Zetith Beauty Clinic大阪院

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

大阪心斎橋院 - ゼティスビューティークリニック|鼻整形・鼻形成、美肌専門美容クリニック - Zetithbeautyclinic.com


Contact Zetith Beauty Clinic大阪院

住所 :

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://www.zetithbeautyclinic-osaka.com/
街 : Osaka

Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, 〒542-0086 Osaka,Japan
e na on Google

新しく綺麗な美容クリニックで先生の診察も丁寧です。施術をして下さる看護師さん達もかわいくて毎回熱心に普段のスキンケアのアドバイスをして下さったり、こちらの質問にもわかるまで真摯に答えて下さいます。 こちらでダーマペン5回終了、今はメンテナンスで通っています。吹き出物が発生しやすく、赤みや炎症を起こしやすい肌なので今後も色々教えてもらいながらお付き合いしていきたいです。 時によってお会計が先だったり後だったりするのが時々混乱してしまいますが、受付の方達のいつも美しい笑顔と優しさに癒やされています。大変お世話になっており、感謝しています。
At the new and beautiful beauty clinic, the doctor's examination is also polite. The nurses who perform the treatment are also cute and enthusiastic about giving advice on skin care every time, and answering this question sincerely until you understand it. I finished 5 times with Dermapen here, and now I am going for maintenance. Since the skin is prone to breakouts and redness and inflammation, I would like to continue to work with you while being taught various things. Sometimes it gets confusing that the payment is made first or later, but the receptionists are always healed by the beautiful smiles and kindness. Thank you very much for your help.
T H on Google

出来たばかりのクリニックなのでもちろん内装は綺麗で清潔感もあります。 院長は話しやすいですよ。勧誘は程々にあります。施術は看護師。看護師のレベルは正直かなり低いです。 そして院長やスタッフ、関東にいらっしゃる女医さんのインスタグラムなどを拝見し驚くことが多々……。 まだまだコロナウイルスは予断を許さない状況ですよね。 とくにこちらのクリニックは心斎橋にあり、大阪でも感染増加が危惧され規制もかかった地域です。 にもかかわらずアクティブなプライベート事情や食事会の模様などを頻繁にSNS上に載せられており、残念ながらクリニック全体での意識の低さを感じざるを得ません。 インスタグラマーが集っているようなので、コロナウイルスなど気にせず流行りに便乗したい方にはいい所だと思います。
It's a new clinic, so of course the interior is beautiful and clean. The director is easy to talk to. There are moderate solicitations. The treatment is a nurse. The level of nurses is honestly quite low. And I was often surprised to see the director, staff, and Instagram of a female doctor in Kanto. Coronavirus is still in an unpredictable situation, isn't it? In particular, this clinic is located in Shinsaibashi, and even in Osaka, there are concerns about an increase in infection and regulations have been applied. Despite this, active private circumstances and dinner parties are frequently posted on SNS, and unfortunately I cannot help feeling the low awareness of the clinic as a whole. It seems that Instagrammers are gathering, so I think it is a good place for those who want to piggyback on the trend without worrying about coronavirus.
麻菜 on Google

全体的にお値段高めです。でも他の美容クリニックと違い医師の診察が丁寧です。他のところはほとんどカウンセラーの方と相談し施術方法を決め、医師は挨拶して終わり、とかが多いですがこちらは自分に合った治療法を提案してくれます。一見パリピっぽいですが優しく相談に乗ってくれます。効果もあると思います。受付の方もいつも笑顔で優しいです。 でも看護師の方が苦手です。3〜4回通ったのですが毎回別の方で(非常勤なのかな?)バタバタと慌ただしく愛想も無いので怖いです。喋りかけても無視されたりします。新人の方で緊張してるのかなーとも思いましたが最後まで笑顔無かったので星4にしました。
The price is high overall. However, unlike other beauty clinics, the doctor's examination is polite. In most other places, I consult with a counselor to decide the treatment method, and the doctor greets me and finishes, but in many cases, this will suggest a treatment method that suits me. At first glance, it looks like a party person, but he kindly gives us a consultation. I think it is also effective. The receptionist is always smiling and kind. But nurses are not good at it. I went there 3-4 times, but every time I was a different person (maybe I'm part-time), I'm scared because I'm rushed and unfriendly. Even if you talk, it will be ignored. I wondered if the newcomer was nervous, but I didn't smile until the end, so I gave it 4 stars.
shizu k on Google

I visited the counseling. The clinic is very beautiful and clean, and it takes a lot of time for counseling, so I was able to consult with you in various ways. Thank you.
Y N on Google

ダーマペンをしにきましたが 悩みに合わせて薬剤を調合して下さり、 これから効果が出るのが楽しみです。 院長先生が優しくて、男の人も話しやすいです。
I came to Dermapen Please prepare the medicine according to your worries. I'm looking forward to seeing the effect from now on. The director is kind and it is easy for men to talk.
ダリモカ on Google

以前からお世話になっていた 某有名院のアートメイクの先生がこちらで独立されたので リタッチの施術を受けに行ってきました。 内装も綺麗で 施術ブースも明るくとても清潔感があり広々した感じでした。 以前は他院の方でお世話になっておりましたが、リップの施術のマシンが前と違っていて 痛みが少ない機械になったみたいで マシンでこんなに違うものか?と驚きました 眉も以前からしていただいてるのですが、似合う型、自分の好みも取り入れていただき大満足してます。ノーメイクでも眉毛が一本一本生えてるかのようなナチュラルさは、本当に助かります 先生も真摯で気さくな方で勉強熱心だなといつも思う人柄の方です。 またお世話になりたい院だと思うので星5です。
A permanent makeup teacher from a famous institute who had been indebted for a long time became independent here, so I went to receive a retouching treatment. The interior was beautiful and the treatment booth was bright and very clean and spacious. I used to be taken care of by another hospital, but it seems that the lip treatment machine is different from the previous one, and it seems to be a machine with less pain. Is the machine so different? I was surprised with I've been getting eyebrows for a long time, but I'm very satisfied with the type that suits me and my taste. The naturalness of each eyebrow, even without makeup, really helps. The teacher is also a sincere and friendly person who always thinks that he is enthusiastic about studying. It is 5 stars because I think it is a hospital that I would like to take care of again.
なち on Google

I came here for the first time with a friend's introduction. I was relieved to have Mr. Nakai give me counseling and kindly consult with me about today's treatment area and other areas such as bear removal! I will consider surgery while going to skin treatment in the future.
S N on Google

目のオペを中井先生に執刀して頂きました。 カウンセリングで悩みと理想を相談し、デザインを一緒に決めて頂けますが、先生の細かい丁寧なデザインは私がこうなりたい!と思う以上に、素敵なデザインを提案してくれました! 看護師さんも1つ1つとても優しく声かけてくれるので安心です! もちろん手術は大成功!傷跡も全く気にならないくらいで理想を超えた自分の顔に合った目になりました! 手術だけでなく、他の施術でもこのクリニックに行きたいと思うくらい素敵なクリニックです。 今後もたくさんお世話になりたいです♪
I had Mr. Nakai perform the eye operation. You can discuss your worries and ideals with counseling and decide on the design together, but I want to be like this for the teacher's detailed and polite design! He suggested a nice design more than I thought! The nurses are very kind to me one by one, so I'm relieved! Of course the surgery was a great success! I didn't even care about the scars at all, and my eyes were beyond my ideals and matched my face! It's such a wonderful clinic that I want to go to this clinic not only for surgery but also for other operations. I want to take care of you a lot in the future ♪

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