ハウスメイトショップ 三鷹店

4.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ハウスメイトショップ 三鷹店

住所 :

Nakacho, Musashino, 〒180-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://shop.housemate-navi.jp/shop/51/shop_info/index
街 : Tokyo

Nakacho, Musashino, 〒180-0006 Tokyo,Japan
Mii on Google

田宮洋平 on Google

スピーディな対応、ありがとうございました。 せん越ながら接客も、かたすぎず親身になって対応していただきました。
Thank you for your speedy response. Even though I was afraid, the customer service was not too hard and I was kind enough to respond.
凪南 on Google

左俣さんに対応していただきました。 他のスタッフの方もとても親切でいい物件探しができました。 ありがとうございました。
Thank you for responding to Mr. Samata. The other staff were also very kind and I was able to find a good property. Thank you very much.
田中梨湖 on Google

It was a short period of time from finding the property to moving in, but I was very grateful for the smooth response and detailed measurement of the room.
D S on Google

The person in charge always responded politely, and I was able to sign the contract with confidence. We are also grateful for your willingness to respond to unreasonable requests such as adjusting the contract date. The atmosphere of the store was also very good, so I think the Mitaka store is a recommended store.
りょう on Google

物件サイトからの依頼でしたが、店舗の皆さんも丁寧な対応をしてくださりました。 担当の方も、物件探しから契約までとても親切に付き合っていただき初めての契約でしたが、不安なく進めることができました! 何件も内覧させていただき最終的に良い物件に出会うことができました。 本当にありがとうございます。
Although it was a request from the property site, the store staff also responded politely. The person in charge was also very kind to me from the property search to the contract, and it was my first contract, but I was able to proceed without anxiety! I had a look at many of them and finally I was able to meet a good property. thank you very much.
yuuna ichino on Google

The person in charge always responded politely, and I was able to sign the contract with confidence. Also, I was worried about the properties of other stores, but I am grateful for your willingness to respond to the consultation. I went to the store to pick up the key, but the atmosphere was good for people other than the person in charge, and they responded with a smile. I'm really thankful to you.
まよん on Google

I made several inquiries from the search app, but only my housemate made quick and responsive and detailed suggestions, and even when I actually asked, the response was very polite and kind. I was able to relax while having a friendly talk while taking a polite response during the preview. Of course, I was able to explain the details of the contract carefully and ask questions on LINE. The number of non-contact visits with online contracts was also minimal. I have moved many times so far, but it was the most polite.

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