
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 甘の井

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
タカ on Google

忘年会で団体で利用させてもらいました。 鴨鍋でしたがおいしく、対応もよく楽しませてもらいました。 忘年会とかのシーズン以外でも行ってみたいです。
I used it as a group at the year-end party. Although it was a duck pan, it was delicious and I enjoyed the response well. I want to go outside the year-end party.
上田T on Google

It is a hideout show, the atmosphere is very good, and the education of the clerk is also very good. I think it is easy to use for entertainment.
kawakami t. on Google

個室で和食、交通も弁もよくタクシーで横づけできて、リーズナブルで美味しくて接客も良い!!! (こんなお店あんのか?) この条件で店を探して欲しいというリクエストに応えるべく調査? ………何と、そんなお店がありました?✨ それがこちら甘の井さん? 今回は鴨鍋のコースをお願いしました。 出汁がとても美味しく堪能しました。 カップルでも友人同士でも接待でもいろんなシチュエーションで使わせていただけると思います。 ご馳走様でした。また、伺います?
Japanese food, transportation and valves can be well served by taxi in a private room, reasonable, delicious and good customer service! ! ! (Do you like this shop?) Survey group to meet the request to search for a store under this condition ... ... how, there was such a store ?✨ It's sweet here Mr. well This time I asked for a course of Manabe. I enjoyed the soup very deliciously. I think that you can use it in various situations, whether it is a couple, a friend or entertaining. It was a feast. In addition, we will meet you
Ko Ka on Google

会食で何度か利用させていただいています。 初見ではなかなか辿り着けそうにない場所で隠れ家感があって楽しいです。お料理も美味しく、何より接客サービスがとても気持ちよくまた来たいと思わせてくれる素敵な所です。
I have used it several times for dinner. At first glance, it is a fun place to hide in a place that is unlikely to be reached. The food is delicious and above all, the service is very nice and makes me want to come again.
yokko K. on Google

一年に一度、伺っています。個室なので、気の合う仲間とワイワイガヤガヤ。美味しいお料理とお酒を楽しんでいます。ほぼ毎年同じ季節ですが、同じお料理が出たことないような... それも楽しみのひとつです。 私はコースのお刺身が美味しいと思います。 スタッフの方々の接客も丁寧です。 ただ...毎年集まっているのに、迷子になって到着の遅れるメンバーがいるということで、星4つです。 隠れ家風ではなく、まさしく『隠れ家』です。
I visit once a year. It's a private room, so I'm a waiwaigaya with my friends. I enjoy delicious food and sake. It's almost the same season every year, but it seems like the same food has never been served... That is one of the fun. I think the sashimi on the course is delicious. The hospitality of the staff is also polite. However... even though we are gathering every year, there are some members who are lost and will arrive late, so we have four stars. It's not a hideaway, it's just a hideaway.
池田定至 on Google

The correspondence of the shop staff and the food were excellent. Thank you very much. I will definitely use it again.
タロー!! on Google

普段、ここら辺で飲まないので、知り合いに聞いて行ってみました。 隠れ家的な個室で今の時期に丁度良かったです。 コスパも接客もいい感じです。
I don't usually drink around here, so I asked an acquaintance and went. It was a hideaway private room and was just right at this time of year. Both cospa and customer service are good.
小塚真吾 on Google

隠れ家鴨鍋のお店です? コーススタイルなので接待にはもってこいですね! マンションの一室を完全に和空間にリノベーションしてるので安心して寛げます。 ミナミのアメリカ村の外れにこんな空間あるのは嬉しいです。 また別の会合や会食でも使えるので予約しようと思ってます? 料理も鍋中心ですがあっさりしていてご年配から若者まで堪能出来るのでお薦めです。 但し、一階からの入り方は若干迷路なので集合時間の10分以上前には建物付近には到着しておくのをお薦めしておきます(笑)
It's a hideaway kamonabe shop ? It's a course style, so it's perfect for entertaining! One room in the condominium has been completely renovated into a Japanese space, so you can relax with peace of mind. I'm glad that there is such a space on the outskirts of the American village in Minami. I'm thinking of making a reservation because it can be used for other meetings and dinners ? The food is mainly hot pot, but it is recommended because it is light and can be enjoyed by both the elderly and young people. However, the way to enter from the first floor is a little maze, so it is recommended to arrive near the building at least 10 minutes before the meeting time (laugh)

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