Neike - Toyota

3.5/5 に基づく 6 レビュー

Contact Neike

住所 :

Habucho, Toyota, Aichi 444-3206, Japan

Postal code : 444-3206

Habucho, Toyota, Aichi 444-3206, Japan
rcondxso6 on Google

せんたろうものほしざわ on Google

林道走ってたらこんな所に無料休憩所が。ちょっとお茶でも飲みながら一息。 とにかく静かで落ち着ける場所でした。 池はまあ、鯉がいる池なんてだいたいこんな感じでしょ。 ちなみにこの池の鯉を捕まえたり、池を荒らしたりしたらもれなく発狂して事故死するみたいですから、その辺気をつければとても落ち着ける場所です。
If you run on a forest road, there is a free rest area in such a place. Take a break with a little tea. Anyway, it was a quiet and calm place. Well, a pond with carp looks like this. By the way, if you catch a carp in this pond or ruin the pond, it seems that you will go mad and die in an accident, so if you are careful about that, it is a very calm place.
河野斉 on Google

It is about 15 to 20 minutes away from Hanyu Dam. Suddenly, when I went down a narrow forest road deep in the mountains, a small red torii appeared on the side of the road. There is a pond in front of it that is by no means beautiful. If you go along the sidewalk beside the pond, there is a shrine that is not very beautiful. It is well maintained as it has a money box and Sakaki. But I think it's a place to come at night ...
広瀬晃 on Google

三河湖の奥の静かな池でした。 雨乞いをする池のようです。 後、ここのお魚を捕まえると、発狂したり、事故で死んでしまうそうなので控えたほうが良さそうです。
It was a quiet pond in the back of Lake Mikawa. It's like a pond begging for rain. Later, if you catch the fish here, you will go mad or die in an accident, so it seems better to refrain from doing so.
もっちぃ on Google

Mysterious pond. I'll release the bag and ask for it. It can not be said that it is beautiful in flattering, but it is a quiet space without a single child, even at Golden Week. Please be careful because the road condition until you arrive is bad.
男猫 on Google

2021.2.10(th) 祝日、妻が在宅ワークで忙しい日はお決まりのソロツー 小さな東屋があったので急遽ここでラーツーを行う 注意書にはかなり過激な脅し文句が書かれていますが、池を守るための謂わば無人のセキュリティシステムのようなものです 先人達の知恵ですな しかし神様はこんなに乱暴で凶悪じゃない、この手の物に怖がってちゃ大人として駄目駄目なのですよ 要は礼儀やマナーを意識した立ち振舞いが大事 大人として胸を張り、常にやましい事無く正しい行動を取っていれば何も恐れるなど無いのです がそれに反して池は濁り普通に汚い、これは池の水全部抜きたいやつだ ゴミの持ち帰りを促す注意書にも臆する事なく落ちてる飴の包み紙やビールの空き缶 山の中に池、それだけで神秘性を感じさせるロケーション そういった尊さを大切にする感受性は持ち続けていたいものですね 東屋を通りすぎ奥まで歩いて行くと小さな丘があり、その頂上に祠がある 折角なので神様に挨拶をしてから帰ろうと思い上まで登りきると、祠のお供え物用の台座と皿が崩れ落ちてひっくり返っていた 紳士な私は「俺じゃねっす、すんません、すんません、勘弁してくんさい」と糞ほどビビりながら安定の良さそうな側に設置し、逃げるようにその場を去りました いや、人として当然の事をしたまでですよ
2021.2.10 (th) Holidays, the usual solo two on days when my wife is busy working from home There was a small eastern house, so I hurriedly do a ratu here The cautionary note contains a fairly radical threat, but it's like a so-called unmanned security system to protect the pond. It ’s the wisdom of our predecessors. However, God is not so violent and vicious, and if you are afraid of this kind of thing, you can't be an adult. In short, it is important to behave in a manner that is conscious of courtesy and manners. As an adult, if you are proud and always do the right thing without being disturbed, you will not be afraid of anything. But on the contrary, the pond is muddy and usually dirty, this is the one who wants to drain all the water from the pond. A candy wrapping paper or an empty beer can that has fallen without hesitation even in the cautionary note that encourages you to take your garbage home. A pond in the mountains, a location that makes you feel mysterious I want to maintain the sensitivity to value that kind of preciousness. If you walk past the eastern house and walk to the back, there is a small hill, and there is a shrine at the top. It was a good time to say hello to God and then climbed up to the top, and the pedestal and plate for the offerings of the shrine collapsed and turned over. As a gentleman, I said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please forgive me." I installed it on the side that seems to be stable while being as scared as feces, and left the place to escape. No, I did what I was supposed to do as a person

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