スーパーダイマック 新津店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact スーパーダイマック 新津店

住所 :

Niitsu, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0031 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://dymac.co.jp/shop/dy_niitsu/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–7PM
Tuesday 10AM–7PM
Wednesday 10AM–7PM
Thursday 10AM–7PM
Friday 10AM–7PM
街 : Niigata

Niitsu, Akiha Ward, 〒956-0031 Niigata,Japan
長沼昭仁 on Google

I understand that it is not the fault of the store, but it should be an unlimited plan that is high enough. I canceled because my home environment is bad. Consultation on Consumer Lifestyle Center
hiro sahk on Google

大手3社の携帯から格安携帯まで、幅広く扱っている。 販売のみなので、修理などはしていない。 店員の対応はすごくいいけど入れ替わり早い
We handle a wide range from mobile phones of three major companies to cheap mobile phones. Since it is only for sale, we do not repair it. The clerk's response is very good, but the replacement is quick
くまひろ on Google

3台目購入しましたか、窓口のオネーさんとてもよくしてくれました。感謝!感謝! 頼りになります。 細川さん、、間違ってたら、ごめんなさい!
Did you buy the third one? Mr. Onee at the counter did a great job. Thanks! Thanks! You can count on it. Mr. Hosokawa, I'm sorry if I make a mistake!
Yoshifumi Ishizaki on Google

女性店員の対応には ばらつきがある。こちらが聞いていることに答えないなど、客をナメているような店員が居るので、本社事務所に伝えた。 また 今の時代に 石油ファンヒーターで暖房しており、排ガスの臭いが店内に充満し 健康的ではない。
There are variations in the response of female shop assistants. I told the head office that there was a clerk who was screaming at the customer. In addition, it is heated by an oil fan heater at the present time, and the smell of exhaust gas fills the store and is not healthy.
takaide kohboh on Google

I can count on you. I visited and helped me with setting up my smartphone twice. I was told that there was no charge, but I paid 1,000 yen because I couldn't finish myself. Thank you very much. Thank you again for your help. nice to meet you!
Takashi on Google

The actual machine is abundant and can be operated in various ways before purchase. Feel free to put it in the store.
K.有。 on Google

週末はスタッフの数を増やして欲しい。 予約してから行くと待たなくてよい。
I want you to increase the number of staff on weekends. You don't have to wait if you go after making a reservation.
Daren Arroyo on Google

Staffs are very accommodating. They provide free onternet without password

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