
4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact コンディメント。カフェ

住所 :

Motomachi, Shiogama, 〒985-0052 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–8PM
Sunday 11:30AM–8PM
Monday 11:30AM–8PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11:30AM–8PM
Friday 11:30AM–8PM
街 : Miyagi

Motomachi, Shiogama, 〒985-0052 Miyagi,Japan
ゆとり軍曹 on Google

夫婦でやっている感じのお店でした。 15時まで ランチもやっているので、塩釜神社で参拝した後にゆっくり昼食を取ることができました。 自分は、えびチャーハン(大盛り)にランチセットを+αで頼みましたが、結構お腹がいっぱいになりました。 チャーハンに入っているエビがゴロッと大きいのがあり、下処理がちゃんとしているのか、余計な臭みがなく美味しかったです。
It was like a couple doing it. I also had lunch until 15:00, so I was able to have lunch slowly after visiting the Shiogama Shrine. I asked the shrimp fried rice (large size) for a lunch set with + α, but I was quite hungry. The shrimp in the fried rice was big and it was delicious with no extra odor, probably because the preparation was done properly.
asumi on Google

平日昼にお邪魔しました。外観も内装もとってもおしゃれ✨こじんまりとしていて一人で入っても居心地がいい。席数は決して多くないし、このご時世だから大人数で行くのはオススメ出来ないかも... このお店を営んでいるご夫婦はとても優しそうな方々。お客さんの料理の質問も快くコメントしてくれていました。 大切な人、ご友人と素敵な時間を過ごせると思います。 もちろんお料理もめちゃくちゃ美味しい✨ 次回は夫とのご飯デートで利用させてもらう予定です? 素敵な時間をありがとうございました!
I visited on weekday noon. The exterior and interior are very fashionable and small, and it is comfortable to enter alone. The number of seats is not large, and it may not be recommended to go with a large number of people because of this time... The couple who runs this shop are very kind people. He kindly commented on our customers' cooking questions. I think you can spend a wonderful time with your loved ones and friends. Of course the food is also delicious ✨ Next time I plan to use it on a rice date with my husband ? Thank you for a wonderful time!
おおまちみはる on Google

This shop near the acquaintance's house in Shiogama. The people who went with me ate the ankake fried noodles recommended by the clerk, but of course I like Marvo fried noodles, of course, Marvo fried noodles !! I just compared it with Sendai's favorite, but the volume is different first I wondered if it was made less for women. I was happy that there were many other ingredients besides tofu such as wood ear, cabbage, and carrot. It is said that the parking lot is for about 3 cars, but since the inside of the store is small, the 4 people who visited first were full in no time. It seems that you can make a reservation, so I thought it would be better to make a reservation when you bother me.
C T on Google

ランチで伺いました。 あんかけ焼きそばとチーズケーキ、コーヒーのセットにしましたが、あんかけ焼きそばがとても美味しかったです。 肉は使われてなくて、ザーサイが入ってますが、 上品な味でした。 あっさりした中に旨みがあります。 コーヒーも美味しかったですが、チーズケーキは普通かな。 他のメニューも気になるので、また行ってみたいです。
I visited for lunch. I made a set of ankake fried noodles, cheesecake and coffee, but the ankake fried noodles were very delicious. Meat is not used and contains Zha cai, It was an elegant taste. There is umami in the light. The coffee was delicious, but the cheesecake is normal. I'm curious about other menus, so I'd like to go there again.
鈴木貴之 on Google

本日ランチで伺いました。塩竈の本町商店街を本塩釜駅方面から歩いて行くと、そのほぼ終わりの場所に位置しています。おさんこ茶屋さんの隣です。 ランチは4種類から選べて(メニューの写真参照)、妻はナポリタン、息子はガーリック炒飯、私はあんかけ焼きそばとコーヒーを注文しました。 一口食べて思ったのは、「う、うまい!」ということ。ホテルのあんかけ焼そばに勝るとも劣らない味で、価格帯リーズナブルな分こちらの方がお得です。 普段は辛口の妻も「このナポリタンは美味しい」とのこと。 コーヒーも飲みやすくありつつも、しっかりとお店の個性を感じられる味わいでした。 全体的にはフードもドリンクも高い水準のカフェです。 難点は、車できた際の駐車場が少ないこと。多分1台分しか停められない? 本町の駐車場からは少し歩来ますし、今日みたいに結構人が入っていると駐車場には停められないので、特に塩竈の町歩きをしている人にオススメのカフェです。
I visited for lunch today. If you walk along the Honmachi shopping street in Shiogama from the direction of Hon-Shiogama station, you will find it at almost the end. Next to Osankocha. You can choose from four types of lunch (see the menu picture), my wife ordered Napolitan, my son garlic fried rice, and I ordered ankake fried noodles and coffee. After eating a bite, I thought, "Uh, good!" It tastes as good as Ankake Yakisoba at the hotel, and it is more profitable because it is reasonably priced. My wife, who is usually dry, said, "This Napolitan is delicious." The coffee was easy to drink, but the taste was such that you could feel the individuality of the shop. Overall, it's a cafe with a high standard of food and drinks. The difficulty is that there are few parking lots when you can get a car. Maybe only one car can be parked? It's a little walk from the parking lot in Honmachi, and if there are quite a few people like today, you can't park in the parking lot, so it's a cafe especially recommended for people walking in Shiogama.
bee tee on Google

There was a shop that I was curious about just passing by, so I introduced it to an acquaintance and used it for the first time. I ordered a lunch course meal this time, but all the dishes served were delicious and I had a blissful time ?? It is run by a couple, and the husband who is cooking is a past hotel He is the chef and seems to have opened independently.
HERO on Google

とてもオシャレなカフェの外観と内装でBGMはジャズ♫マスターは有名ホテルの料理長をしていた方で、料理は抜群に美味しい!! マスターとママ(ご夫婦)は気さくで笑顔が素敵!癒やされます!! ランチもディナーもとてもリーズナブル☆ どのメニューも油を少量にしているため、中華なのに重くなくヘルシー!おすすめは『あんかけ焼きそば、ぱらぱらチャーハン、牛肉のチンジャオロースー』珍しいものでは、白キクラゲを使ったメニューもある。 予約制で本格コースもやっている。豪華メニューなのにとてもお得!
The exterior and interior of the cafe is very fashionable, and the BGM is Jazz♫ The master is the chef of a famous hotel, and the food is outstandingly delicious! !! Master and mom (couple) are friendly and have a nice smile! You will be healed! !! Both lunch and dinner are very reasonable ☆ All menus use a small amount of oil, so they are Chinese but not heavy and healthy! We recommend "Ankake Yakisoba, Parapara Fried Rice, Beef Chinjao Rosu". There is also a rare menu that uses white fungus. We also offer full-scale courses by appointment. It's a gorgeous menu, but it's a great deal!
Joe on Google

お料理、お店の旦那さん奥さん、店内の雰囲気、三拍子が全て揃った素敵なお店です。 たまたまグーグルマップで見つけてお邪魔したんですけど、本当に大当たりでした。 今は蔓延防止などもありますので、是非お電話してから行く事をお勧め致します。
It's a wonderful restaurant with all the food, the husband's wife, the atmosphere inside the restaurant, and the triple time signature. I happened to find it on Google Maps and bothered me, but it was a real big hit. Now that we have some measures to prevent the spread, we recommend that you call us before you go.

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