
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 江古田駅

住所 :

Nerima City, Tokyo,Japan

街 : Tokyo

Nerima City, Tokyo,Japan
いなむらとしゆき on Google

There was something like a street piano
四ツ葉のクローバー on Google

Ekoda Station is Ekoda Station. But. As the location, there is no reminiscence of the old days.
Jun Luke on Google

Station where only each stop stops. The third station from Ikebukuro. In the past, we used to wait for express or semi-express trains at this station, but now we wait for the train at Higashi-Nagasaki Station. A student district with several universities nearby. In front of the station's north exit is Ekoda Asama Shrine.
T S on Google

西武池袋線の江古田駅、江古田愛が溢れています。 江古田押しがスゴくてびっくりします。 駅改札内に誰でも弾けるピアノが置いてあります。
Ekoda Station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line, Aiko Ekoda is overflowing. The Ekoda push is amazing. There is a piano that anyone can play in the station ticket gate.
sir tom on Google

階段の上下の表示が消えかかっている ま、ハッキリ表示してあっても 上り階段を下ったり、その逆も然り 歩きスマホも当然多い。 ま、近隣のリーマンや学生の質も 悪いから仕方ないんだけど… 駅員さん達、お疲れ様です。
The display above and below the stairs is disappearing Well, even if it is clearly displayed Go up the stairs and vice versa Of course, there are many walking smartphones. Also, the quality of neighboring Lehman and students I ca n’t help it because it ’s bad… Thank you, station staff.
伊藤太郎 on Google

Ekoda station used to be a quiet countryside station, and the north exit was a showa chic with a lot of small shops and bars, and now it's a stylish station building, and it was the face of Ekoda. Wadaya and Shidori are gone. Which one was better? I like old Ekota. Not many people know that there was a movie theater in Ekoda.
エコダパス on Google

江古田で最高のスポット!!! 怒涛の交通手段!!! 3年ぶりに来マシタ! 踏切がなかなか開かないケド、そんなこと気にならないくらいステキな駅デス!! エレベーターもエスカレーターもあるから、どんな状況でもすぐ乗れる! 交番が併設されていて治安もイイ! ホームにはセブンティーンアイスもある!(食べたことはナイ!) 一日に何度も降りたいデス!!
The best spot in Ekoda! !! !! Raging transportation! !! !! Masita came for the first time in 3 years! Ked, where the railroad crossing doesn't open easily, is a wonderful station death that doesn't bother you! !! There are elevators and escalators, so you can get on in any situation! There is a police box and the security is good! There is also Seventeen Ice at home! (I haven't eaten!) Death who wants to get off many times a day! !!
能戸淳 on Google

おなじみの駅。 学生街でラーメン屋さんがそこそこあるけど、飲み屋さんはそれほど多くない感じ。だけど、とってものどかな雰囲気で、必要なものがコンパクトにまとまっている過ごしやすいエリアだと思う。 ここはやっぱり駅前のシャノアールが素晴らしい。 とっても広くて、ギャーギャー叫ぶ幼い子供も来なくて、過ごしやすいことこの上ない。 昔からこのお店に行くために江古田に来るぐらいこのお店が気に入っている。
A familiar station. There are so many ramen shops in the student district, but there aren't many bars. However, I think that it is a comfortable area where everything you need is compactly packed in a very peaceful atmosphere. After all, Chanoir in front of the station is wonderful. It ’s so big that there ’s no little child who screams. I like this shop as long as I come to Ekoda to go to this shop.

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