
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 中華虹虹

住所 :

Nagatsuta, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0027 Kanagawa,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Friday 11:30AM–2:30PM
街 : 〒1590 Kanagawa

Nagatsuta, Midori Ward, Yokohama, 〒226-0027 Kanagawa,Japan
Kei HATOYAMA on Google

JR長津田駅のホームから看板が見えていて、ずっと気になっていた。 表に回ると、ラーメン650円と書いてある。これなら他もそれほど高くないはずと入店。 店内の壁中に貼られるほどメニューが豊富(テーブルにメニュー表もある)。 ラーメンと麻婆茄子で迷い、店員さんに麻婆茄子は辛いか尋ねてみる。 麻婆茄子は辛いが、ナスと挽肉の甘辛炒めは辛くないと教わったので、それにする。 茄子にしっかり火が通っており、とろける。かなり熱いので火傷注意。 味付けはメニューの通り甘辛で、飯泥棒。食べても食べても無くならないくらいの量。1人前に茄子を3本くらい使っているのでは。 最初、スープは味が薄めかと思ったが、おかずを食べ進めて行くにつれ、最適だと感じる。 とにかく量が多いので、このメニューを頼む場合、少食の人は要注意。 こういう店にありがちな、水がまずいとか、床が目も当てられないくらいの汚さとか、そんな事もなく、普通にいい店だった。
The signboard was visible from the platform at JR Nagatsuda Station, and I was always worried. When you go to the table, it says ramen 650 yen. If this is the case, the other stores will not be so expensive. The menu is abundant enough to be pasted on the wall inside the store (there is a menu table on the table). I got lost in ramen and Mapo eggplant and asked the clerk if it was spicy. I learned that mapo eggplant is spicy, but sweet and spicy stir-fried eggplant and minced meat is not spicy, so I will do that. The eggplant is well cooked and melts. Be careful of burns as it is quite hot. The seasoning is sweet and spicy according to the menu, and it is a rice burglar. The amount that you can eat and eat and never disappear. Perhaps one person uses about three eggplants. At first, I thought that the soup had a light taste, but as I went on eating the side dish, I felt that it was the best. Anyway, it's a large amount, so be careful if you order this menu if you eat a little. It wasn't a bad place like this, and it didn't look like the floor was dirty.
daisuki aida on Google

ここは、良いです。 どちらかと言うと、殺風景な店舗です。日本人とは、違います。 かと言って、中国色が出ているか、イイエ‼️です。 でも、料理は、美味しく、量もあります。 野菜炒めを頼みましたが、他のお店より、多かったです。
This is good. If anything, it's a murky store. It's different from the Japanese. On the other hand, is there a Chinese color? It is ️. But the food is delicious and there is a lot of it. I ordered stir-fried vegetables, but it was more than other shops.
stmt on Google

平日ランチ時に伺いました。 店内は昭和の歌謡曲が流れていて元気のいい奥さんが迎えてくれます。 ランチメニューがたくさんあって迷いましたが、初見なのでここは醤油ラーメンと餃子セット820円に。 もやしがこれだけ入ってる醤油ラーメンは初めてです… スープもおそらく豚骨と醤油ベースでスープが結構脂っこい。 オーソドックスな醤油ラーメンが好きな私にはちょっと脂っこすぎました… 餃子も台湾のコンビニの八角?のような匂いがして苦手な感じでした… 他の定食はおいしいのかもしれませんが、また来たいとはあまり思えないかなぁ…
I visited at lunch on weekdays. Showa songs are played in the store, and a cheerful wife welcomes you. I was at a loss because there were a lot of lunch menus, but since it was my first time seeing it, I bought a soy sauce ramen and dumpling set for 820 yen. This is the first soy sauce ramen that contains so much bean sprouts ... The soup is probably based on pork bones and soy sauce, and the soup is quite greasy. It was a little too greasy for me, who likes orthodox soy sauce ramen ... Gyoza is also an octagon at a convenience store in Taiwan? It smelled like this and I was not good at it ... Other set meals may be delicious, but I don't think I want to come again ...
Yas Miura on Google

ランチに酢豚定食をいただきました。値段もリーズナブルでお腹いっぱいになり、大変満足しました。フリッターっぽい豚肉は衣の見た目に反して案外油っこくなく、肉の量もしっかりあって餡と絡んで美味しかったです。 表の構えは年季が入っていますが、店内は町中華としては清潔感ある方だと思います。陶器のお皿で出される料理はなんだか懐かしい感じで学生時代を思い出しました。 壁に個別で貼ってあるレギュラーメニューも多彩でお値段安く、今度は是非夜にお酒の席で再訪したいと思う良いお店でした。
I had a vinegared pork set meal for lunch. The price was reasonable and I was full and very satisfied. The fritter-like pork was unexpectedly not greasy, contrary to the appearance of the clothes, and the amount of meat was solid and it was delicious with the bean paste. The table has a season, but I think the inside of the restaurant is clean for Chinese food. The dishes served on the pottery plate reminded me of my school days with a nostalgic feeling. The regular menus that are individually pasted on the wall are also diverse and inexpensive, and this time it was a good shop that I would definitely like to visit again at the liquor table at night.
Bam Bi on Google

本当に何食べても美味しい。大好きな街中華。 特にチャーハン+餃子が最高に美味しい。 お店の方も優しいです。
It ’s really delicious no matter what you eat. My favorite city, Chinese food. Especially the fried rice + dumplings are the most delicious. The shop is also kind.
SIZ- yyz on Google

本日定食②レバニラ炒め800円 長津田は乗り換えたことしかないんですぅ〜なんて言うヤツ、一回降りろ 南口の雄・虹虹。たたずまいは完全に町中華、ただしメニューや味付けは本場中国料理のそれ 少し安くなる本日定食がオトクだが、レギュラーの定食はハズレがなく、麻婆豆腐、肉ニラ、肉野菜、レバニラ、麻婆茄子あたりおすすめできる。特に茄子と挽肉の甘味噌炒め定食は捨てがたい。もう世の中のあらゆる食材をこの甘味噌でお願いしたい 麻婆と坦々麺はジャリ黒系。好みが分かれるか 焼売、餃子、春巻などのサイドもうまくて隙がない。ビールと焼売と野菜炒めでサッとやって帰るなんていいね。以前、夜中に来たキャリアウーマンがギョーザ二人前とライスの定食を爆食してたのは粋だった。東急こどもの国線ひつじでんしゃで帰途につくシュールな姐さんに違いない 19時過ぎの入店時は私ひとりだったが、退店までに長津田三人娘を皮切りに計6人が来店。20時閉店のコロナ禍に負けず元気元気 また餃子食べに来るね。ごちそうさまでした
Today's set meal ② Stir-fried Levanilla 800 yen Nagatsuta has only changed trains. The male of the south exit, Rainbow Rainbow. The appearance is completely Chinese in town, but the menu and seasoning are those of authentic Chinese food Today's set meal, which is a little cheaper, is a great deal, but the regular set meal is not lost, and we recommend it for mapo tofu, meat garlic, meat vegetables, levanilla, and mapo eggplant. Especially, the set meal of fried eggplant and minced meat with sweet miso is hard to throw away. I want to ask for all the ingredients in the world with this sweet miso Mapo tofu and dandan noodles are black. Do you have different tastes The sides of shumai, dumplings, spring rolls, etc. are also good and there is no chance. It's nice to go home quickly with beer, shumai, and stir-fried vegetables. It was cool that a career woman who came in the middle of the night had eaten a set meal of two servings of Gyoza and rice. It must be a surrealistic 姐 who is on his way home on the Tokyu Children's National Line sheep train. When I entered the store after 19:00, I was alone, but by the time I left the store, a total of 6 people came to the store, starting with Nagatsuta's three daughters. Energetic and energetic without losing to the corona wreck that closes at 20:00 I'll come to eat dumplings again. Thank you for the meal
三浦多史 on Google

長津田駅の名店中華虹虹さんに今回は、お邪魔しました!長津田にある町中華で食べるのが、今回が初なので色々と期待しちゃいますね(笑)と言う訳で19時近くにお店に到着です!店内は、常連客と覚しきお客さんと帰宅途中のサラリーマンで賑わっています!テーブル席に腰を掛けてからメニューを拝見!最近野菜をあまり食べていないので体の事を考えて、野菜炒定食ご飯大盛り(780円+100円)を選択して店員さんに注文します!店員さんは、中国語を話している事から本場の人だと予想出来ますね!ちなみに、虹虹さんには、カウンター席とテーブル席がありますので、用途によってご利用下さいね!流石にゴールデンタイムなだけに店内には、夕飯を求めて新しいお客さんが続々とやって来ます!その中で待つ事7分程で、本日の夕飯野菜炒定食が到着しました!野菜炒め定食の第一印象は、炒め具合と野菜の彩りが良く味にも期待が持てる素晴らしい野菜炒めです!早速、野菜炒めを箸で摘み口の中に入れれば、野菜のシャキシャキした楽しい歯応えと鶏ガラの旨味を感じる優しい塩味で白飯にも合う野菜炒めです!そして珍しい事に野菜炒めには、マッシュルームが入っていますね〜!美味い野菜炒めを白飯と共に喰らえば、至福極まれり!また、付属の玉子スープも優しい塩味で玉子と豆腐の円味を感じる飽きの来ない玉子スープに仕上がっている至福の一杯です!そして、驚いたのが漬物!ぬか漬けの様な漬物で口に入れれば、ピリリと辛い漬物で食べた後には、生姜?の香りを感じますね!謎ですね〜!まぁ〜常連になれば店員さんと話す機会も増えるのでそれは、今度聞いてみます!美味い野菜炒定食に夢中なり続けて、気がつけばあっという間に完食です!いや〜!本当に野菜の美味しさを感じる素晴らしい野菜炒めで満足、満腹です!中国系の店員さんも感じが良く、丁寧で落ち着いて夕飯を食べれたので感謝、感謝です!長津田!日頃電車を乗り降りする駅だけだと思っていましたが、駅を降りれば素晴らしき食の出会いある町だと気付かされました(笑)本当に素晴らしき町中華で食べていて安心が出来る居心地の良いお店でした!そして魅力溢れる、まだ見ぬ虹虹の料理!通う度にドキドキとワクワクを、いつ迄も感じる名店の料理を思う存分堪能したいですね(笑)皆様も長津田駅近くにある町中華虹虹さんで至福を感じる料理をお楽しみ下さいね!長津田に至福の時を感じる名店がある!その名は、中華虹虹!手頃な値段に手抜き無し!美味さの中に安らぎあり!長津田で夕飯を食べるならば、絶対に行くべきお店!町中華の殿堂虹虹をお見知りおきあれ(笑)そして素晴らしき町中華虹虹に感謝を込めて、ごちそうさまでした! 虹虹好吃!再見!
This time, I visited the famous store Chinese Rainbow Rainbow at Nagatsuta Station! This is my first time to eat in the town of China in Nagatsuta, so I'm expecting various things (laughs), so I arrived at the restaurant around 19:00! The store is crowded with regular customers and office workers on their way home! Sit down at the table and then look at the menu! I haven't eaten much vegetables lately, so I think about my body and choose a large serving of stir-fried vegetables set meal (780 yen + 100 yen) and order it from the clerk! The clerk can be expected to be a genuine person because he speaks Chinese! By the way, Mr. Nijirainbow has counter seats and table seats, so please use them depending on the purpose! As it is golden time, new customers come to the store one after another in search of dinner! After waiting for about 7 minutes, today's dinner vegetable stir-fried set meal arrived! The first impression of the stir-fried vegetables set meal is the wonderful stir-fried vegetables, which have good stir-fry and the color of the vegetables and can be expected to taste! If you pick the stir-fried vegetables with chopsticks and put them in your mouth, the stir-fried vegetables will be crispy and chewy, and the gentle salty taste of chicken meat will go well with white rice! And, unusually, the stir-fried vegetables contain mushrooms! If you eat delicious stir-fried vegetables with white rice, you will be blissful! In addition, the included egg drop soup is also a blissful cup of egg drop soup that you will never get tired of feeling the roundness of egg and tofu with a gentle salty taste! And what surprised me was the pickles! If you put it in your mouth with pickles like bran pickles, ginger after eating with spicy pickles? You can feel the scent of It's a mystery! Well, if you become a regular customer, you will have more opportunities to talk to the clerk, so I'll ask you about it next time! Continue to be absorbed in the delicious stir-fried vegetables set meal, and if you notice it, it will be completed in no time! Disagreeable~! I am satisfied and full with the wonderful stir-fried vegetables that really feel the deliciousness of vegetables! The Chinese clerk also felt good, and I was grateful and grateful that I was able to eat dinner politely and calmly! Nagatsuta! I thought that it was only the station where I usually get on and off the train, but when I got off the station, I realized that it was a town where I could meet wonderful food (laughs). was! And a charming, unseen rainbow dish! I want to fully enjoy the food of a famous restaurant that makes me feel excited and excited every time I go (laughs) Everyone, please enjoy the food that makes you feel blissful at the town of China Rainbow Rainbow near Nagatsuta Station! There is a famous store in Nagatsuta where you can feel the blissful time! Its name is Chinese Rainbow Rainbow! No omissions at an affordable price! There is peace in the deliciousness! If you want to eat dinner in Nagatsuta, you should definitely go there! Know the Chinese Hall of Fame Rainbow Rainbow (laughs) And thank you for the wonderful Chinese Rainbow Rainbow! Rainbow rainbow food! Look again!
Kenji Ookura on Google

店内は整頓されて清潔に保たれていて、店員さんも穏やかでいい感じのお店です。 チャーハンは好みの味で、結構量も多くて大満足。餃子も美味しい。 興味本位でオーダーした中華湯葉サラダ湯葉は、細打ち麺のような湯葉と細切りにした野菜、味付けは中華風ですがさっぱりしていて食べやすくて美味しい。ちょっとした冷やし中華くらいの量があるので、少食の方であればこれだけでランチになるかも。値段も500円だからコスパもよい。炭水化物が入ってないのでヘルシーだし、女性におすすめかな。 他の料理もきっと美味しいだろうけど、今日はもうお腹いっぱい。また、長津田に来たときは食べに行きたいです。
The inside of the store is tidy and clean, and the staff are calm and nice. The fried rice has a favorite taste, and the amount is quite large, so I am very satisfied. Dumplings are also delicious. Chinese Yuba Salad Yuba ordered with a focus on interest is Yuba like finely beaten noodles and shredded vegetables, and the seasoning is Chinese style, but it is refreshing and easy to eat and delicious. There is a little chilled Chinese food, so if you have a small meal, this may be enough for lunch. The price is 500 yen, so the cost performance is good. It's healthy because it doesn't contain carbohydrates, so it's recommended for women. I'm sure other dishes are delicious, but I'm full today. Also, when I come to Nagatsuta, I want to go eat.

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