
4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 魚こころ

住所 :

Nakakasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0083 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Webサイト : https://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1313/A131305/13026685/
Opening hours :
Saturday 5:30PM–12AM
Sunday 5:30PM–12AM
Monday 5:30PM–12AM
Tuesday 5:30PM–12AM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 5:30PM–12AM
Friday 5:30PM–12AM
街 : Tokyo

Nakakasai, Edogawa City, 〒134-0083 Tokyo,Japan
あい on Google

5年ほど東京に住んでいた時、毎週の様にお世話になったお店。 刺身の美味しさに衝撃を受け、酒呑みの気持ちを憎い程ご理解されております。 大将の心構え、従業員への教育、気配り、常連新規分け隔てなく対応される態度に大変勉強になりました。 東京出張の時には必ず伺う様にしております。 岡山の片隅から陰ながら応援させて頂きます。
When I lived in Tokyo for about 5 years, I was taken care of every week. I was shocked by the deliciousness of sashimi, and I hate the feeling of drinking. I learned a lot from the attitude of the general, the education of employees, the attentiveness, and the attitude of regular new employees. I always visit when I'm on a business trip to Tokyo. I will support you in the shadow from a corner of Okayama.
H君 on Google

夫婦で行きつけのお店です。 料理が凝ってて全部美味しいんですよね! また、日毎の仕入れ状況により色々なお魚がいただける点も楽しみです。
It is a shop that couples go to. The food is elaborate and everything is delicious! Also, I am looking forward to the fact that you can get various kinds of fish depending on the daily purchase situation.
rin sato on Google

店名どおり魚料理が最高に美味しい。 店内喫煙なのが唯一残念。
As the store name fish dish is the best delicious. The only regret is being smoking in the shop.
茂久高桑 on Google

季節の美味しい料理、ラインナップ豊富なお酒と大将の心遣い 全て素晴らしいです❕
Seasonal delicious food, rich lineup of sake and care of the general Everything is wonderful.
. D on Google

日本酒ラインナップは冷酒が別メニューあり。 若者受けが良さそうなスッキリ目の日本酒がそろってました。 日本酒のお値段はそこまで高くなく無難な感じ。 ただ、入店したタイミングが悪かったか、メインのオーダーを忘れられていて、前菜2種と日本酒2種頼んだだけで終わってしまいました。 また次回チャレンジして再評価したいと思いますが、ひとまず☆3で。 第一印象としては、もう少し変わり種の日本酒銘柄が欲しいと思ったのと、お燗の変わり種が別メニューに欲しかったです。
The sake lineup has another menu for cold sake. There was a line of refreshing sake that seemed good for young people. The price of sake is not expensive and it is safe. However, the timing of entering the store was bad or the main order was forgotten, and it ended just asking for two kinds of appetizers and two kinds of sake. I would like to challenge again and evaluate again, but for the time being ☆ 3. As a first impression, I wanted a slightly different kind of sake brand, and I wanted a different kind of hot sake on another menu.
zun yokko on Google

It's a calm shop and the quality is good, the price is a little high, but I'm satisfied because the sake and food are worth the price. The three of us enjoyed it to the fullest and it was 20000 yen. It might be better to think of it as a small restaurant.
華水木 on Google

葛西駅より徒歩2~3分位、線路沿いにあります。場所は2階にあり、エレベーターはなく階段のみです。(手摺付き)店内は、掘炬燵タイプのテーブル席とカウンター席があり、靴を脱いで上がります。落ち着いた雰囲気で寛げるので、ついつい長居してしまうお店です。 お料理は、お通しも含め丁寧に作られていて、どれも美味しいです。備長炭使用の炙りもの・とことん緑サラダ、とり天・牡蠣の天ぷら等の揚げ物、牛スジ煮込み等の煮物・山芋もちバターなど、ハズレがありません。 お刺身も厚みがあり、鮮度が良く、わさびは人数分に分けて添えてくれるので、箸を持ち変えて取り分ける手間もいらず、店主の心遣いを感じます。友人・知人に美味しい店を聞かれると、必ず候補に挙げるお店です。 ドリンクは日本酒・焼酎の種類が多く、他店にはない抹茶や抹茶ハイもあり、それも抹茶たっぷりで、初めての方はその色に驚くかも。トイレは男女別でキレイです。人気店なので、予約での来店をお勧めします。
It is about a few minutes on foot from Kasai Station and is located along the tracks. The place is on the second floor, there is no elevator, only stairs. (With handrails) Inside the store, there are table and counter seats of the Kotetsu type, and you can take off your shoes and go up. It's a place where you can spend a long time because you can relax in a calm atmosphere. The dishes are carefully prepared including the ones they serve, and they are all delicious. There is no loss of roasted or tonton green salad using Bincho charcoal, fried food such as tori tempura or oyster tempura, stewed beef strips, yam sticky butter, etc. The sashimi is also thick and fresh, and the wasabi is served according to the number of people, so you don't have to take different chopsticks to collect them, and you can feel the kindness of the owner. When a friend or acquaintance asks you about a delicious restaurant, it is definitely a candidate. There are many types of drinks such as sake and shochu, and there are also matcha and matcha high that other stores do not have, and they are also full of matcha, and the color may be surprising to the first person. The toilets are clean by gender. It's a popular store, so we recommend making a reservation.
S C on Google

I want to brag about it, but I don't want to tell anyone. I suffer from a dilemma.

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