Negiichi Ramen Fujioka - Toyota

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Negiichi Ramen Fujioka

住所 :

Dokai-28-1 Nishinakayamacho, Toyota, Aichi 470-0431, Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Postal code : 470-0431

Dokai-28-1 Nishinakayamacho, Toyota, Aichi 470-0431, Japan
愛内ゆみ(みゆ) on Google

近所なので歩いて行きました。 日曜日11時過ぎですでに2組いました。 私と夫はビールに餃子、ツマミチャーシュー、息子は味噌ラーメン頼みました。 店主の男性と女性店員さん2人、感じのいい人達でした。 12時過ぎると現場系の人達や家族連れが数組入ってきたので、ネギラーメンを頼んで食べて帰りました。 味はちょっと薄め? ニンニクを入れると美味しくなります。
I walked because it was a neighborhood. We already had two pairs after 11:00 on Sunday. My husband and I ordered dumplings and knob char siu for beer, and my son ordered miso ramen. The owner was a male and two female clerk, and they were nice people. After 12 o'clock, several groups of people from the field and families came in, so I asked for green onion ramen and went home. Is the taste a little lighter? Add garlic to make it delicious.
tky k on Google

日曜の13時に入店して、先客一組でガラガラでした。 調理の方は終始マスク無し。 チャーシュー麺にしましたが脂身が多くてやや生臭く感じたためニンニクを多めに入れて対応しました。 後半にはGabanのブラックペッパーで調整しましたがブラックペッパーはとてもおいしかった。 おもわず帰りにスーパーで買いました。
I entered the store at 13:00 on Sunday, and it was rattling with a group of customers. There is no mask for cooking from beginning to end. I made char siu noodles, but I felt that it was a little fishy because it had a lot of fat, so I added a lot of garlic to deal with it. In the latter half, I adjusted it with Gaban's black pepper, but the black pepper was very delicious. I bought it at the supermarket on my way home.
dai hibiki on Google

見た目よりあっさりして、どこかおちつく味です。 チャーシューは薄味ですが、 肉を食べてる感のある厚みがすごくいいです!
It's lighter than it looks, and it has a calming taste. The char siu has a light taste, The thickness with the feeling of eating meat is very good!
Hirosa on Google

ネギ丼がすごくおいしかった。ネギの味がよくわかる? ネギラーメンしょうゆ味?は普通においしかった。 次はネギ味噌ラーメンにしてみるかな!? ネギ丼はもう一度食べたい?
The green onion bowl was very delicious. You can understand the taste of green onion ? The green onion ramen soy sauce taste ? was delicious. Next, let's try green onion miso ramen! ?? I want to eat the green onion bowl again ?
Y Asai on Google

平日の13時頃お邪魔しました。 元町店以来、5年ぶりのネギいちさん。 しばらく一人での食事なので、今のうちに相方が苦手なお店を片付けておこうかなと思っての訪問です。 12時20分に店前につくと駐車場は満車。 そりゃそうだよなぁと、メグリアまで移動し時間調整。 30分ほどフラフラして再チャレンジ、2台分空いていたので突入。 本来ならネギラーメンにネギ丼なんでしょうけど、元町店のネギが異常にネギ辛く辟易した思い出が蘇ってきたので、ラーメンとネギ丼のセットをポチり。 あっという間の4分で着丼。 塩味の強い醤油豚骨スープにプッっと切れる食感の細麺。 普通に美味しいけど、やはり何か物足りないなぁ。 ネギ丼、シャキシャキ食感の白髪ネギ。 うん、コレコレ! ごま油とタレで和えたネギなんですけど、ここのはちゃんと辛味がとれてて、瑞々しくて旨い。 ご飯の上でも美味しいけど、麺と一緒に食べたいなぁ。 あー、ブレずにネギラーメンにすればよかった。 久しぶりのネギいちさんでしっかり満足することがすることができました。 美味しいネギを食べたい方はぜひ。
I visited you around 13:00 on weekdays. Mr. Negiichi for the first time in 5 years since the Motomachi store. I'm eating alone for a while, so I'm thinking about getting rid of the shops that my partner isn't good at. The parking lot is full when we arrive in front of the store at 12:20. That's right, I moved to Megria and adjusted the time. I fluttered for about 30 minutes and tried again, and I rushed in because there were two cars available. Originally, it would be a green onion bowl with green onion ramen, but since the memory of the green onion at the Motomachi store being unusually spicy and frustrating has revived, I chose a set of ramen and green onion bowl. Donburi in 4 minutes in no time. Thin noodles with a texture that can be cut into salty soy sauce tonkotsu soup. It's usually delicious, but I'm still not satisfied with it. Green onion bowl, white-haired green onion with a crispy texture. Yeah, this is it! It's a green onion mixed with sesame oil and sauce, but it's spicy and fresh and delicious. It's delicious on rice, but I want to eat it with noodles. Ah, I should have used green onion ramen without blurring. I was able to be completely satisfied with Mr. Negiichi after a long absence. If you want to eat delicious green onions, please do.
Sugi Shinta on Google

みよし本店がお休みでしたが、どうしてもネギイチラーメンが食べたくて藤岡店までドライブ 安定の味でした^ - ^ しかし、店によって微妙に味が違いますよね? やっぱり自分はみよし本店が好きかな
The Miyoshi main store was closed, but I really wanted to eat green onion ramen, so I drove to the Fujioka store. It was a stable taste ^-^ However, the taste is slightly different depending on the store, isn't it? After all, do you like Miyoshi main store?
K NK on Google

平日ランチ初利用。ラーメン中盛¥750税込を食券機より購入。器はデカいですが美味しくないです。 豚臭く特に最初の一口はウッとなり顔をしかめ、はしが止まりました。醤油の味が薄いです。麺を食べ終わりスープをかき混ぜた処、幾分かマシになりました。つまり作る過程でしっかりスープを混ぜてない、雑な作り方と推測します。又ねぎラーメンと歌っていますが、ねぎの量は普通だし無料追加もありません。全体的にコスパも悪く再訪したくないお店です。
First use for lunch on weekdays. Purchase a medium-sized ramen ¥ 750 including tax from a ticket machine. The bowl is big but not delicious. The smell of pork, especially the first bite, made me sick and frowned, and the chopsticks stopped. The taste of soy sauce is light. After eating the noodles and stirring the soup, it became a little better. In other words, I guess it's a rough way of making soup without mixing it well in the process of making it. I also sing with green onion ramen, but the amount of green onion is normal and there is no free addition. Overall, the cost performance is bad and I don't want to visit again.
Jezreel Wakizaka on Google

Pretty standard Ramen. But its fast.

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