Naritake Ikebukuro - Toshima City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Naritake Ikebukuro

住所 :

3 Chome-13-7 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 171-0022
Webサイト :
Description : Simple ramen shop with counter seating, serving gyoza plus thick noodles in pork broth.

3 Chome-13-7 Minamiikebukuro, Toshima City, Tokyo 171-0022, Japan
関口みちまさ on Google

I've been a fan of Tsudanuma since it opened. I live in Saitama, so recently I've been to the Ikebukuro store. I don't ask for a large serving of sardines because it's tough, but I order miso and soy sauce alternately. I like spicy green onions for miso, char siu for soy sauce, and topped with miso and wakame seaweed.
s s on Google

千葉のソウルフード。学生ぶりに食べた。 背脂たっぷりで美味しい。 チャーシューも、薄めだが柔らかくて食べやすい。麺もスープと絡んで濃厚。 飲んだあと8時30分だったので、ライス品切れ ガッツ系なので、飲んだあとよりランチがいいかも。
Chiba soul food. I ate it for the first time in a student. It's full of lard and delicious. Char siu is also thin but soft and easy to eat. The noodles are also rich with the soup. It was 8:30 after drinking, so the rice was out of stock It's guts, so maybe lunch is better than after drinking.
Xeno on Google

久しぶりのなりたけさん、池袋にもお店があるのは知りませんでした。 醤油ラーメンに餃子、半ライスをいただきました。 背脂は、普通でお願いしました。 アッサリスープにガツンとした塩分と背脂が良く合います。 背脂チャッチャ系は定期的に食べたくなる味わいです。
Narutake-san, after a long absence, didn't know that there was a store in Ikebukuro. I had dumplings and half rice for soy sauce ramen. I asked for normal backfat. The lard and lard go well with the assari soup. The backfat chatcha system has a taste that makes you want to eat it regularly.
TAKE O. on Google

背脂チャッチャ系のラーメン屋で今回は『チャーシューめん(1000円)』を注文。 スープは背脂タップリの濃厚系でもやしと中太麵の相性が抜群で、麺が見えないほど沢山入ったチャーシューは脂多めの口の中が溶ける感じで美味しかったです。 運ばれたときに丼のまわりも脂ギトギトでだったので滑ったので丼のまわりを拭いてもらえると嬉しかったりしました。 池袋駅から少し離れているため分かりづらいですが昼時などはいつも混んでおり、自分が行った時は男性1人客が多かったです。 背脂タップリのこってり系ラーメンが好きな人にオススメのお店です。
I ordered "Char siu noodles (1000 yen)" at a ramen shop with backfat chatcha. The soup has a rich backfat, but the bean sprouts and medium-sized lard go well together, and the char siu with so much noodles that you can't see the noodles was delicious because the fat-rich mouth melted. When it was carried, the area around the bowl was also greasy, so I slipped, so I was happy if you could wipe the area around the bowl. It's hard to understand because it's a little far from Ikebukuro station, but it's always crowded at noon, and when I went there, there was a lot of male customers. This shop is recommended for people who like rich ramen with a lot of backfat.
gegenki gege on Google

千葉が舞台の青春ラノベ作品に出てくることがキッカケでなりたけさんに行くようになったのですが、千葉のお店は少し遠いのでいつも池袋店を利用させて頂いております。 出会った時から変わらない、本当に""濃い""スープ‼️一口目からもぅインパクトがすごいです‼️ それもそのはず。だって器の中にはこれでもかと背脂があるのですから(笑)‼️ 濃いスープに合うよう計算された中太麺がよく絡んでめちゃくちゃ美味しいんですよね〜。 ただ脂が物凄いので少食の方やお腹の状態が優れない時にはオススメできません。。。休憩のためにお水を飲んでしまったら、最後、もぅそこで終わりです。 しかしながらこのボリュームに対して値段がリーズナブルなのが本当に有り難いですねー。自分はいつも「もやしラーメン」を注文するのですが、当初からずっと変わらず850円のままです。 これからもご贔屓にさせて頂きますー‼️
I started to go to Take-san because of the fact that Chiba appears in the youth light novel work, but since the store in Chiba is a little far away, I always use the Ikebukuro store. Really "" dark "" soup that hasn't changed since I met! ️The impact from the first bite is amazing! ️ That should be it. Because there is still lard in the bowl (laughs)! ️ The medium-thick noodles, which are calculated to go well with the thick soup, are often entwined and are insanely delicious. However, since the fat is terrible, it is not recommended for those who have a small meal or when their stomach is not in good condition. .. .. If you drank water for a break, it's the end. However, I'm really grateful that the price is reasonable for this volume. I always order "bean sprout ramen", but it has remained unchanged at 850 yen from the beginning. We will continue to favor you! ️
salt water on Google

背脂をたくさん摂りたい気分におすすめです! 濃い味の醤油スープ、太麺に粉雪のような背脂を降らせたストロング系ラーメンです。 ネギ、もやし、チャーシュー、メンマが乗っていますが要天地返しです。 にんにくを足すとなお元気になれます。 後半、濃さにやられかけましたが調整スープを足すことで中和されました。 ご飯にスープをかけるもよし、大盛りにして戦いを挑むもよしです。 ソーシャルディスタンス確保でついたてがありますので、薬味が見当たらないかもしれませんが隣の席のところにあります。 背脂ハンターの皆様は是非!
Recommended for those who want to eat a lot of lard! A strong ramen made by adding powdered snow-like backfat to thick soy sauce soup and thick noodles. Welsh onions, bean sprouts, char siu, and menma are on board, but they are plowing. Adding garlic will make you feel better. In the second half, I was almost struck by the darkness, but it was neutralized by adding the adjusted soup. You can sprinkle soup on the rice, or you can make a large serving and challenge the battle. There is a tsuitate to secure the social distance, so you may not find the condiments, but it is in the seat next to you. If you are a backfat hunter, come on!
Bryson on Google

I went to the Paris branch last week and it was so good I wanted to visit this one but I was disappointed. Too much oil and karanegi. The gyoza was fantastic though. I'd go back for the gyoza.
Marvin Laurena on Google

Not good. Very slow service. If you will order the nomihodai, you will regret it. Not worth it

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