Koa Kannon - Atami

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Contact Koa Kannon

住所 :

1135 Izusan, Atami, Shizuoka 413-0002, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87878
Postal code : 413-0002
Webサイト : http://www.koakannon.org/

1135 Izusan, Atami, Shizuoka 413-0002, Japan
Hirofumi Itou on Google

平成十七年十月十七日提出 質問第二一号 「戦犯」に対する認識と内閣総理大臣の靖国神社参拝に関する質問主意書 国内法では戦犯はいません 公務死になってます。 もし教科書で現在でもA級戦犯として扱ってるならば教科書は法治国家日本の教科書には相応しくないかな。  そして明らかな人権侵害ですね
Submitted on October 17, 2005 Question No. 21 Awareness of "war criminals" and a letter of inquiry regarding the Prime Minister's visit to Yasukuni Shrine There are no war criminals under domestic law. If the textbook is still treated as a Class A war criminal, the textbook may not be suitable for the textbook of the rule of law Japan. And it's a clear violation of human rights
宇野友之 on Google

場所が解りにくく、道も狭いので、注意がいりました 駐車場から、急な登り坂をしばらく歩くと本堂がありますが、途中休憩できるところもあります 御住職が居られると、お茶を振る舞ってくれ、いろいろとお話をしてくれます 本堂からの眺望も良く、閑かなひとときを過ごせました
The place was difficult to understand and the road was narrow, so I was careful From the parking lot, if you walk on a steep uphill for a while, you will find the main hall, but there are places where you can take a break If you have a priest, you will be served tea and will talk to you The view from the main hall was good and I was able to spend a quiet time
小倉克己 on Google

A place to go once. Guan Yin made in the soil of the Chinese battlefield, scolding the war dead of Japan and China. The remains of seven people who were executed as A-class war criminals are also beaten. In some cases, the resident office will provide you with great guidance. Recommended in a very clean place.
Captain on Google

松井石根大将が中国の砂で建立した観音様が祀られています。 お堂の中には獄死した七士の絶筆の複写や松井大将の遺品が飾られています。 戦争を考えるいい機会になると思います。 また、ご住職のお話も聞けて良かったです。 ここからの眺めも素敵でした。
Kannon, who was erected by General Matsui Iwane in Chinese sand, is enshrined. Inside the hall, a copy of the seven priests who died in prison and the relics of General Matsui are displayed. I think it will be a good opportunity to think about war. Also, it was good to hear the story of the priest. The view from here was also wonderful.
小関光明 on Google

国道135線から山の急斜面に見える処 昭和15年に建立 舗装された狭小道路を車で登れば5台程停められる駐車場があり、歩いて15分でたどり着ける 参道はつづら折り 舗装されている 手すり有ります 住職の説明が有ります? 追記 「wikipedia」に依れば A級戦犯刑死者     7柱 BC級戦犯刑死者   901柱 収容中に 病死 自決 事故死 死因不明等 160柱 合計    1068柱 1068柱慰霊塔に祀られている 日本で唯一の独自の歴史と祭祀を持った独立した寺院
A place that looks like a steep mountain from National Route 135 Built in 1955 There is a parking lot that can be stopped by about 5 cars if you climb a paved narrow road, and you can reach in 15 minutes on foot The approach is serpent It is paved There is a handrail There is a description of the residence ? Postscript According to "wikipedia" Class A war criminal prisoner seven pillars BC class prisoner of death 901 columns During containment Disease death Self-determination Accident death Death cause unknown 160 columns 1068 columns in total Being beaten by 1068 pillars An independent temple with the only unique history and ritual in Japan
doumei heiwa on Google

何も知らなぬ様に、下の国道を沢山の車が走り抜けて行く平和な光景、 今ロシアの軍事侵攻により極東もきな臭くなった。目覚めの時 一度立ち寄って当時の事を思い起こして欲しい場所
As if I didn't know anything, the peaceful sight of many cars running through the national highway below, now the military invasion of Russia has made the Far East smell bad. When you wake up A place where you want to stop by and remember those days
バジリスク on Google

昭和46年(1971)12月12日。 赤軍派「東アジア反日武装戦線」グループ数名が、「七士之碑」(「七士の霊」、松井石根、東條英機、広田弘毅、板垣征四郎、土肥原賢二、木村兵太郎、武藤章)にダイナマイトを仕掛け爆破を行ったそうです。 浜田省吾「何もかもみんな、爆破したい〜」
December 12, 1971. Several members of the Red Army "East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front" group are "Seven Shinomon" ("Seven Spirits", Iwane Matsui, Hideki Tojo, Kouki Hirota, Seishiro Itagaki, Kenji Doihara, Heitaro Kimura, Akira Mutou. ) Was set up with dynamite and exploded. Shogo Hamada "Everyone wants to blow up everything ~"
Josh Dot on Google

why is it still there? isn't it the 21st century?

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