。
One of Hisaoichi's works is the “Underground People” series. This is a work depicting the death of a bottom person who plans to invade the surface person and the lowest person who invades the ground person below. The lowest person who appears here is really excellent. If you don't know yet, please take a look. Now. This shop in Nishishinsaibashi. It is one of the representative restaurants in Osaka. The dish is a mysterious object that is wonderful but delicious, with a mix of wonderful ingredients and cutting-edge work. It seems that the vocabulary is steadily decreasing when you experience a saturated taste that humans cannot understand. Early stage “One dish that allows you to enjoy a change in texture and method for all ingredients in a dignified taste” Mid-game "What is this! I don't know what it is, but it's a very delicious lump that has a lot of delicious soup! Endgame "Oh, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" It ’s a terrible story about becoming the lowest person.
Kenji on Google

料理は美味しすぎました。 大将やスタッフさんの人柄も最高です。
The food was too good. The personalities of the general and staff are also the best.
b a on Google

美味しい❤︎旬のいいものが出てくる。 量もちょうどいい!! 盛り付けも美しい♪ 大将も気さくで良い方でした! 素敵な時間を過ごせました。 満席でとても流行っていました。
Delicious ❤︎ Good seasonal food comes out. The amount is just right! !! The arrangement is also beautiful ♪ The general was also friendly and nice! I had a wonderful time. It was full and very popular.
Sandy Yuen on Google

Service is good, fine and elegant. Know that we are swearing, writing English, interesting paintings. Good taste, food sharing. 美味しいですよ 楽しい
Joseph Tang on Google

A superb & fantastic Japanese restaurant escalating well the traditional Japanese cuisine with innovative way of cooking as well as artistic presentation. The chef blended well different flavors of food, the essence of “umami” & texture of food. Seats are limited & advance booking is a must. While the staff are not good at English but they did prepare well in advance by writing up an English menu for the courses for us. Very good services even they didn’t speak English much. Besides, prices were not “expensive” for the quality they provided.

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