フミキリ カフェ 下馬

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact フミキリ カフェ 下馬

住所 :

Geba, Tagajō, 〒985-0835 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Webサイト : http://www.fumikiri.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Geba, Tagajō, 〒985-0835 Miyagi,Japan
くまはな on Google

坂病院にお見舞いに通っていたので息抜きに最適な場所みっけ❣️ かよちゃんのみかんジュース?でリフレッシュ?無農薬で土からこだわって収穫した稀少なみかんをふんだんに使って作るそうです。
Since I was visiting Saka Hospital, it was the best place to take a break ❣️ Refresh with Kayo-chan's mandarin juice ? ? It is said that it is made with plenty of rare mandarin oranges that are carefully harvested from the soil without using pesticides.
鈴木真由美 on Google

I had a curry lunch and a pasta lunch with my daughter. The curry and pasta were delicious. Especially the curry was delicious and the spiciness was just right. I used the sofa seats because the counter seats were full, but the table was low and not suitable for eating. If it's just bread and coffee, it's okay. One person came to the store one after another, and had a meal while having a fun conversation with the very friendly owner. On the way home, I bought some donuts and cream coronet. The bread was also very delicious. It seems that the number of breads will decrease after lunch. We recommend many options early in the morning. I wondered if there was a parking lot because the station was near, but 3-4 cars could be parked.
天野宏典 on Google

ArtGalleryAtelier禅より 私Atelier禅では、お客様のニーズと今の令和の時代のセンスの良い絵画を展示販売しておりますので、ぜひ、ご来店ください。
From Art Gallery Atelier Zen At Atelier Zen, we are exhibiting and selling paintings that have a good sense of customer needs and the era of Reiwa, so please come visit us.
だてさん on Google

すごくびっくりした。 今日は自宅だとうるさいので静かなところをと思い、コーヒーも飲みたいしと思い検索で星4以上あったここに決めた。店内入って感じ良さそうな男の人の対応を受けて座って、コーヒーを頼んで集中しているとしばらくして女性の店員と客(女性)が会話していて、その内容が知人なのかこの店の客なのかわからないけど、まさかのあまり良くない噂話でしかも店員が始めたことに驚きを隠せない。え?何ここの店の人は人の心象よくない話を店で堂々とすんの?そもそも人の悪口じみた話は聞いていて気分が良くない。そもそも私がそのお話に出てくる女性の知人だったらどうするのでしょうか。極めて失礼かと。 コーヒーは美味しいけど味わう気分にもなれずに、まだ一口しか飲んでなかったコーヒーを大口でもう一口飲んで、店をでた。本当にびっくりして、とても気分が悪い。家でコーヒー入れておとなしく飲めばよかったと後悔した朝でした。 星の評価は2口しか飲んでいないコーヒーに対してです。噂好きならきっとぴったりなお店です。
I was very surprised. It's noisy at home today, so I thought it was a quiet place, and I wanted to drink coffee, so I decided to go here because there were 4 or more stars in the search. After a while, a female clerk and a customer (female) were talking to each other when I was sitting in the store and sitting down after receiving a response from a man who seemed to feel good, and asking for coffee. I don't know if it's a customer of this shop, but it's a bad rumor and I can't help but be surprised that the clerk started it. picture? What are the people in this store proudly telling stories that are not good for people? In the first place, I don't feel good listening to people's bad talk. What if I was a female acquaintance in the story in the first place? Is it extremely rude? The coffee was delicious, but I didn't feel like tasting it, so I ate another sip of coffee that I had only had a sip and left the store. I'm really surprised and very sick. It was the morning when I regretted that I should have made coffee at home and drank quietly. The star rating is for coffee that you only drink two mouthfuls. If you like rumors, this is the perfect shop.
鈴木貴之 on Google

多賀城市下馬駅から徒歩2分のカフェ。本当にすぐそこで、このあたりで少しおしゃれなお店でランチをと思ったらたぶん一択じゃないでしょうか。 外にメニューが書かれてある看板があるので、入る前に価格帯を知らないと心配という人はご確認を。決してすごく安くはありませんが、良心的な値段です。 しかし私が訪れたのが11時過ぎだったのでランチの時間よりも少し早かったため、パンとコーヒーにしようと中に入りました。 客席は4人がけソファ席が1つ、カウンター席が3つ、窓に面した席が2つありました。こじんまりとしたお店です。しかし、装飾などを見ているとマスターのこだわりが感じられます。とは言ってもそれがどぎついわけではなく、うまく明るい雰囲気の中に調和しているという感じ。 コーヒーは5種類からチョイスでき、注文を受けてから手で引いていました。ちなみにホットコーヒーは350円。一番酸味が強いと言われたメキシコ産のコーヒーを頼みましたが、普通に美味しかったです。味、量、値段のバランスがとても良いコーヒーです。 ピザパンを頼んだのですが、店内で食べるということで温めてくれましたそれだけではなく、もともと丸いのですが、食べやすく4つに切ってくれました。生地はカリカリしていました(時間とともに柔らかくなりましたが)。具材がめっちゃうまい。。。マッシュルームピザもお願いしたのですが、マッシュルームがすごく美味しかったです。 ソーセージパンのソーセージパンもパン生地もおいしく、「パン屋のパンは生地が大事!」と私は思っているのですが、個人的合格点をはるかに突破していました。 コーヒーコッペパンもシナモンパン (シナモンは妻曰くフレッシュなものをグラインドしたのではないか?)もおいしい。 サービスはすごく良かったです。とても配慮されていて、痒い所に手が届く感じがすばらしい。例えば手を使って食べる場合に濡れナプキンがないと食後の不快感が残るけど、ここは何も追わなくても持ってきてくれました。その他にもいろいろと気が付くお店で、素晴らしかったです。 また行きたいと思います。
Cafe which is a 2-minute walk from Shiga Station of Tagajo City. Really right there, maybe it's probably the best choice if you want to have lunch in a little fashionable shop around here. There is a signboard with a menu written on the outside, so if you don't know the price range before entering, check if you are worried. It is not very cheap at all, but it is a conscientious price. However, since it was past 11:00 when I visited, it was a little earlier than lunch time, so I went in to try bread and coffee. There were four seats for the audience, one for the sofa, three for the counter, and two for the window. It is a small shop. However, when you look at the decoration etc., you can feel the obsession of the master. However, it feels like it's not embarrassingly, but harmoniously in a bright atmosphere. We could choose from 5 types of coffee, which we handed out after receiving our order. By the way, hot coffee is 350 yen. I ordered a coffee from Mexico that was said to have the strongest acidity, but it was usually delicious. It is a coffee with a good balance of taste, amount and price. I asked for pizza bread, but it was not only that it warmed me to eat in the store, but it was originally round, but it was easy to eat and it was cut into four. The dough was crispy (although it became soft with time). The ingredients are so good. . . I asked for a mushroom pizza, but the mushroom was very delicious. Sausage bread, sausage bread and bread dough are delicious, and I think that "bakery bread is important for dough!" But I exceeded the personal passing score much. Coffee coppe bread and cinnamon bread (Cinnamon grinded something fresh with his wife?) Are also delicious. The service was very good. It's very thoughtful and it feels like you can reach a great place. For example, when I use it with my hands, I can not feel the post-meal discomfort without a wet napkin, but I brought it here without following anything. It was wonderful at a shop that noticed a lot of other things. I think I want to go again.
かぴばらすぴーど on Google

JR仙石線下馬駅の近く。 本当に踏切の近くに有るカフェです。 駐車場は2~3台といった所でしょうか? 近くに坂病院という総合病院が有り、待ち時間にちょっと寄る、終わってからちょっと寄る、といった使い方の方が案外多いそうです。 ランチメニュー(850円)はカレー、パスタ、サンドイッチの3種で内容は季節によって色々変わる模様。 コーヒー(380円)は5種類のラインナップ。 店内の黒板に書かれていまして、オーダー時にしっかり豆のタイプの説明をしてくれます。 ローストはちょい浅煎りからちょい深煎りくらいの間ですかね。 ハンドドリップで丁寧に淹れたコーヒーは美味しいです。 フードはカレーしか食べた事が有りませんが、ターメリックの効いた日本式カレーでしょうか。 十分美味しいですし、量も有りますので普通にお腹いっぱいになりますよ。 ドリンクは他にもカフェラテ、紅茶、ハーブティー、スムージー、日本茶とラインナップ豊富。 こだわりの飲み物をコスパ良く。 かなりオススメ出来るお店です。
Near Shimouma Station on the JR Sengoku Line. A cafe that is really near the railroad crossing. Is there a parking lot like two or three? There is a general hospital called Saka Hospital nearby, and it seems that there are unexpectedly many ways to use it, such as stopping a little for waiting time or stopping a little after finishing. The lunch menu (850 yen) is curry, pasta, and sandwich, and the contents vary depending on the season. Coffee (380 yen) is a lineup of five types. It is written on the blackboard in the shop and will explain the type of beans when ordering. The roast is between a little light roast and a little deep roast. Coffee carefully brewed with hand drip is delicious. The food has only eaten curry, but is it a Japanese curry with turmeric? It is delicious enough, and there is a lot to fill it up normally. Other drinks include latte, black tea, herbal tea, smoothies, and Japanese tea. Cospa good discerning drink. It is a shop that can be highly recommended.
কালো KALO on Google

いつも、パスタを茹でるのに時間がかかりますが、と念を押されると、なおさら食べてみたくなるんです。しかも、カレーとサンドイッチはテイクアウトできるのに、麺が硬くなってしまうから… という理由で、パスタは店内のみの提供です。それだけ思いがこもっているということですから、やはりここは中でパスタをいただいて、お土産用にカレーをテイクアウトすることにしました。 テイクアウトは、カレーの“ルー”のみ、カレーとライス、あるいは店内提供のセットそのまま持ち帰りするか選べます。家で食べるのか、外でお弁当にするかによっても変わってくるものですから、なんと良心的。 よく、セットを選んだのに「なまモノは(傷むので)付きません」なんて条件付きだったりしますが、こちらでは店内で出てくる品をフルセット持ち帰ることができます。帰って、袋から出すと、サラダに保冷剤が添えてあって感心しました。 コーヒーはブレンドの他に、常に三、四種の豆から選ぶことができて、それぞれの持ち味を丁寧に説明してもらえます。持ち帰りに頼んだラテにも、「豆はベトナムです」と言い添えながら、スープと共に袋の中のカッブスタンドに差し込んでくれました。 そうした、心の込め方の一つ一つが、フミキリカフェ印でした。
It always takes time to boil pasta, but when I'm reminded, I want to try it even more. Moreover, although curry and sandwiches can be taken out, the noodles become hard, so pasta is only offered inside the store. That's how much I think about it, so I decided to have pasta inside and take out curry for souvenirs. For takeout, you can choose to take out only the curry "roux", curry and rice, or the set provided in the store as it is. It depends on whether you eat at home or have a lunch outside, so it's very conscientious. Often, even though I chose a set, there is a condition that "Namamono will not be attached (because it will be damaged)", but here you can take home the full set of items that come out in the store. When I got home and took it out of the bag, I was impressed with the salad with the ice pack. In addition to blending coffee, you can always choose from three or four types of beans, and you will be given a detailed explanation of the characteristics of each. When I asked the latte to take it home, he added that "beans are Vietnam" and inserted it into the cub stand in the bag with the soup. Each of these ways of putting in my heart was the Fumikiri Cafe sign.
Ryosuke Ito on Google

It's very cozy and easy to get there from the geba station!

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