三木ジェット - Kobe

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 三木ジェット

住所 :

Nadaminamidori, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0841 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Postal code : 657-0841
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/pages/%25E4%25B8%2589%25E6%259C%25A8%25E3%2582%25B8%25E3%2582%25A7%25E3%2583%2583%25E3%2583%2588/1405639232785523
街 : Hyogo

Nadaminamidori, Nada Ward, Kobe, 〒657-0841 Hyogo,Japan
JUNBOw on Google

辛くて美味いカツの入ったラーメンです。笑 店前に辛いラーメンしかありませんと記載があるくらいです。笑 辛さは、標準でレベル1.5ですが辛さが苦手な方は少し無理って方がいるかもです。 私はレベル5を食べた時に汗だくになりました。 バリかつジェットのバリかつは薄くてサクサクして美味しいです。 スープに浸って少し柔らかくなったヤツも美味い。 辛さに中にもしっかりと旨味があるスープともやし、そしてレモンの酸味が相まって美味しいラーメンに仕上がってます。 トッピングのうずらは辛さを少し和らげてくれる感じがするので入れるようにしています。 ちなみに麺は乾麺なので生麺を求めてる方はご注意ください。 店内は広くないですが、独特の雰囲気ですがそれがまたいい感じです。 お昼の時間帯はかなり行列が出来てるので少し時間をずらして行くか夜だと比較的空いてる感じなのでぜひ行ってみてください。 うんメー
Ramen with spicy and delicious cutlet. Lol There is even a statement that there is only spicy ramen in front of the store. Lol The standard spiciness is level 1.5, but those who are not good at spiciness may be a little overwhelmed. I got sweaty when I ate level 5. Bali and Jet Bali and are thin, crispy and delicious. The one that is soaked in soup and softened a little is also delicious. The spiciness of the soup and the soup, which has a strong umami flavor, and the sourness of the lemon make it a delicious ramen. I try to add quail toppings because it feels like it will ease the spiciness a little. By the way, the noodles are dried noodles, so please be careful if you are looking for raw noodles. The inside of the store is not large, but it has a unique atmosphere, but it feels good again. There are quite a few lines during the lunch time, so it feels like you're going to stagger the time a little or it's relatively free at night, so please go there. Yeah Me
Yuki on Google

初めて三木ジェットさんへ? ボリューム満点のかつが乗った辛口ラーメン❗️辛さがえらべましたがノーマルを注文しましたが、けっこう辛いです?カウンター10席ぐらいだったと思います。ご馳走様でした??‍♂️
To Miki Jet for the first time ? Dry ramen with a hearty katsu ❗️ I ordered the normal one, but it's quite spicy ? I think it was about 10 seats at the counter. It was a treat ??‍♂️
ゴラム on Google

バリかつジェットを注文。 なかなかのボリュームでお腹一杯。 残念ながら、私の味覚とは合わなかった。 絶え間なくお客さんが入ってきて人気のあるお店でした。
I ordered Bali and Jet. I'm full with a good volume. Unfortunately, it didn't match my taste. It was a popular shop with a constant number of customers.
ぷくちゃん【神戸・大阪ラーメン】 on Google

●●待ち状況●● 休日の13時30分に来店しました! 待ちはなかったです! ●●注文●● 注文は「バリかつジェット」900円をチョイス! ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ インスタ→@pukchan_ramen ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ●●スープ●● 鶏ガラをベースにいい感じにピリ辛な醤油スープです! ゴクゴク飲んでしまいます! 辛めのカップ麺ぐらいの辛さですので、辛いのが苦手な方は参考までに! ●●麺●● 麺は中細ストレート麺ですね。 乾麺を使用されていて、スープによくあっています。 ●●カツ●● カツはかなり薄切りです。 サクッとした食感で美味しい! ●●総評●● 辛めのスープとカツというジャンクな組み合わせでした! 辛いのが好きな方にはオススメですかね! ごちそうさまでした♪
●● Waiting status ●● I came to the store at 13:30 on a holiday! I didn't wait! ●● Order ●● For ordering, choose "Bali and Jet" for 900 yen! ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ Instagram → @pukchan_ramen ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ ●● Soup ●● A nice and spicy soy sauce soup based on chicken gala! I will drink it! It's as spicy as spicy cup noodles, so if you don't like spicy noodles, just for reference! ●● Noodles ●● The noodles are medium-thin straight noodles. Dried noodles are used and it goes well with soup. ●● Cutlet ●● The cutlet is quite thinly sliced. It has a crispy texture and is delicious! ●● Overview ●● It was a junk combination of spicy soup and cutlet! Is it recommended for those who like spicy food? Thank you for your feast ♪
イケ麺ゴリラ on Google

First visit to the store on weekdays in January, 4th year of Reiwa. Since it is the same as the opening of the store, it is the first ride ❗ There is only a counter inside the store. I ordered Bali and Jet and chasing rice. The spiciness is 1.5 for free. A transparent acrylic slope has also been installed and measures have been taken against corona ? I have been visiting the store one after another even after ordering. Donburi soon. The thin cutlet is appetizing. First of all, the soup is light. Generally, you don't feel the taste and dashi from the first bite. When you do, you will feel the acidity ? Noodles are extra-fine noodles. It is said to be dried noodles in word of mouth, but it is a good salt plum. The thin cutlet is also soup and salted plum, which is crispy and moist and delicious ? Everything is delicious with a good balance ? It's the first time this ramen is a trinity of soup, noodles and thin cutlet. It's Asian, but it's good ? I think it's not a general ramen shop but a type of ramen called Miki Jet like Jiro ramen. The chasing rice also contains 2 cups of rice, green onions and seaweed, which makes it a little Japanese. It's a good idea ? If it's spicy 1.5, I think it's okay if you don't like spicy food. There are taste-changing vinegar, fried garlic oil, mashed garlic, etc. ❗ There are hair elastics, god aprons, and hand towels that are gentle on women. Does it look masculine, or even a female is okay ? It was cut by a couple? It's not amiable, but gentle. I will conquer other menus again ... Thank you for your treat ?
masaki azuma on Google

写真は「ジェット(カツなし)」650円。 カウンターだけ8席のこじんまりとしたお店です。 オーダーして程なく到着したラーメンは、キャベツやらモヤシやらの野菜がたっぷり載ったぱっと見スタミナ系。ミンチが載ってて坦々風にも見えます。 先ずは多分醤油のスープをすするとパンチのある辛味。辛さレベルが1.5〜MAX(30)まであって、MAXを食べた人のみ、次のステップの45やら60の特別メニューをオーダーできるようでした。最高はLevel150。試してみたいね。 麺は細めのストレートで大好きなやつ。硬さは硬いもの好きな自分にはとても良いゆで加減。メニューからはわかりませんでしたがオーダーしてる人が居たので替え玉もできるみたいですよ。 しっかり美味しいしボリュームも十分。これで650円なんだから安過ぎ!また行きたいです!
The photo is "Jet (without cutlet)" for 650 yen. It is a small shop with 8 seats only at the counter. The ramen that arrived shortly after ordering was a stamina type with plenty of vegetables such as cabbage and bean sprouts. It looks like minced meat on it. First of all, maybe the soy sauce soup has a punchy and spicy taste. The spiciness level was from 1.5 to MAX (30), and only those who ate MAX seemed to be able to order the special menu of 45 or 60 in the next step. The highest is Level 150. I want to try it. The noodles are thin, straight and my favorite. The hardness is very good for me who likes hard things. I didn't know from the menu, but there was a person who ordered it, so it seems that you can also replace it. It's delicious and has plenty of volume. This is 650 yen, so it's too cheap! I want to go again!
Xiao Zeng (Chad) on Google

goes there almost every week. delicious but bit pricey for me.
Welshare Fayte on Google

Spicy noodles with some pork cutlets deep fried on top. and veggies on top as well. Simply delicious - a must try is you're all about fooe

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