
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 株式会社富士屋不動産

住所 :

Nakajuku, Itabashi City, 〒173-0005 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : https://www.fujiyafudosan.co.jp/
街 : Tokyo

Nakajuku, Itabashi City, 〒173-0005 Tokyo,Japan
k k on Google

We are very satisfied with your quick contact and request for photography.
Y Yano on Google

We received quick responses to requests and confirmations from here, and we were able to proceed with the contract smoothly. Thanks to you, I was able to move safely in the midst of the corona. Thank you very much.
T K on Google

こちらの厳しい条件の中で、より良い物件を吟味ご紹介いただいたと思います。また、当初の条件が厳しかったため、どこを妥協すれば紹介できる物件が増えることも教えていただいたので、自分の中で希望条件の取捨選択がしやすかったです。 また、お一人で経営されているからか、とにかくフットワークが軽い印象を受けました。こちらの要望にも即座に対応いただけたのは、大変助かりました。
Under these severe conditions, I think that you had a good introduction of a better property. In addition, because the conditions of the initial conditions were severe, I was told that there would be more properties that I could introduce if I made a compromise, so it was easy to select the desired conditions in myself. Also, I felt that the footwork was light anyway, probably because I was run by myself. It was very helpful that we could respond to this request immediately.
いけもよ on Google

時間に猶予がない引越しでしたが、他の不動産よりも対応が早く、大変助かりました。部屋選びのポイントや相場等についてもしっかり教えて頂けます。 おすすめ頂いて入居した部屋も気に入りました。大満足です。
Although I had no time to move, it was quicker to respond than other real estate, which was very helpful. You can also tell us the points of room selection and the market price. I also liked the room I recommended and moved in. I am very satisfied.
山猫 on Google

土地勘のない街での新居探し、周辺の駅を歩いてちょっと気になった仲宿商店街でふらっと入った地元の不動産屋さんです。 板橋区周辺の相場だけでなく、買い物、地形など沿線のようすを社長さんに教えていただきました。 後日、賃貸ご担当の方と、このご時勢LINEでのやりとり中心に物件を絞っていきましたが、こちらが恐縮してしまう程時間外や定休日にかかわらず、素早く対応していただき、また内見の際にはコロナ対策の気遣いもしていただきました。 予算がきびしく細かい要望もあるなか、綺麗にリフォームされた駅近物件に2週間ほどで出会えました。 年を越さずに決められほっとしました。 ありがとうございました。
I was looking for a new house in a town where I didn't know the land, and I was a local real estate agent who walked around the station and walked into the Nakajuku shopping street. The president told us not only the market price around Itabashi Ward, but also shopping, terrain, and other areas along the railway line. At a later date, I narrowed down the properties to the ones in charge of leasing, focusing on the exchanges on LINE at this time, but I am sorry to hear that you will respond quickly regardless of overtime or regular holidays. When I saw it, I was also concerned about measures against corona. I was able to meet a beautifully renovated property near the station in about two weeks, despite the tight budget and detailed requests. I was relieved that it was decided within the year. Thank you very much.
渡部莉央 on Google

The real estate agent that happened to find the property was Fujiya Real Estate. Since I was transferred to Tokyo from afar, I was looking for a house without knowing the land at all, and although I had inquired several other real estate agents, I became the most friendly and searched for a room together. He gave me a lot of information, even in areas that I couldn't tell you in detail elsewhere. Thanks to that, I was able to decide on a room with peace of mind, and I am glad that I was willing to respond to a lot of selfishness. Thank you very much.
あや on Google

色々とハプニングがあり退去日が迫っている中でのお部屋探しでしたが、迅速に対応してくださり、無事に延滞する事なく退去する事ができました。 なかなか希望に合うお部屋が見つからなかったのですが、最後まで根気よくお付き合い下さりありがとうございました。 遅い時間でも対応してくださり、色々と相談にも乗って頂き、たくさん融通を利かせて頂き本当に助かりました。 またお部屋探しの時はお願い致します。
There were various happenings and I was looking for a room when the move-out date was approaching, but he responded promptly and I was able to move out safely without delay. I couldn't find a room that suits my wishes, but thank you for your patience until the end. It was really helpful for me to respond even at a late time, to consult with me in various ways, and to have a lot of flexibility. Also, please when looking for a room.
ウルトラのおどっつぁん on Google

おかげさまで無事に引っ越しを終えることができました。ありがとうございました。 わからないことも細かく教えてくださったり、物件について少し悩んでいたりすると素早く対応していただきました。自分たちが納得する物件があるまで物件を探してもらい助かりました。また引っ越しを考えるときはお世話になりたいと思っています。ありがとうございました。
Thanks to you, I was able to finish the move safely. Thank you very much. He told me in detail what I didn't understand, and when I was a little worried about the property, he responded quickly. It helped me to find a property until I was satisfied with it. Also, I would like to take care of me when I think about moving. Thank you very much.

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