Niomon Gate - Otsu

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Niomon Gate

住所 :

246-24 Onjojicho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Postal code : 520-0036

246-24 Onjojicho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0036, Japan
新谷美樹 on Google

残念ながら、楽しみにしていた桜?の時期は過ぎてしまいましたが、さわやかな新緑を堪能しながら見るところがあちこちあり、よかったです。 るろうに剣心のロケ地ということもあり、心踊りました❣️
Unfortunately, the cherry blossoms I've been looking forward to have passed, but I'm glad that there are many places to see while enjoying the refreshing fresh greenery. Since it was the location of Rurouni Kenshin, I danced ❣️
たあ on Google

秀吉と家康によってこの地におさめられた門です。 仁王様が良いお顔されています。
It is a gate set in this area by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu. Nio has a good face.
t u on Google

洗いざらしのような肌合いがいい味を出しています。 軒の出が深くプロポーションが素晴らしい。 やたらに貼られた三社札が残念です。
The texture like washing out gives a good taste. The eaves are deep and the proportions are great.残念 I am sorry about the three-company bill that was stuck on it.
黄緑・緑・青緑 on Google

2018年7月2日 桜の季節の週末には、人で溢れかえる三井寺ですが、この時期は観光客も少なく、緑が美しい境内をゆっくり散策出来ます。本日は暑くて、休憩しながらじっくり見て廻りました。先ずは、「ザ・三井寺」のイメージがある、仁王門からです。
July 2, 2018 Mii-dera is full of people on weekends during the cherry blossom season, but there are few tourists during this time, and you can take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful green grounds. It was hot today, so I took a break and took a closer look. The first is from the Niomon gate, which has the image of "The Mii-dera".
YwTwRwK on Google

ここの夜桜はお勧めします。 人出も京都の名所に比べて少ないので、ゆっくり見る事ができます。 そして何よりも、他所に負けない美しさがあります。
I recommend cherry blossoms at night here. The crowd is less than in Kyoto, so you can see it slowly. And above all, there is beauty that is second to none.
杉山弘道 on Google

I was right to decide to explore Otsu using the annual Youth 18 Ticket. When you get off at Mitidera Station, you can see the Lake Biwa Canal at a glance and find Niomon, which you found straight ahead. Solid and wonderful ... I thought this alone was a masterpiece. Only during the season, the palpitations became more intense as the red leaves that glowed red glowed beyond the Niomon. Good. Very good. This is the gate of the temple, which can be called the face of the temple, so it was a pleasure to look forward to it and the severity of the single digit temperature did not bother me at all. (2019_12_12)
岬潤 on Google

「るろうに剣心」ロケ地はこの先しばらく歩いて三重の塔まで行くと その近くに劇中何度も出てくる剣心が飛び降りる橋が出てきます。好きな方はどうぞ。
If you walk to the Mie Tower for a while at the "Rurouni Kenshin" location, you will see a bridge near which the Kenshin that appears many times in the play jumps down. If you like it, please.
Toshi Andy on Google

天台寺門宗 総本山園城寺 三井寺中院の浄域への表門、風格あり、国の重要文化財❗️ 元は近江国甲賀の常楽寺に建てられていた門、門自体の建立は1452年と古い、一度豊臣秀吉によって伏見城に移築され、その後1601年(関ヶ原の戦いの翌年)に徳川家康により寄進され、室町時代建立の寺院楼門遺構として貴重、素敵です‼️

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