Kannon-do Hall of Onjo-ji Temple - Otsu

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kannon-do Hall of Onjo-ji Temple

住所 :

246 Onjojicho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 520-0036
Webサイト : http://www.shiga-miidera.or.jp/treasure/building/16.htm

246 Onjojicho, Otsu, Shiga 520-0036, Japan
かみのおぷす(kaminoops) on Google

It was a very nice place with a panoramic view of Lake Biwa
赤とんぼ on Google

It is the 33rd and 14th bills of Saigoku. The precincts of Mitsui-ji are very large, and each temple has its own red stamp.
えーちゃん2 on Google

This is the 4th visit at the 14th temple of the 33 sacred sites in Saigoku. There were few worshipers and we were able to avoid the crowds.
Hotaru on Google

西国巡礼札所。御朱印がこちらでいただけます。 そしてなにより、景色がとても良いです。 お手洗いや自動販売機もあります。
Saigoku Pilgrimage Ticket Office. You can get the red stamp here. And above all, the scenery is very good. There are also restrooms and vending machines.
55b s on Google

毎回行く度に違う見方ができるのが神社仏閣である。 本堂には、鎌倉時代の古い貴重なものがおかれていて、以前こんなのあったっけ?と思った。 以前は(随分前)またそれも寒い時期だったが、中井貴一が撮影に来ていました。
The shrines and temples give you a different perspective each time you go. In the main hall, there are old precious things from the Kamakura period, and I wondered if there was such a thing before. Before (a long time ago) it was also a cold time, but Kiichi Nakai came to shoot.
Higuchi Akinori on Google

西国三十三所の第十四番礼所となっている観音堂は、三井寺の中でも一番人の多い場所となっています。高台に設けられた伽藍の数々は、この場所だけで普通の寺院以上の規模があり見せてくれます。観音堂は三井寺では珍しく本瓦葺きとなっており、三間ある向拝は堂を横に長く見せ、屋根が二重となっているためとても大きなお堂に見えます。柵があって中には入れませんが、「観月舞台」の構造が清水寺のような縣造となっているので、是非下から見ていただきたいです。 観音堂でのお参り終了後、西国三十三所の御朱印を書いていただきました。
Kannon-do, which is the 14th pilgrimage place of the 33 places in Saigoku, is the most crowded place in Mitsui-ji. Many of the cathedrals on the hills are larger than ordinary temples in this place alone. Kannon-do is rarely tiled at Mitsui-ji Temple, and the three-storied worship hall looks like a very large hall because the hall looks long sideways and the roof is doubled. There is a fence and you can't go inside, but the structure of the "Kangetsu Stage" is like Kiyomizu-dera, so please take a look from below. After the visit at Kannon-do, I had you write the red stamp of 33 places in Saigoku.
yosi katou on Google

西国札所巡りでお伺いいたしました、 初見なので三井寺の検索だと門前石垣交差点付近で複数のお寺名と信号機もお寺の看板だらけで?少し迷子!仁王門前の駐車場に止めると実は有料駐車場で係のおじさんがかけ足で集金(500円)失礼しました、 仁王門の地図で境内を確認、広! 観音堂は山懐の中腹に鎮座されてここから琵琶湖も一望出来て、絶景!でも!三井寺を全て廻れば一日あっても足りないようですね‥廻りかたを間違えれば参拝料も新たにかかるので注意しましょう、合掌。
I visited the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, Since this is my first time looking at Mitsui-ji Temple, there are many temple names and traffic lights near the stone wall intersection in front of the gate. A little lost! When I stopped at the parking lot in front of the Niomon gate, the uncle in charge actually collected money (500 yen) at the toll parking lot. Check the precincts on the map of Niomon, wide! Kannon-do is settled on the hillside of the mountain, and you can see Lake Biwa from here, which is a superb view! but! It seems that it's not enough to go around Mitsui-ji Temple for a day ... If you make a mistake, you will be charged a new worship fee, so be careful, Gassho.
hiromasa on Google

西国三十三所巡礼にて、お参りに行かせて頂きました、とても広い境内の中に沢山の国宝や、重要文化財があり 御朱印を頂ける観音堂からはみる景色も良かったです‥広い境内の中には、映画で撮影された場所などもあり、ゆっくりと歩きながら散策出来て良かったです‥帰りに駐車場にあるお店でお蕎麦を頂き、釣り鐘まんじゅうを買って帰りました。
I went to visit the Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage, and there are many national treasures and important cultural properties in the very large precincts. The view from the Kannon-do where you can get the red stamp was also good ... There was a place where a movie was shot in the large precincts, so it was nice to be able to take a walk while walking slowly. I got soba and bought a fishing bell manju and went home.

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