Nakagawa Kazumasa Art Museum - Ashigarashimo District

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nakagawa Kazumasa Art Museum

住所 :

1178-1 Manatsuru, Manazuru, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 259-0201, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 259-0201
Webサイト :
Description : The varied works of artist Kazumasa are displayed across 5 exhibition halls & a tearoom.

1178-1 Manatsuru, Manazuru, Ashigarashimo District, Kanagawa 259-0201, Japan
小関光明 on Google

美術館ではお決まりの撮影禁止❗ ビデオは65分 建物の壁は 一部コンクリート剥き出しだが、 こじゃれた造りで味がある(^-^)/ 展示室は幾つかのブロックに分かれ、 館内動線は素晴らしい 茶室(観賞用)もあり落ち着いた雰囲気 館内の絵画は 風景画と花瓶に生けられた花? 野に咲く花の絵は見当たらない 風景画を描くには年数がかかる❗えぇ‼️ 風景画は現場主義、……孤高の人物 アトリエには持ち込まない? 野外は風雨に弱い、季節も変われば 景色も変わる✴️ 思い留めた風景は同じ季節に⁉️流石芸術家 次の年迄で封印!Σ(×_×;)! なるほど年数↑ さて、野外活動が出来なければ? アトリエで創作ですよね なるほど、なるほど! 花瓶に生けた花花の出番ですよ 館内観賞、滞りなく終了 暫し!お待たせ! 復元アトリエにスタッフと同伴でレッツゴー 案内されたのは、お林展望公園の建屋二階 入口は二階からで施錠している! おぉ?良いね?絵筆がいっぱい 此処で疑問が1つ解けた? 新品なのに額縁に絵具で書き込みが‼️ スタッフに伺ったら 額縁も絵画の一部だそうです‼️??⤴️へぇ驚き 館内の額縁に有った、あの疑問が? ところで 巨匠は世間の扱いが違う違う❗ 絵具は電話1本で配達される、勿論無料サービス 2019/02/02 芸術に触れた1日
Prohibited photographing at the museum Video is 65 minutes The wall of the building Although some concrete is bare, It's crazy and has a taste (^ - ^) / In case The exhibition room is divided into several blocks, The flow line in the hall is wonderful There is a tea room (for ornamental), and a calm atmosphere Painting in the hall is Landscape painting and flower arranged in a vase I can not find a picture of a flower blooming in the field It takes years to paint a landscape painting ❗! A Landscape painting is field-oriented ... .... a lonely person Do not bring it to the atelier. Outdoors are weak against the weather, if the seasons change The scenery changes, too. The scenery that I remembered was the same season as a fascinating artist Seal up to the next year! Σ (× _ ×;)! Indeed the number of years ↑ In case Well, unless outdoor activities can be done It is creative at the atelier I see, i see! Flower flower living in a vase comes in Aquarium watching inside, ending without fail For a while Thank you for waiting! Let's go with the staff at the restoration atelier What was guided was the second floor of the forest view park The entrance is locked from the second floor! In case Oh good, い full of paintbrush I could solve a single question here Writing with paint on the picture frame though it is brand new! A When I ask the staff The picture frame is also part of the painting! ️??⤴️ Wow surprised The question in the picture frame in the house, that question is ? by the way Maestro is different treatment of the world different ❗ Paintings are delivered with one phone, of course free service 2019/02/02 A day to touch art

真鶴岬の突端、木立の中に佇む静かな美術館です。 文化勲章受章者である中川一政画伯の、処女作と絶筆を鑑賞することができます。 ミュージアムショップで販売されているオリジナルマグカップ(3,000円)には、中川画伯がかつて手がけた木版画が使用されており、画伯の卓越したセンスを手にとって感じることができます。 絵葉書もあるのでお土産におすすめです。
It is a quiet art museum nestled in a grove at the tip of Cape Manazuru. You can appreciate the virgin works and writings by Kazumasa Nakagawa, the recipient of the Order of Culture. The original mug cup (3,000 yen) sold at the museum shop uses woodblock prints that Nakagawa Painta once worked on, so you can feel the outstanding sense of the artist. There is also a postcard, so it is recommended as a souvenir.
玲泉 on Google

迫力があり見応えのある絵画・オブジェ・書がたくさん見学できます。中川一政自身が作った額にも感心してしまいました。もっと全国的に知って頂きたいと感じました。 お茶室も現代的・開放的で清々しいです。お茶室は、撮影可でした。
You can see a lot of powerful and spectacular paintings, objects and books. I was also impressed with the amount that Kazumasa Nakagawa himself made. I wanted you to know more nationwide. The tea room is also modern, open and refreshing. The tea room was photographable.
123 katsura on Google

Kazumasa Nakagawa's paintings can be found in various museums, but there are many wonderful paintings of roses. Looking at many of Mr. Nakagawa's paintings today, I realized that he loved the sea of ​​Izu. There are few people and you can see it slowly.
はっしぃ on Google

原生林を徘徊してたどり着いた中川一成美術館。 バス待ちの間に大急ぎで展覧してまいりました。写真撮影可はこの画室のみ。箱根や真鶴の力強い風景画や書のほかに岩絵具のユーモラスな魚や犬の絵。どちかかと言うとわたしは岩絵が好みでした。98歳没。芸術家は長生きだ。
The Nakagawa Kazumasa Art Museum wanders through the primeval forest. I hurriedly exhibited while waiting for the bus. Only this painting room can take pictures. In addition to the powerful landscape paintings and books of Hakone and Manazuru, humorous fish and dog paintings of mineral pigments. If anything, I liked rock paintings. He died at the age of 98. The artist lives long.
Naoaki IMAI on Google

中川一政氏が居を構えたとの縁から建てられた、同氏専門の美術館。絵画だけではなく、陶芸、書など、同氏の幅広い創作活動の成果物を一度に鑑賞することができる。館内は減速撮影できないが、茶室は撮影可能である。 個人的に、この美術館のハイライトと感じたのは、デビュー作から、絶筆までを時系列に並べた展示室だと思う。デビュー作から順に部屋を一周する形でめぐり、最後に絶筆とデビュー作が隣り合わせで並んでいる所に戻ってくるという趣向。画風を確立させるまでの悩める時期、確立した画風による大作品、いわばライフワークとなった薔薇と続き、目を悪くしてからも最期まで描き続けた最晩年の作品で、特に最晩年の作品からは執念とか魂のようなものを感じた。この展示室だけでも一見の価値があると感じた。 静かな森の中にあるので、真鶴半島の散策コースに取り入れてみては。
An art museum specializing in Mr. Kazumasa Nakagawa, built from the connection with his residence. Not only paintings, but also ceramics, calligraphy, and other artifacts of his wide range of creative activities can be viewed at once. You cannot slow down shooting in the hall, but you can shoot in the tea room. Personally, I think the highlight of this museum is the exhibition room where the debut works and the writings are arranged in chronological order. The idea is to go around the room in order from the debut work, and finally return to the place where the writing and the debut work are lined up side by side. The time when I was worried about establishing the style of painting, the big work by the style of painting that was established, the rose that became a life work, and the work of the last years that I continued to draw until the end even after I got sick, especially the work of the last years I felt something like obsession or soul. I felt that this exhibition room alone was worth a look. It's in a quiet forest, so why not take it into a walking course on the Manazuru Peninsula?
大工の子 on Google

A small museum in the wonderful forest of Manazuru Peninsula. I visited for the first time in 20 years, but the impression I had when I first saw it did not change. Thank you for the power from the paintings of Mt. Komagatake, roses, sunflowers, etc. The view from the nearby Hayashi Observatory is also wonderful, and I am convinced that Kazumasa Nakagawa created an atelier here.
Steffen Eckart on Google

Wonderful and extensive two-story museum featuring the works of Nakagawa Kazumasa, who was active until he passed away at the age of 97. Don’t miss the traditional tatami mat room with beautiful views of the surrounding nature. The room is tucked in the back of the building and a bit difficult to find. Also note that guides in English are available at the reception.

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