グラマシーニューヨーク 日本橋高島屋店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact グラマシーニューヨーク 日本橋高島屋店

住所 :

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-8265 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
Webサイト : http://www.gramercy-newyork.com/
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-8265 Tokyo,Japan
ひか6 on Google

When I called to reserve a birthday cake, I was told that it was okay to come to the store on the day and I could not accept the reservation, so as I was told, I went to buy it directly on the day and it was sold out. I was worried, so just in case, I called to check the stock in the morning of the day, but that didn't connect either. Just believing what the clerk said, all my plans and plans were ruined. I will never buy it again because it is an irresponsible customer service.
smoke RED on Google

久々に書き込みさして頂きます2022/02/26、…たまに、購入してましたが❗近頃UPもしてなかった事も有ります! [定番商品]になります。 [社内の御返しに並べてご自由に]1番楽と❗進められまして!私も購入しました。 いつもは!(自宅用)ですが!…アドバイスは…提案素晴らしいと思い数人で購入(笑) #Don't lose to the coronavirus #GoogIe #GoogIemaps #Twitter #Instagram #東京 #東京都 #RED #高島屋SC日本橋 #SVR 下記コメントは↓↓↓↓↓↓以前の物になります。 今日は長蛇の列でした。 お正月の様に人がピークで凄かった❗ お品書きに限定販売の商品-わかります。 限定品-ホリデー=3種-是非見てもらいたいです。 他にも豊富なケーキや焼きがし! 贈り物など 「自宅の軽く手に届く距離のお菓子も」 イートインもお好きなケーキ?とドリンクも 魅力的ですよ!
It's been a while since I wrote it 2022/02/26, ... I bought it once in a while, but ❗ I haven't even updated it recently! It becomes a [standard product]. [Free to line up in return for the company] No. 1 and ❗ Go ahead! I also bought it. always! (For home)! … Advice… Suggestions Great and purchased by a few people (laughs) #Don't lose to the coronavirus #GoogIe #GoogIemaps #Twitter #Instagram #Tokyo #Tokyo #RED #Takashimaya SC Nihonbashi #SVR The following comments are the ones before ↓↓↓↓↓↓. It was a long line today. People were at the peak like New Year's ❗ Limited edition items for sale-I understand. Limited edition-Holiday = 3 types-I definitely want you to see it. There are many other cakes and baked goods! Gifts, etc. "Sweets that are lightly reachable at home" Eat-in, your favorite cake ? and drinks It's fascinating!
Moe Tabe on Google

かなり簡易的ですが、イートインスペースもあり、テイクアウトのみならずサクッと安価に休憩可! 平日16時半ごろ、先客さま1組さま。 土日は並んでいることもあるし混んでいるけれど、さすがにこの時間は空いています。 【食べたもの】 ケーキセット ¥880 イートインスペースは10席ほどのカウンターのみです。 透明の仕切りしかないので、雑然。 でも、ものの数分でドリンクもケーキもご提供いただけるし、アンダー1000円なので文句なし! 今日のチョイスは…なんだっけ、商品名はわからないけど、チョコレートケーキです(笑) テイクアウト用のショーケースから選べます。 こってりしすぎていないし、サイズ感もちょうど良くて美味しい。 コーヒーは数分で出てくるので、機械で手軽に入れたものかと。 でも十分です。 癖がなく、普通に美味しい。 長居する雰囲気ではないですが、百貨店の中だし、「ちょっとだけ美味しいものを食べて休憩したい」というニーズに120パーセント応えてくれているのはとても助かる(*´ω`*) じっくり味わいたい時はテイクアウトすれば良いんだもの。このお値段でこのお味なら、最強です(*´ω`*) ごちそうさまでした♪ また来ます!
It's quite simple, but there is also an eat-in space, so you can take a break at a cheap price as well as take out! Around 16:30 on weekdays, a group of customers. It may be lined up on Saturdays and Sundays and it is crowded, but this time is truly free. [What I ate] Cake set ¥ 880 The eat-in space has only a counter with about 10 seats. There are only transparent partitions, so it's cluttered. But you can have a drink and a cake in just a few minutes, and it's under 1000 yen, so there is no complaint! Today's choice is ... I don't know the product name, but it's a chocolate cake (laughs) You can choose from showcases for takeout. It's not too thick, and the size is just right. Coffee comes out in a few minutes, so I wonder if it was made easily with a machine. But it is enough. It has no habit and is usually delicious. It's not a long-lived atmosphere, but it's in a department store, and it's very helpful to meet 120% of the needs of "I want to eat a little delicious food and take a break" (* 'ω` *) If you want to thoroughly enjoy it, you can just take it out. If this taste is this price, it is the strongest (* ´ω` *) It was delicious ♪ I will come again!
K K on Google

Not good for the price. Fresh cream tastes like cheesy oil. Recently, there are times when you find a store that doesn't taste good even if you buy it at a department store. I want you to provide delicious food with decent materials, even if it is a little more expensive.
Ka\\\\ ꐕ ꐕ ꐕ //// do on Google

GRAMERCY NEW YORK NIHONBASHI TAKASHIMAYA グランマシーニューヨーク 日本橋高島屋 ちょっと高島屋に立ち寄ったのでこちらでチーズケーキ&せとかのチーズケーキのセットを購入しました?? 店員さんの対応はテキパキ丁寧な接客 スタイリッシュな包み紙で丁寧な梱包 お持ち帰りしてワクワクしながら試食 期待が大きかっただけに…な感想( ˘-˘ ) 風味 しっとり感 あっ、そんな感じ~。 ふつう? ??
GRAMERCY NEW YORK NIHONBASHI TAKASHIMAYA Grand Mercy New York Nihonbashi Takashimaya I stopped by Takashimaya for a while, so I bought a set of cheesecake and Setoka cheesecake here ?? The clerk's response is responsive and polite customer service Careful packing with stylish wrapping paper Take it home and taste it with excitement Just because I had high expectations ... Impressions (˘-˘) Flavor Moist feeling, that kind of feeling. Usually ? ? ?
TOYO MT on Google

業者さんからグラマシーニューヨークの焼菓子詰め合わせを時折いただいており、良い印象を持っていました。 20211031当店の前を通った際、妻が「ケーキがとても美味しそう??」とリクエスト。初めて生菓子にトライ。見た目も鮮やかな「8種のフルーツとタヒチアンバニラのタルト」を購入、?でいただきました。 …フルーツはもとより、クリームも濃厚で良い香り。美味しくいただきました? 次回は、アメージンググレイス(イチゴのショートケーキ)に挑戦しようと思います! 20220219妻が、お土産で当店のケーキを買ってきてくれました? …安定の美味しさ。カラフルですし、見映えも良いですね?
I had a good impression from the vendors who occasionally gave me an assortment of baked sweets from Gramercy New York. 20211031 When I passed in front of our shop, my wife requested "The cake looks very delicious ??". Try namagashi for the first time. I bought "8 kinds of fruits and Tahitian vanilla tart" which looks bright and received it at ?. … Not only fruits but also creams are rich and have a nice scent. It was delicious ? Next time, I will try Amazing Grace (strawberry shortcake)! 20220219 My wife bought us a cake as a souvenir ? … Stable and delicious. It's colorful and looks great ?
飯野博之 on Google

日本橋高島屋の地下一階食品売場にあるスイーツショップ。グラマシーニューヨークは株式会社プレジィールが手がけているケーキブランドで、名古屋で1986年11月に設立され、30年以上の歴史があるそうです。 ニューヨークの雰囲気と文化が漂うスウィーツ スタイリッシュなニューヨークスタイルということですが、ケーキは繊細さを備えた日本品質。日本で生まれたショートケーキももちろんありますが、チーズケーキが人気のようです。 日本橋勤務経験のある息子は帰省の度にここのケーキを買ってきてくれます。
A sweets shop located in the food section on the first basement floor of Nihonbashi Takashimaya. Gramercy New York is a cake brand produced by Presir Co., Ltd., which was established in Nagoya in November 1986 and has a history of more than 30 years. Sweets with a New York atmosphere and culture It is a stylish New York style, but the cake is Japanese quality with delicacy. Of course, there are shortcakes born in Japan, but cheesecake seems to be popular. My son, who has worked in Nihonbashi, buys cakes here every time he goes home.
Porapat Ongkanchana on Google

The cafe is a little bit small and it is quite crowded. I don't feel like it is a place you can relax, just eat and leave. Nice cakes btw

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