Masuda - Osaka

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Masuda

住所 :

1 Chome-3-12 Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0085, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 542-0085
Description : Focusing on seafood, this eatery serves multi-course meals, with regularly changing menus.

1 Chome-3-12 Shinsaibashisuji, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0085, Japan
0505 kzmaggio on Google

器もまたご馳走。お煮物は一番のごちそうというだけあり、奇をてらわないが一椀への情熱を感じる。 昼も行ってみたいけれど、マダムが多いらしいのでまた夜かな。 サービスや調理どちらもこなす若い方々のシャツやネクタイのセンスや清潔感、和やかな雰囲気が、全てに反映されているのを感じる。
The vessel is also a treat. The boiled dish is just the best feast, and it does not seem strange, but I feel passion for one bowl. I would like to go during the day, but it seems to be night again because there are many Madams. I feel that the sense, cleanliness and peaceful atmosphere of the shirts and ties of young people who handle both service and cooking are reflected in everything.
maruko tekken on Google

お酒好きなら間違いなし。 こんなにうまい八寸は他にない! サービスも◯ボリュームも◯ 旬の素材をふんだんに使った和食をいただけます。 会話もはずまた、カウンターで和やかに食せます。 月二回コースが変わるのもすばらしい。 たぶん、大将はすごくお酒好きなんだろうなー 個室もあるので重宝します。
If you like alcohol, there is no doubt. There is no other Yatsumi so delicious! Service and volume too You can enjoy Japanese food that uses plenty of seasonal ingredients. You can also have a conversation at the counter. It is also wonderful that the course changes twice a month. Maybe the general is a big fan of alcohol. There is also a private room, so it is useful.
MIC N on Google

コロナ禍ですが、お祝い事があったので、お昼のミニ会席をいただきました。お正月にタイムスリップしたかの様な錯覚に惹き込まれ新鮮な気分になりました。 お料理は勿論のこと 器もおめでたい演出♡スゴク楽しめました 癒される時間をありがとうございました♡
It's a corona disaster, but since there was a celebration, I had a mini-kaiseki meal for lunch. I was drawn to the illusion of a time slip on New Year's Day and felt fresh. Not to mention cooking Congratulations on the vessel ♡ I enjoyed it Thank you for the time to be healed ♡
のじゆり on Google

本日は心斎橋「懐石料理桝田」さんにお昼のミニ懐石¥3800を予約し伺いました 初秋の風は肌にさらりとして気持ちよく 見上げた青空は抜けるように高い 心斎橋の細い路地に見つけた張りのある柿色の暖簾、 揃えた指先で裾をめくり潜り抜けてゆきます 檜のカウンターは7mはあろうか漆の丸盆が一寸の乱れなく並べられ手を合わせ客人を静かに待つようです 少し高めの椅子に掛け、カウンター越しに店の子たちの流れるような所作を見守りながらお料理の始まりを待ちます ◇生ビール ◆先付け お願いした生ビールは琥珀色の富岳、 鮮やかな色の青芋茎の下には自家製豆腐はすり下ろした山芋に寒天など合わせてとろりと柔らかい ◆鱧と松茸の土瓶蒸し この土瓶はもしや…。 松茸の土瓶蒸しが出されることなど知らなかったから ふいに声を上げて喜んでしまった お猪口に注がれる出汁の松茸の香りが鼻の奥にじんわりと広がる、深いなぁ ◆造り 戻り鰹にネギとろろを和えて 自然薯のようなもっちりとした粘りに包まれた鰹を刺身醤油につけて… おっと、大事な事を見過ごすところでした それは、醤油皿の金継ぎ。 割れたり欠けたりした器を漆で接着し継いだ部分を金で装飾しながら修復する伝統的な修理法 伺うと欠けた部分には自分たちで金継ぎをしているという、 懐石とは料理だけでなく器や「しつらえ」と併せて五感で味わうもの、 道具を愛し大切に使い続けるというその精神こそが日本文化が育んできた和食の真髄であり、ひいてはもてなしの心に通じるものだと思うのです 私はすっかり上機嫌でご主人にお願いしてオススメの日本酒を出して頂くことに 酒好きが見抜かれてしまったのかみむろ杉のひやおろしを「多めに入れておきますね」と更に嬉しい気遣い 桝田の名物でもある華やかな八寸と一緒に 糸瓜は春雨サラダの様な味付けでシャキっとした歯応え 兎の蓋を開けるとタコの柔らか煮、程よい湯がき具合の金時草と端正でかつ華やぎのあるメリハリのある品々が季節を感じさせる 胡麻豆腐を戴いた後の炊き立ての銀シャリの甘み優しく 香物の昆布のカッティングを眺めながらその余韻を楽しみました これほど悦ばせてくれるとは、恐れ入りました 昼だとて手を抜かぬきめ細やかさ、ミシュラン星獲得のご馳走を戴きました 是非また来たいお店です ◇みむろ杉 ひやおろし ◆八寸 ・海老の春雨をつけた天ぷら ・春雨揚げえびのクリームチーズ ・蛸のやわらか煮 和がらし ・そうめんなんきんいとうり ・石川県の金時草 ・卵焼き ・紫花豆 ・湯がいた枝豆 ・きぬかつぎ ◆胡麻豆腐 とうもろこし餡 えぐのない優しさとほんのりとしたコクだけを残した胡麻豆腐 ◆白米 福井県のこしひかり 香物 ◆黒胡麻のアイスクリーム
Today, I asked Shinsaibashi "Kaiseki Cuisine Masuda" to make a reservation for lunch mini kaiseki ¥ 3800. The early autumn breeze feels smooth on the skin The blue sky I looked up at was so high A tense persimmon-colored curtain found in a narrow alley in Shinsaibashi, Turn over the hem with the aligned fingertips and go through The cypress counter is 7m long, and the lacquer trays are lined up without any disturbance, and it seems that they hold hands and wait quietly for the guests. Hang on a slightly higher chair and wait for the start of cooking while watching the flowing behavior of the children in the store over the counter. ◇ Draft beer ◆ Advance The draft beer I asked for was amber Tomitake, Under the brightly colored blue potato stalk, homemade tofu is soft and soft with grated yam and agar. ◆ Steamed conger and matsutake mushrooms in a clay bottle This clay bottle is ... I didn't know that matsutake mushrooms would be steamed in a clay bottle I suddenly raised my voice and was pleased The scent of matsutake mushrooms in the soup stock that is poured into the inoguchi slowly spreads deep inside the nose, isn't it? ◆ Structure Add green onions and tororo to the return bonito Soak the bonito wrapped in sticky stickiness like a natural yam in sashimi soy sauce ... Oops, I was about to overlook something important It's a soy sauce dish kintsugi. A traditional repair method in which a broken or chipped vessel is glued with lacquer and the jointed part is decorated with gold to repair it. When I asked, they said that they were kintsugi themselves for the missing parts. Kaiseki is not only a dish, but also a dish and "preparation" that you can enjoy with all five senses. I think that the spirit of loving and continuing to use tools is the essence of Japanese food that Japanese culture has nurtured, and by extension, the spirit of hospitality. I was in a good mood and asked my husband to serve recommended sake. I wonder if liquor lovers have been spotted. I'm even more happy to say, "I'll put a lot of grated sugi." With the gorgeous Hassun, which is also a specialty of Masuda The gourd is seasoned like vermicelli salad and has a crispy texture. When you open the lid of the rabbit, the soft simmered octopus, the moderately boiled Kintoki grass, and the neat and gorgeous crisp items make you feel the season. The sweetness of freshly cooked silver shari after receiving sesame tofu I enjoyed the afterglow while watching the cutting of kelp of incense. I'm sorry to make you so happy In the daytime, I received a delicate and Michelin-starred treat. This is a shop I definitely want to visit again ◇ Mimura cedar Hiyagoshi ◆ Hassun ・ Tempura with shrimp vermicelli ・ Cream cheese with fried vermicelli ・ Soft boiled octopus ・ Somen noodles ・ Kintoki grass in Ishikawa prefecture ・ Grilled eggs ・ Purple flower beans ・ Edamame with hot water ・ Kinukatsu ◆ Sesame tofu, corn paste Sesame tofu that leaves only a gentleness and a slight richness ◆ White rice Koshihikari from Fukui Prefecture Incense ◆ Black sesame ice cream
k kym on Google

1品1品楽しめます! 旬の素材をいただけるので、季節感が楽しめていいですね。 さすがミシュラン店です。お料理はもちろんですが、何気にお味噌汁やお漬物がとても美味しいです。
You can enjoy each item one by one! You can enjoy seasonal ingredients, so you can enjoy the feeling of the season. As expected it is a Michelin store. Not to mention the food, the miso soup and pickles are very delicious.
Alexander Cameron on Google

Absolutely Awesome !
Sergiu S on Google

Best place to eat ever!
monturbo on Google

I had lunch. Lots of amazing dishes. it was so good that I asked how to make one of the dishes. One of the sous chefs? cooks? looked at me like I am a total idiot. Yes, I know I can not imitate you. but it would have been better if he was nicer. The place was filled with older women looked like having fun while their husbands at work working hard for them... but still food was good. I would love to go back and try the dinner menu. reservation is necessary.

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