文殊山城跡 - Shinshiro

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 文殊山城跡

住所 :

Sugimoto, Tsukudekiyooka, Shinshiro, 〒441-1414 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 441-1414
街 : Aichi

Sugimoto, Tsukudekiyooka, Shinshiro, 〒441-1414 Aichi,Japan
毅岡島 on Google

It's quite difficult, but the scenery is amazing!
Cat Tokyo on Google

林道を上がり城にすぐ横の駐車場まで上がれます。 整備されてますが、見晴台は登り降りは危険かも注意ですね。
You can go up the forest road to the parking lot next to the castle. It is well maintained, but be careful that climbing up and down the viewing platform may be dangerous.
きたさま on Google

善福寺の裏に登城口があります。 割と整備されている。アスファルト舗装の道路があったので車でも行ける様です。 物見台からの展望は良くない。
There is a castle entrance behind Zenpukuji. It is relatively well maintained. There was an asphalt paved road so it seems that you can go by car. The view from the observatory is not good.
Yuu Hattori on Google

善福寺から結構な坂を登っていきます。途中にたくさんある石仏がとてもよかったです。 物見台がありましたが、樹木が生い茂っていて眺望は利きませんでした。 作りは非常にシンプルで、砦に近いものかと思います。 頂上に駐車場らしきものがあり、道らしきものも見えたので、車でも上まで上がれるのかもしれません。
From Zenpukuji, we will climb a pretty slope. Many stone Buddhas along the way were very good. There was a observatory, but the trees were overgrown and the view did not work. The construction is very simple and I think it is close to a fort. There was a parking lot at the top, and I could see something like a road, so I might be able to go up to the top by car.
磯口隆之 on Google

遺構は土塁と堀跡のみ。 およそ城跡とは思えないでしょう。 でも、山城巡りが趣味なマニアの人なら楽しめると思います。
The remains are only the earthen base and the remains of the moat. You can't think of it as a castle ruin. However, if you are a maniac who enjoys visiting Yamashiro, you can enjoy it.
Daisuke Kikuchi on Google

武田氏の圧迫に屈した奥平氏が一夜にして築城したとされる城。規模としては砦。 主郭の淵に土塁が残り、周囲に空堀が残る。 尾根続きに武田氏の塞之神城へ行ける。
The castle is said to have been built overnight by Mr. Okuhira, who succumbed to the pressure of Mr. Takeda. The scale is a fort. Earthworks remain on the edge of the main enclosure, and empty moats remain around. Following the ridge, you can go to Takeda's Fortress Shinjo.
ケイエイチ on Google

You can drive to the ruins of the castle, but be aware that there are some depressions. Bunshuyama Castle (one-night castle) is said to have been built by Mr. Okuhira overnight due to a strong talk from the peaceful Takeda. Simulated turrets and fences create an atmosphere. Also, the Bunshu Bodhisattva and the large beech are the highlights.
ういん. on Google

善福寺から一生懸命20分ほど山道を登ってようやく辿り着いたら上まで道があって車でも来れるんだった!ガッカリ! でもGoogle Mapsだとそれらしい道はないんだよなぁ… 山道にはたくさんの仏像があるが昔は88箇所廻りができるようになっていたらしいです。
After climbing the mountain road for about 20 minutes from Zenbukuji, there is a road to the top and you can come by car! Disappointed! But with Google Maps, there is no such way ... There are many Buddhist statues on the mountain road, but in the old days it seems that 88 places could be visited.

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