Nakasuji Station - Hiroshima

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakasuji Station

住所 :

1-chōme-5 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan

Postal code : 731-0122

1-chōme-5 Nakasuji, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0122, Japan
E. Y. on Google

It is convenient because there is a limousine bus from the connected bus terminal to Hiroshima Airport.
榛原根雨 on Google

Most high-speed buses stop by before entering Hiroshima IC. Is Nakasuji the Midosuji in Hiroshima?
もやし大魔王 on Google

引っ越し前に毎日通勤で利用していた 二階がアストラムライン中筋駅で一階がバスターミナルになっている 待合室にはテレビがあって親切だと思う ゆうちょのATMもある 何より中筋駅から広島空港までの高速バスが凄く便利 空港までは40分で着く 自転車置き場も無料で使えて整備してくれる人がいるのでとても良い
I used to commute every day before moving The second floor is Astramline Nakasuji Station and the first floor is the bus terminal. I think the waiting room has a TV and is kind There is also a Japan Post Bank ATM Above all, the highway bus from Nakasuji Station to Hiroshima Airport is very convenient. You can reach the airport in 40 minutes. It's very good because there are people who can use the bicycle storage area for free and maintain it.
Kenji Oki on Google

There is a stop for Hiroshima Airport Limousine Bus.
Migugu Migu on Google

併設のバスターミナルからアストラムライン中筋駅への連絡通路があり、朝夕は乗降、乗り換えで利用する人も多い。 路線バスの他、広島空港と広島バスセンター間のリムジンバスも停車するため、安佐南区や安佐北区から広島空港に向かう際には、ここから乗車すると便利です。 ただし、リムジンバスの席は先着順のため、始発等混む時間帯は、広島バスセンターからの乗客でほぼ一杯で全員乗れないこともあるので、時間には余裕を見ていた方が安全です。
There is a connecting passage from the bus terminal to Astrum Line Nakasuji Station, and many people use it to get on and off and transfer in the morning and evening. In addition to the local bus, the limousine bus between Hiroshima Airport and Hiroshima Bus Center also stops, so it is convenient to get on the bus from Asanami Ward or Asa Kita Ward to Hiroshima Airport. However, because the limousine bus seats are on a first-come-first-served basis, it may be safer to have enough time in the busy hour when the buses are crowded with passengers from the Hiroshima Bus Center.
nosuke tsukky on Google

広島に住んでいた時は西原が最寄りでしたが、広島空港利用時に中筋で降りてバスターミナルで空港行バスを利用しました。 中筋駅はバスターミナルがあるので便利だなと感じました。
When I lived in Hiroshima, Nishihara was the closest, but when I used Hiroshima Airport, I got off at Nakasuji and took the bus for the airport at the bus terminal. I found it convenient because Nakasuji Station has a bus terminal.
Hong yang Leica on Google

It is close to the center of Hiroshima city and only 30 minutes away from Hiroshima Airport. The local passenger or MRT traffic is dense, the living functions are convenient, the temperature is cool and comfortable in the morning and evening, and it is also a good place. #LocalGuides
DJ D on Google

Is a bus station that connects with North Hiroshima (kitahiroshima). Somewhat spartan, although there is a Lawson's adjacent for picking up snacks. This station is not always staffed, btw.

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