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Contact 錦大丸

住所 :

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8125 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8777
Webサイト : https://www.kyoto-nishiki.or.jp/stores/nishikidaimaru/
街 : Kyoto

Nakagyo Ward, 〒604-8125 Kyoto,Japan
白珉明 on Google

Fresh and delicious! The best way to cook sushi and salmon roe. The general's personality is good and you can always shop comfortably.
夏野夢 on Google

価格は最近値上げしたのでしょうか? 刺し身盛り合わせを頼むと、ぶつ切りイカ、タコ、筋だらけの白身…この3種でした。 あとはマスターにお任せでお願いしたところ、ふの様なものの上にチーズを乗せて焼いたもの、小さな魚の干物、油だらけのだし巻き卵… これで9800円…( ºωº )チーン… ただのぼったくりですよね…
Did the price rise recently? When I asked for a platter of sashimi, it was chopped squid, octopus, and white meat full of streaks ... these three types. When I asked the master to do the rest, I put cheese on top of something like fluffy and baked it, dried small fish, oily omelet rolls ... This is 9800 yen ... (ºωº) chain ... It's just a rip-off ...
三木真麻 on Google

私は、知人の紹介で雑誌の取材の依頼をしようかと思い数回来店致しました。 つい先日もいきました。 麩の上にチーズを乗せて焼いてあるものも毎回出てきました笑笑 大将の自慢の料理なのでしょう。 しかし、あまり美味しくないですね笑 このようなお店で出すことにびっくりするような雑な料理?です。 数回来店した中で気付いたことは、人を見て料理を出すことです。 刺し身も筋の多いぶつ切り。しかし、他のテーブルにはぶつ切りではなく普通の刺し身が出ていました。 同じ物を注文してもその差でした。 途中から、大将の友人が数人来店したので席を譲って欲しいと言われてカウンターの角に追いやられました笑 お任せ6品、だし巻き、枝豆、大根の煮付け、刺し身、野菜のかき揚げ、麩のチーズ焼き笑 あとは、ビールを2杯。会計23650円 毎回このような内容で、料金大幅に前後しますが、この日が一番高かったですね笑笑 雑誌の取材どころか、二度と行きません。
I visited the store several times with the intention of requesting magazine coverage with the introduction of an acquaintance. I just went there the other day. Every time I put cheese on top of the fu and baked it, it came out lol Probably the dish that the general is proud of. But it's not very delicious lol A miscellaneous dish that surprises you to serve at a store like this? is. After visiting the store several times, I noticed that I saw people and served food. The sashimi is also chopped with many streaks. However, the other tables had regular sashimi instead of chopped. Even if I ordered the same item, it was the difference. Along the way, a few friends of the general came to the store, so I was asked to give up my seat and I was driven to the corner of the counter lol 6 dishes, omelet rolls, edamame, simmered radish, sashimi, fried vegetables, grilled fu cheese lol After that, two glasses of beer. Accounting 23650 yen With this kind of content every time, the price will fluctuate significantly, but this day was the highest lol lol Far from covering magazines, I will never go again.
山本彩葉 on Google

夜ご飯もランチもいただきました。 お昼のランチは2000円+税の日替わりランチ‼︎錦大丸さんの新鮮なお魚を5種も盛った刺身盛り合わせがメインのランチで、小鉢や天ぷら、焼き魚もすごく美味しくて、ご飯もお代わり自由と大満足のランチでした‼︎ 夜ご飯は、またガラリとお店の雰囲気が変わり、新鮮なお刺身から、焼き魚、旬の、マツタケ、鱧、くもこに、雲丹、どの季節にお店に行っても大満足です‼︎ 魚メインのお店のようですが、メニューにある、黒毛和牛のステーキもこれまた最高。何回訪れても飽きないですね。 京都の錦のお食事どころはどこか?と聞かれたら、錦大丸よしさんにきまりでしょう。錦に訪れた際はぜひ。
We also had lunch for dinner and lunch. Lunch for lunch is 2000 yen + tax daily lunch! Sashimi Assorted Sashimi Assorted with 5 kinds of fresh fish from Mikumi Nishiki was the main lunch, small pots, tempura and grilled fish were also very delicious, and the meal was also free and a satisfying lunch! A In the evening meal, the atmosphere of the shop changes again, and from the fresh sashimi, grilled fish, season, Matsutake, 鱧, chumuko, cloud pot, every season you go to a shop is satisfying!の It seems to be the fish main shop, but the steak of Kuroge Wagyu beefu in the menu is also the best. I do not get tired of how many times I visit. Where is the meal of Nishiki in Kyoto? If asked, it will be true to Nishiki Daimaru Yoshi. Please come when you visit Nishiki.
小里 on Google

錦市場のお魚やさんの奥にあります。お魚やさんの脇の通路を奥に入るのでこんなところにあるのかって感じ❗よく見ないと見落としがちです。 お刺身が新鮮でおいしかった。ランチで2,000円 ゆっくりできて堪能しました
It is in the back of the fish of Mr. Nishiki Market. I feel like I'm in such a place as I enter the aisle at the side of the fish and san. 感 I feel overlooked if I do not look carefully. Sashimi was fresh and tasty. 2,000 yen for lunch I was able to relax and enjoyed it
Chou Meizai on Google

粗眉仔被大大隻廣島生蠔吸引住,忍不住買了一盒,坐在店內慢慢嘆。 老闆娘非常好心機,將生蠔端端正正的放到碟上,先聲奪人,睇見已經流口水。 生蠔比想像中大隻,粒粒飽滿,鮮甜爽口到不得了,區區600円已經有八大隻,平到真係冇朋友。 其實這間店也有售賣其他海鮮,可惜粗眉仔太飽,只吃了生蠔,估計其他東西應該也不錯。
The thick eyebrow boy was attracted by the large Hiroshima oysters, so he couldn't help but bought a box and sat in the store slowly sighing. The proprietress was very careful, and put the oysters on the plate in an upright manner, and she was drooling when she saw her. The oysters are bigger than imagined, full of grains, and extremely sweet and refreshing. There are already eight big oysters at 600 yen, and they are really not friends. In fact, this shop also sells other seafood, but it's a pity that the thick eyebrows are too full and only eat oysters. It is estimated that other things should be good too.
ブラボー10 on Google

うなぎ鮨 1切300円が絶品です。 京都に昔から通っていますが、帰りに必ず買って帰ります。 こちらは鮮魚店の錦大丸さんですが、少し前には店の奥で、「錦大丸よし」と、言う名前で飲食店を営業していました。(錦大丸よし は、現在は営業していないみたいです) 錦大丸の口コミを読んでいると、ランチメニューや料理があるかのように書いてありますが、錦大丸さんは鮮魚店です。 こちらで刺身を買って、新幹線でビールを飲みながら、つまむのが、京都旅行の至福のときです。 お店の方はとても親切で、素晴らしいお店です。 うなぎ鮨は、午前中で売り切れになる事が多いのが残念です。
Unagi sushi, 300 yen per slice, is excellent. I've been to Kyoto for a long time, but I always buy it on my way home. This is Mr. Nishiki Daimaru, a fresh fish store, but a while ago, he opened a restaurant under the name "Nishiki Daimaru Yoshi" in the back of the store. (It seems that Nishiki Daimaru Yoshi is not currently open) When I read the reviews of Nishiki Daimaru, it says that there is a lunch menu and food, but Nishiki Daimaru is a fresh fish shop. Buying sashimi here, drinking beer on the Shinkansen, and pinching it is the blissful time of your trip to Kyoto. The shop is very kind and wonderful. It's a pity that eel sushi is often sold out in the morning.
fii vor on Google

super fresh oysters!!! And other sashimi too!!! Highly recommend!!! I had one in the morning and had to return to their shop again in the evening. Look for a smaller seafood shop in Nishiki alley. Their name is “Nishiki Daimaru”. Oysters as big as my mouth!!! OMG!!! I died and go to oysters heaven

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