三河湖 - Toyota

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三河湖

住所 :

Toyota, 〒444-3206 Aichi,Japan

Postal code : 444-3206
街 : Aichi

Toyota, 〒444-3206 Aichi,Japan
T N on Google

It's perfect for relaxing on a quiet lakeside with few people.
nozo123jp on Google

S. Tomy on Google

近くに名水・腰掛湧水もあります、 名古屋が暑いときは、よくこちらに逃げてきます。
There are also famous waters and seat springs, When Nagoya is hot, I often get away here.
chups 75 on Google

The largest artificial lake for irrigation in the prefecture that was blocked for the purpose of water utilization. At the entrance of Aichi Kogen Kokusai Park, there are many attractions such as fresh green spring, camp summer, and autumn leaves, and leisure facilities that are close to nature are maintained. Selected 100 Dam Lakes.
楊術 on Google

It's about 13km per lap, which is just a mini marathon distance, but the road is narrow and dangerous. But the scenery is very beautiful!
Masato “Lambda” Kato on Google

2015年・2016年と2年続けて紅葉狩りに行きました。 香恋の館から先の県道363号は道が狭く林の中で薄暗くすれ違いに少々気を使いますが、羽布ダムの上まで上がってしまえば(道は狭くても)林が開けるので随所で明るく気持ちの良い景色を見られます。 人が押し掛けて混雑することもないので、落ち着いて紅葉を眺められます。
I went to autumn leaves hunting for two years in 2015 and 2016. The prefectural road 363 from the Kanako-no-kan is narrow and dim in the forest, but I am a little worried about passing each other, but if I go up to the habu dam (even if the road is narrow), the forest will open and everywhere You can see bright and pleasant scenery. People don't rush and get crowded, so you can relax and watch the autumn leaves.
hikobosi光雄 on Google

愛知県豊田市の東の位置に在る『三河湖』豊田市で一番大きいダム湖では❓と思います‼️ 三河湖の周辺には、周遊コース・散策コースがあり、体力に合わせたコースが選べそうです?? 三河湖の畔でのバンカーの施設&テント⛺設営スペースがあり、春から秋は人気の三河湖の施設です? 食事店舗も多く、手ぶらでお出掛けしても昼食に困る事はありません‼️ 地域の名物「吾平もち」「山菜そば」珍しいのは「うなぎ」のお店です?? 地域ブランドの幻の米『ミネアサヒ』を使ったおにぎり?は、本当に美味しく、知る人ぞ知る超美味しいおにぎり?です? 『ダムカレー?』も人気のメニューです? 又、貸しボートもあり、湖面をボートを浮かべ優雅な時間も得られます? 一年を通じて観光客が訪れコロナ禍の今、密の心配も少なく近隣の街からも、大勢の方が大自然を楽しんました??
"Mikawa Lake" located in the east of Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture I think it is ❓ at the largest dam lake in Toyota City! ️ There are excursion courses and walking courses around Lake Mikawa, and it seems that you can choose a course that suits your physical fitness ?? Bunker facilities & tents on the shores of Lake Mikawa ⛺ There is a space to set up, and it is a popular facility of Lake Mikawa from spring to autumn ? There are many restaurants, so even if you go out empty-handed, you will not have any trouble with lunch! ️ Local specialties "Gohei Mochi" "Sansai Soba" The rare one is the "eel" shop ?? Rice balls made with the phantom rice "Mineasahi" from the local brand ? are really delicious and super delicious rice balls ? that everyone in the know knows ? "Dam curry ?" is also a popular menu ? There is also a rental boat, so you can float the boat on the lake surface and get an elegant time ? Tourists visit all year round, and now that the corona is bad, many people enjoyed the great outdoors from the neighboring towns with less worry about denseness ??
男猫 on Google

走ってて気持ちいい道だとか展望が良いわけでもないので普段はあまり行きませんが、凍結に気を付ければ冬場でもバイクでプチ散歩が出来るので重宝してます と言っても散歩が目的ではなくて所謂ラーツーでたまの一人の時間を満喫しています
I don't usually go there because it's not a comfortable road to run or the view is good, but if you are careful about freezing, you can take a small walk on a motorcycle even in winter, so it's useful However, it is not the purpose of walking, but I am enjoying the time of one person at the so-called Ratu.

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